
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 118 - Dragon Shield Opens for Business

Walking into the reception hall on the second floor, Yu Tian brought Fan Siyu to Fan Lijun and greeted him politely.

What Yutian didn't expect was that Peng Haitao, Wu Xianghua, Zhao Zhennan, plus Huang Yulong, all of these people actually came together at this table.

Fan Si Yu and Huang Yue Jiao shyly lowered their heads, the two of them hiding behind Yu Tian, not daring to look directly into their respective fathers' eyes.

Zhao Yutong didn't care, anyway, she followed Yu Tian's side, was under his protection. So, Zhao Yutong hurriedly put on a smile and politely greeted all the elders seated one by one, showing the demeanor of a great lady.

After Sun Xiaodie pulled Xia Kexin to greet the elders on the table, she hurriedly dragged Xia Kexin to run all over the hall, what is good to eat, what is good to drink, Sun Xiaodie and Xia Kexin are tasted all over.

Hu Nianzong walked to the front center of the hall, picked up the microphone and said, "Today is the official establishment of the company's happy day, first of all, on behalf of all the company's colleagues, thank you for your appreciation. Here are the guests who have previously made appointments for our company, move downstairs and cut the ribbon for the opening of our company."

As soon as Hu Nianzong's words fell, there was a constant stream of people getting up from the wine table and taking steps toward the stairs. There were also quite a few people who, although they were not the guests of honor at the ribbon-cutting, followed down to join in the fun.

Wu Xianghua stood up, looked at the crowd on the wine table, and said with a smile, "They've all gone down and finished, let's also go down quickly, don't miss the hour."

Peng Haitao picked up his wine glass and took a sip, and said slowly, "You guys go ahead, I'm here today just to make a scene, I can't get into this."

Wu Xianghua smiled and didn't say anything. He knew that Peng Haitao naturally had his reasons for not going. So he looked at Zhao Zhennan and Huang Yulong and asked with a smile, "You two wouldn't have not received an invitation, right?"

"Oh, we naturally have. Then please ask Secretary Wu to open the way in front." Zhao Zhennan and Huang Yulong stood up at the same time and said smilingly towards Wu Xianghua.

A group of people came downstairs, there are several beautiful waitresses, will lead them to the ribbon cutting site, and for them to prepare all the things needed for the ribbon cutting.

With the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Wu Xianghua, and the presidents of the two largest groups in the business community of Deep Sea City, making their appearances at the same time. The media reporters below who had caught wind of the event, had set up their 'long guns and short cannons' in their hands, and were shooting at the several ribbon cutting guests on the podium, 'click, click, click' non-stop.

Pick up the microphone, Hu Nianzong stomped to the center of the podium. Looking down at the crowd with a smile on his face, Hu Nianzong said in an impassioned tone, "Today is a good day for our company to be officially listed and established, first of all, I am here to say thank you to our visiting friends. Next, please have me ..."

Speaking here, Hu Nianzong shifted his line of sight to where Yu Tian was standing. Seeing Yu Tian turn to himself, shaking his head like a rattle, Hu Nianzong hurriedly turned his words around.

"Let me give you a brief introduction to our company."

Hu Nianzong's words triggered a burst of laughter from the crowd below. Secretly wiping his cold sweat, Hu Nianzong continued to speak loudly, "Today, our Dragon Shield Security Company is officially established. Here, we don't have too many grandiose words. However, we promise to provide the highest quality service to every customer of our company. In front of their personal property safety, we will erect a hard shield for them."

As Hu Nianzong's words just fell, the piece of red cloth on top of the first floor was pulled open. A golden signboard appeared in front of the crowd.

The overall area of the signboard was roughly between five meters by five meters, with two days depicting a golden dragon with its feet on auspicious clouds, and in the middle of the signboard, two big golden characters nearly as tall as a man - Dragon Shield - were raised.

At the same time when the signboard of Dragon Shield Company appeared, one by one, the salute bombs rushed up to the sky, whistling and exploding a colorful cloud in the mid-air, the colorful confetti that floated and sprinkled above the heads of the crowd of onlookers.

A string of festive firecrackers as long as a solitaire exploded. The confetti and smoke from the firecrackers filled the entire venue of Dragon Shield. Under the thick smell of gunpowder, what appeared on people's faces were thick smiles.

The men in red short coats were vigorously beating the drum hammers in their hands. A deafening sound of drums cut through the sky and shot up into the clouds, seemingly tearing through the dark cloud in the deep sea's overhead.

