
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 12: You Just Know How to Bully Me

A few days passed in a flash, Yu Tian also looked at the security measures of the villa in these few days, and made suggestions on the ones that were insufficient. Looking at Fei Long and the other four, Yu Tian asked, "Fei Long, if I'm not wrong, you should be better at firearms, right?" Fei Long nodded in surprise, "How did you know that?"


Smiling, Yutian said: ''Judging from the calluses on your hands, you should have practiced marksmanship a lot, in saying that a person's title is also a kind of affirmation of that person's ability. You are called the Flying Dragon, the dragon, the dragon whistles the nine heavens, in our traditional Chinese consciousness, the dragon is a totem, it is almost the only animal that can attack remotely, and firearms are also a means of attack for long-range shooting. However, I hope you are not only good at firearms, but also have excellent talents in other instruments, such as cars, boats, airplanes and so on, that way you will be a real Flying Dragon in the sky."


Turning his head, Yu Tian continued, "If I haven't guessed wrongly, the Viper should be good at scheming, the Hound is good at tracking, and the Brute Bull should be quite good at melee combat, and the combat power of the four of you combined is quite terrifying."


Flying Dragon four people are a face of admiration, Viper is also a little surprised, to his own intelligence he has a certain pride, but Yu Tian such meticulous observation ability I'm afraid that even he is also inferior.


After a few pleasantries and arranging the tasks of the four, Yutian was ready to get a driver's license, he usually wouldn't be asked to drive when he was around Peng Lao, and when he was actually asked to drive, it would mean that Peng Lao was a certain security threat, and at that time, no one would be there to think about any license, so he didn't have this driver's license. To stay here for a few months, need to drive at any time, no driver's license will sometimes be a little trouble, he is not afraid of trouble, but he does not like to have trouble. But how to get it? Going to the test does not have so much time, do not take the test and who to find? Brain light, Yu Tian thought of a person: Fan Si Yu. In fact, Yutian is also guarding the real Buddha burning fake incense, if you look for Flying Dragon them to get a driver's license that is not a trivial matter? Of course, maybe Yutian didn't think of it, maybe he wanted to go see a beautiful woman. Anyway, he drove to find Fan Siyu to go.


So Yutian came to the criminal police force, found Fan Siyu. Fan Siyu is now the captain, Zeng Zhiquan thought that the bank robbery case made a big promotion, transferred to another place when the deputy director to go. And Fan Siyu this deputy post also corrected.


When Yutian walked in, Fan Siyu was standing there at the filing cabinet checking out something. Seeing Yu Tian, Fan Si Yu's mind floated a few words: milk powder, cow. So she asked fiercely, "You dead rascal why are you here, what's your business? Get out of here."


Yutian wasn't angry either, and directly sat down on Fan Si Yu's captain's seat, crossing his arms, "What, you don't pour a glass of water even when you have guests? What's the matter I also saved you."


Yu Tian didn't say anything wrong, and Fan Si Yu had no choice but to pour a cup of water and serve it to him. Receiving the water, Yu Tian shook his head, "I said you really just poured a cup of white water, why are you so unenthusiastic? There isn't any Big Red Robe, Extreme Dragon Well or something like that?"


"Drink it, if you drink it, don't drink it." Fan Siyu was furious: "Get up, is this where you sit? To sit go sit on the opposite sofa." Saying this, Fan Si Yu swung her hand over, wanting to pull Yu Tian up.


Yutian reached out and grabbed that small hand, mouth tsked: "You say such a beautiful hand old messy wave do what? I say you girl good not do, do what criminal police, white blind you this body."


"It's none of your business what I do, is it?" Pulling his hand out, Fanshiyu threw another punch, and without surprise, it was blocked again. Utena laughed, "No more teasing, I came to ask for your help."


"What a favor."


"That I drove here, I don't have a driver's license."


"Oh, coming to turn yourself in, but you've got the wrong door, you should go to the traffic police, this is the criminal police." Fan Siyu said sarcastically/laughing dryly, Yutian said, "I meant to ask you to do one for me."


"Oh, sorry, I'm a criminal police officer, not a traffic cop. I'm sorry, I can't help you, I'll just do my part." Fan Siyu wanted to laugh out loud a few times, you have asked me too.


Yutian wasn't angry and said with a smile, "That's right, people, just do your job. But when you say me, I'm not a police officer or a doctor. How did I save you in the first place? Can't figure it out, can't figure it out."


Once she heard Yu Tian take this up again, Fan Si Yu was speechless. She braced her hands on the table, bent over and gritted her teeth as she said word for word, "Okay, I'll do it for you, are you satisfied?"


Yu Tian looked at Fan Si Yu half a day did not respond, Fan Si Yu with a hand in front of Yu Tian's eyes waved, "How do you pull?"


"So big and white. Red, white and different." Utena murmured.


"What do you mean?" Fan Si Yu was a bit puzzled, and following Yu Tian's eyes, she realized it. She was so angry that she was about to have a fit, but she knew that striking was no match for the asshole in front of her, so she smiled demurely, "Is it nice?"


