
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 21 - The Realm of the Dead

That is to say, Yu Tian pounced to the right of the ninja group, to one of the lower ninja is a punch, that lower ninja can not pull out the sword in time, had to also swing his fist against the past, ah a scream, that lower ninja's hand is broken, the side of another lower ninja waved a knife to the head of the Yu Tian chop, Yu Tian slightly side of the head, the left hand grabbed that lower ninja holding the knife's arm, the right elbow on the lower ninja's chest hit hard. That under-ninja spat out blood and fell down.


A middle ninja standing on the left asked the top ninja beside him, "Yamamoto-kun, should we make a move?"


Ichiro Yamamoto shook his head, "This is an expert, for an expert I have to give him enough respect, together that would be an insult to me, Ichiro Yamamoto." What Yamamoto Ichiro didn't know was that it was because of his decision that he got his life back.


And one of those four westerners asked their head, "Head, do you think I'll do it now?"


The one at the head said, "Matthew, take it easy. Let these island dwarfs have some fun first."


The upper ninja on the right also hurriedly said once he saw that Yu Tian was an expert, "Go, go together."


Utena wanted a quick battle, holding the katana he had just seized and charged at the ninjas. A big slash and kill, instantly put down four lower ninjas and three middle ninjas. However, his own back was also slashed, but the wound was not deep.


Yutian swept the battlefield, White Tiger Gang's people are basically lying down, Flying Dragon and their three how is also the national security elite, against these ordinary gangsters or not a problem, but after all, it is three against thirty people, but also still a little bit out of strength, hound right hand also received a knife, Flying Dragon and the brutal ox is not much of a matter, just gasping for breath there. On their side, there are two upper ninjas, three middle ninjas, and those four westerners also seem to be experts, and their strength is estimated to be between middle ninjas and upper ninjas.


The three Flying Dragons adjusted themselves and walked up, "Head, I'll leave the three on the right to Hound and I. You and Brute Bull will deal with the three on the left."


Utena looked at Hound, "Hound, your injury?"


"I'm fine, I got stung, and although I might be a bit disadvantaged against the upper ninjas, I'll still have no problem dealing with the middle ninjas." Hearing Utena's question, the hound was a bit touched.


The top ninja on the right saw how tough his opponent was, so he called out to the ninja on the left, "Yamamoto-kun, don't you make a move yet, have you forgotten about this mission?"


Ichiro Yamamoto said faintly upon hearing this, "I have my own reasons for what I do, and it's not your turn, Ono-kun, to *heart* about it."


"You, well. Yamamoto-kun, I'll go back home and report this to the military ministry, I hope you won't regret it." Onojiro said in exasperation.


"Ono-kun, please get this straight, I, Yamamoto, came here this time to return a favor, I'm not a dog of the military ministry like you."


Ono choked when he heard that, but he also knew that Yamamoto wasn't wrong, it was true that he wasn't a member of the military department, so the military department wasn't binding on him. Moreover, he didn't want to fall out with Yamamoto before the enemy, after all, Yamamoto was also an upper ninja, and there were two middle ninjas around him. Thinking of this Onojiro said, "Yamamoto, since you're here to return the favor I won't say too much, if you think you can deal with the few people in front of you on your own you'll make your move later, if you can't I hope that you and I can join forces." Turning to the four westerners again, he said, "Mi friends, I, Ono, hope that you can join together and kill the Chinese in front of us. As for the girl, we'll discuss it after we exterminate the Chinese man in front of us. What do you guys think?" The four westerners also discussed it and nodded.


In the bulletproof car, Zhao Yutong was also looking at Yutian and the others with a nervous face, Sun Xiaodie was asking Viper one after another, "Have you contacted them yet?" Just now when Yutian went over he left Peng Xiaofeng's phone number to Zhao Yutong and the others, telling them to contact Peng Xiaofeng to bring someone over to help, it's not that Yutian doesn't have confidence in himself, it's just that it's his usual habit to make sure that he can't make a half-assed mistake in his mission, and by calling Peng Xiaofeng and the others to come over, Zhao Yutong and the others will be a bit safer.


"Contacted, they're on their way over right now." Viper didn't say too much.


Zhao Yutong spoke up, "Why don't you go down and help too, don't worry, we won't go down. Besides, we will only be safe if you guys are fine. You going down there is one more person and one more strength ah." Viper glanced at Zhao Yutong and nodded.


Peng Xiaofeng answered the phone also with people who were rushing towards Yutian and the others in a hurry: "Hurry up, hurry up again."