"Good looking," Utena said honestly.


"Still want to see?" Fanshawe smiled wryly.


"Don't want to."


"Why?" Fanshiyu wondered.


"Although it's been said that give me a fulcrum and I can warp the earth. But even if I had a fulcrum, I couldn't warp the desk in front of my eyes." Utena replied seriously.


Fan Siyu sized up Yu Tian with confused eyes, looking at his current posture and then associating it with what Yu Tian had said, Fan Siyu, even if she was stupid, would know what he was talking about. All of a sudden, Fan Si Yu's face turned iron blue, then her eyes turned red and tears swished down.


This time Yu Tian panicked, a woman's tears were no less lethal than a rocket launcher to him. In a flash, he walked over to Fan Si Yu's side: "That, girl I was wrong, I went overboard. Don't cry, I apologize to you."


It's okay if you don't say it, once you say it Fan Si Yu cried even louder, saying as she cried, "You bastard, you just know how to bully me."


"Uh" Yutian looked at Fan SiYu dumbfounded, how did that sound like a couple's petting. Fan Siyu also reacted at once, and couldn't help but think to herself how could she say something like that? Could it be that she liked him? How can that be? They've only known each other for a few days. And this bastard always molests himself, it's good that he doesn't hate him, but to like him? It's impossible. In fact, Fan Si Yu is aware that she is lying to herself, she saw the bank video in the Yu Tian, was his hands shocked, the heart has long been buried Yu Tian's shadow. And that day, Yu Tian saved her, more so that Fan Si Yu Yu Yu Tian have a step closer to the good feelings. For Yu Tian molested her, she was not so angry, more out of a woman's shyness to Yu Tian cross-eyed. If a different person had come, she, Miss Fan, was afraid that she would have already wasted the person. Thinking of this Fan Siyu was even more shy, all of a sudden jumped into Yu Tian's arms, bawling.


Just then, bang the office door opened, rushed in a person, vice captain of the criminal police team Jia Xinren. About this 'false hearted man' ah, originally was a junior captain of the criminal police team, after Fan Si Yu, the captain was corrected, he was promoted to vice captain. This Jia Xinren has been pursuing Fan Siyu, but Fan Siyu never had too much contact with him except for work matters, making him helpless. From the time Yutian came to look for Fan Siyu, he was paying attention to what was going on in the office, and several times he wanted to rush in, but he didn't dare to make a move out of the way Fan Siyu usually treated him. Suddenly he rushed in when he heard Fan Si Yu's cries.


Seeing Yu Tian hugging the goddess of his heart, Jia Xinren was on fire. Rushing at Yu Tian, he shouted, "Son of a bitch, hurry up and let go of Siyu, or else I'll kill you."


Utena was having a good time with this hug when she felt a pain in her waist. "Bastard, don't let go of me yet." Pinching the flesh on Yu Tian's waist, Fan Si Yu also blushed with shame.


Jia Xinren rushed up and asked with concern, "Si Yu, are you alright? Did this kid bully you, tell me, I'll help you clean him up."


Fan Siyu straightened her clothes, "I'm fine, and Jia Xinren, please call me Team Fan when you're at the station."


Jia Xinren said awkwardly, "Si Yu, oh no Team Fan, are you really okay? Look at you crying, is this kid bullying you, if there's anything you tell me, I'll help you out."


"I said I'm fine, Vice Captain Jia, please return to your work." Fan Si Yu had an impatient look on her face.


"Oh, then I'll go out first, if there's anything you can call me, I'll be right outside." Jia Xinren gave Yu Tian a hard look and went out.


After a moment of silence, Yu Tian spoke up to break the silence, "Then I'll go back first, I'll think of another way for the license."


"Come back," Fanshiyu called out, "Give me a copy of your ID and your picture."


"Photos? What photos?" Utena asked in disbelief.


"Forget it, I can tell by looking at you that there isn't one." Fan Si Yu rubbed her forehead, "You wait." Saying that, she took a digital camera from the drawer and said to Yutian, "Go stand by the wall."


Yu Tian stood up as instructed, Fan Si Yu walked up and reached out to help Yu Tian pull his collar. When Fan Si Yu helped Yu Tian pull the collar, the towering peaks rubbed against Yu Tian's chest, coupled with the woman's unique scent, allowing Yu Tian to react somewhere at once. Fan Siyu also noticed it and couldn't help but spit out with a blushing face, "Pervert."


After taking the picture, Yu Tian ran out in a sorry state. Looking at Yu Tian's wretched appearance, Fan Si Yu laughed out loud, "Bastard, that's all you have the guts for, huh?"


Walking out of the office, Yu Tian saw Jia Xinren waiting for him there. "Brat, Siyu is not someone like you to approach. You wait for me, don't fall into my hands or I'll make your life worse than death."


Smiling, Yu Tian ignored him and walked over. But what Yu Tian didn't realize was that it was the person in front of him that made him immediately go back to the police station, thus setting off a shocking storm and accelerating the situation of the entire deep sea winds.