In no time, two upper ninjas, three middle ninjas, and four westerners had gathered around. It was obvious that they were all convinced by Onojiro.


Seeing the nine people who surrounded them, these are all experts. Yu Tian said to Fei Long and the others, "Respond to the battle carefully and keep yourself safe." Fei Long and the others nodded. Just then, Viper ran over, "Count me in." Fei Long frowned, "Why did you come down, didn't I tell you to stay in the car and protect the two of them?" "You guys are having a good fight, telling me to stay in the car and watch my brothers fight for their lives, I can't do it." Viper said aggrievedly. "You...." Flying Dragon was about to say something else when Yutian interrupted, "Forget it, Flying Dragon, he's right. All of you are brothers who have been born and died together, you guys are fighting for your lives here, and asking him to look on from the side is not justifiable." Hearing Yu Tian say that, Fei Long also no longer insisted, Viper gratefully glanced at Yu Tian.


Yutian also stopped saying anything and huffed as he rushed towards the four MiGs. Flying Dragon and Hound took on the two Onojiros, while Brute Bull and Viper took on the three Yamamotos. Yutian then punched the head of the MiG, Yutian felt his hand go a little numb, while the MiG put his hand behind his back, but there was a bit of blood dripping down on the ground. The other three MiGs looked at Yutian and his own head to do it, also together surrounded up. One of them called Matthew's to Yu Tian is a punch over, Yu Tian know they are all power type, also do not fight with them, footsteps a slip to avoid the past, the right hand elbow on the back of Matthew's hard hit, followed by a kick over, that Matthew flew out, lying on the ground motionless. Suddenly, Yu Tian felt a strong wind behind the head came over, then quickly to the side of a crooked, the meter countryman screamed on the kick a empty.


Taking advantage of this gap, Yu Tian looked at Fei Long and their situation, only to see that Fei Long and Hound had already finished off that Nakanobu by Ono's side, however, Hound was more or less affected by the action because of the original injury on his hand, an inadvertent back received a knife from Ono, the wound was deep enough to see the bone.


On the other hand, Viper side, Brute Bull is okay, after all, he is still very good in melee combat, one person against two Nakanobu is not a problem, Viper against Yamamoto is a little reluctant, hand over his chest, the corner of his mouth and the slightest trace of blood, looks like he was seriously injured.


Seeing such a state of affairs, Yu Tian was enraged. If this continued, Fei Long and the others might be in danger, so he fought and shouted, "Fei Long, you guys back off and withdraw fifty meters."


When the four Flying Dragons heard this, they couldn't help but reply, "Head, we can still hold on. I.."


Before Fei Long could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Yu Tian, "Stand down, that's an order."


The four Flying Dragons didn't hold out any longer and found an opportunity to jump out of the combat circle and retreat. Seeing the four Flying Dragons safely retreating, Yu Tian took a deep breath, then smiled ghastly, "Very well, you have angered me, today you will all stay for me." After saying that, the islanders and the rice people they felt that the air suddenly became dull, a biting murderous aura erupted from Yu Tian's body, that murderous aura made the islanders and the rice people feel as if there was something pressing down on their chests, making them gasp for air. Even the Flying Dragon four people are also a big change in color, to kill how many people can cohesion up so thick killing ah, even the car Zhao Yutong Sun Xiaodie they also feel the air a little cold, unconsciously pulled the collar.


If Peng Xiaofeng had rushed over right now, he would have absolutely screamed, "The field of death." This scene he also saw once, that is his sister once by a foreign to the capital city of the second ancestor slapped, was Yu Tian know, he went over to hold Pang Yuyan looked at that second ancestor is now this kind of appearance, at that time that the second ancestor was beaten no one, and the Peng family rushed over to the four internal guards for fear of Yu Tian to fight out of the matter, rushed over to prepare to discourage, did not expect to also be Yu Tian hit three serious injuries and a minor injuries. After the incident, Yu genius said, now he is this kung fu has not been practiced to the home, when he used up this kung fu within thirty meters is an indiscriminate attack, this time to Peng Xiaofeng to envy, Peng Xiaofeng also gave it a windy name - the field of the God of Death.


Island people and rice people can't stand this depressing atmosphere and rushed up, Yu Tian toes a little scurrying over, bang bang bang rotating a few punches, followed by bang bang bang rotating a few kicks, only to see the island people and the rice people just like fireworks burst apart. A few rice country heat is instantly dead, the head of the rice over the people to hold the last breath said: "good strong, who in the end are you?"


"In the Middle East people call me Death." Utena said lightly.


"So it's you, we actually went up against you, ridiculous, ridiculous." The leader of the Mi Overlanders laughed twice before closing his eyes forever.


Utena walked up and crushed Onoichiro's head with a foot and softly said, "You shouldn't have come to China, much less messed with me."


Walking up to Yamamoto, he gave Yamamoto a look, "Your turn."


Yamamoto was not very badly injured because he rushed at the end and had the best hands. He slowly stood up, drew the katana he wore with him and slowly said, "You're the strongest expert I've ever seen, but I'm going to fight you as well, so please make your move."


Seeing Yamamoto's sword, Utena couldn't help but froze, "You're from the Sakura Club."


Ichiro Yamamoto was taken aback, but before he could speak, a woman's voice came from far away, "Yamamoto, stop."


Seeing the woman running over, Yamamoto's face changed drastically, it was Kazumiko Inaba. Kazumiko was the chairman's personal chambermaid, and since she was here, it seemed that the chairman knew about his visit to China this time.


Yu Tian's face also became ugly, Yamamoto's hand katana had a white cherry blossom on it, this was the unique symbol of the Sakura Club, and it was also designed by himself. He himself once went to the island country to carry out a mission and saved a female assassin by the way, and later he helped that female assassin to seize the control of the Sakura Club. The condition was that without his permission, as long as she, Yamaguchi Yako, was in charge of the Sakura Club for one day, the people of the Sakura Club were not allowed to set foot in China for half a step. Unexpectedly, the people of the Sakura Club actually did not take themselves seriously thought of this Yu Tian faintly said, "Since you are the people of the Sakura Club, then you deserve to die even more." Saying that, he was ready to lay his hands on death.


By this time Kazumiko had also reached the front, and when she saw that Utena was ready to strike she hurriedly called out, "Ryu-kun, please be merciful first."


Utena glanced at Kazumiko, "This person must die, as for you this time, forget it, you go back and bring a letter to Masako, since the Sakura Club doesn't keep their promises, there's no need to stay in the world."


Kazumiko's face changed dramatically at that, "Ryu-kun, please let me explain."


Utena waved her hand, "No need to explain."


Kazumiko's face was a pale white, she was the chairman's personal maid, she knew this man's methods too well, if he wanted to destroy the Sakura Club tomorrow, the day after that there would absolutely be no Sakura Club in existence. Thinking of this she looked at Yamamoto Ichiro with hatred: ''Yamamoto, are you satisfied now? Because of you the Sakura Club will cease to exist. You cut yourself."


Ichiro Yamamoto also didn't expect Yutian to have such great energy, and he had always been loyal to the Sakura Club. So Yamamoto said to Utena, "Mr. Liu, my coming to China this time is my private act, because I have a favor from someone else, that person has saved my life. Our chairman didn't know that I came to China this time, so I offended you I'm willing to take all the responsibility, and I hope you won't take it out on the Sakura Club."


"Oh, who do you owe a favor to?" Utena asked curiously.


"Li Zicong's grandfather, Li Lei, who saved me back then, contacted me two days ago and asked me to come to China to deal with a person, I originally wanted to return the favor and go back to ask for forgiveness like our chairman, but I didn't expect that the person I have to deal with is actually you." Yamamoto Ichiro smiled bitterly.


"Is everything you said true?" Utena asked.


"It's true, Ryu-kun. After our chairman knew that Yamamoto had come to China privately, he told me to come over immediately to escort him back, but I didn't realize that I was still a step too late." Kazumiko also hurriedly replied as soon as she saw that things seemed to have taken a turn for the better.


"That's right, then let's forget about it this time, I don't want there to be a next time." Yu Tian said. He liked people who emphasized righteousness and affection. Although Yamamoto had violated their agreement, he had come to China privately because of the kindness of saving his life, and was able to face his responsibilities alone and frankly. He likes people who dare to do so, not to mention that Yamamoto has not yet caused any consequences, so forget it and let him go.


"Don't dare, we don't dare to have a next time." Kazumiko replied in a hurry.


Yutian picked up the hound and led Feilong and the others towards the car, leaving a sentence from afar, "Take your people and leave quickly, those two on the ground should still be saved, tell Yako that Yamamoto is a good person, cultivate him well."


Watching Utena and the others go away, Kazumiko was also overwhelmed with emotion and swept Yamamoto a glance, "Let's go."