"Beautiful, Brother Sky. This is a big deal for you, how did you come up with this?" Peng Xiaofeng, who was standing beside Yu Tian, grinned straight there when he saw the scene in front of him.

"It's so beautiful, Yu Tian, did you really come up with this?" Fan Siyu took Yu Tian's arm and asked skeptically.

Yutian rolled his eyes and didn't say anything, he felt a lot of egg on his face regarding Fan Si Yu's distrust, which he had thought about for a whole night before coming up with.

Especially the naming of the signboard and the design of the pattern, it can take him a lot of effort, and finally had no choice but to find his fellows in the online gaming group, and discuss the whole night together, before finally finalizing this graphic of today.

"That's for sure, my brother Tian is highly talented, you still have to work hard to explore!" Peng Xiaofeng, out of his admiration for Yu Tian, was given to speaking up for him. Suddenly, he came up with another sentence that made Yu Tian cry and laugh. "Say, sister-in-law, the day you marry Brother Tian in the future, it's guaranteed to be much more energetic than this scene today."

Peng Xiaofeng's sudden change of sentence sister-in-law made Fan SiYu freeze there for half a day without a squeak. Only after a while did she react, looking at Yutian with a face like peach blossoms, her big, ebony eyes blinking and blinking, as if asking Yutian, "Will there be that day?"

Understanding what was going through Fan Si Yu's mind, Yu Tian handed her a reassuring look.

Receiving the message from Yu Tian's eyes, Fan SiYu smiled happily. Although she didn't care about the name, but when it came to this matter, what woman wouldn't want to be with her beloved man, right in the middle of wearing a wedding dress, walking in front of her family and friends? Fan Si Yu was no exception, and she also hoped for that day.

At this time, with the slow cessation of firecrackers, Hu Nianzong once again walked to the front of the podium, into the hands of the microphone, excitedly said: "The following guests, for the Dragon Shield Security Company's listing was established, to cut the ribbon, everyone applauded."

In the midst of a warm applause, Wu Xianghua, Fan Lijun, Zhao Zhennan, Huang Yulong and others, slowly walked up, picked up the scissors in the hands of the waitress, and gently cut, a brightly colored ball of color, then fell into the tray in the hands of the waitress.

Subsequently, Hu Nianzong hastened to greet everyone warmly, and went upstairs to the banquet hall. Yu Tian did not appear, Hu Nianzong can not help, only have to do everything personally, holding a glass of wine from table to table toast, to express their gratitude.

After three rounds of wine, the food is over.

Then, there was a constant stream of guests excusing themselves and leaving. Peng Haitao and Wu Xianghua, together, walked over to Yu Tian.

Wu Xianghua picked up two glasses of wine from the table and handed a glass to Yu Tian. Then raising the cup in his own hand, he spoke, "Thank you, without you, the people of the Deep Sea would not know how many sins they would have to suffer. Here, I will toast you."

Watching Wu Xianghua finish off his wine in one gulp, Yu Tian hurriedly dried the glass in his own hand. Then, smiling towards Wu Xianghua, he said: ''Secretary Wu, your words are too serious. Actually, Yutian didn't do anything, it's all because of your proper command, coupled with the unremitting efforts of the Deep Sea Police Department, that we were able to pull out the tumor that is the Deep Sea Li Family."

As he said this, Yu Tian gave Fan Lijun a meaningful look.

"Haha, you kid ah, you really are ghostly." How could Wu Xianghua not understand what Yutian was referring to in his words, and immediately laughed out loud.

Then, with a straight face, he said seriously, ''Director Fan's performance this time, the municipal party committee, and even the provincial party committee are all looking at it. The organization is also considering it and is ready to give him an additional burden. Specific words, I can not say too much here, I believe that in a few days, there will be a person to talk to him. Oh, you wait to see the result is."

Seeing that his own thoughts were spoken out in public by Wu Xianghua, Yutian couldn't help but blush a little as well, as he hurriedly added wine to both of their wine glasses and laughed awkwardly, "Drink, drink."

Peng Haitao walked over, patted Yutian's shoulder and said with a smile, "Today, your second aunt personally ordered and ordered me, the commander of the Guangnan Military Region, to specially rush over from the capital to congratulate you, the kid, for opening this shitty company. How about that, is that enough?"

"Uh." Yu Tian wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, this is only the first day of opening, and he was said to be a broken company by Peng Haitao? This is also Peng Haitao, in other people, not so superstitious Yu Tian, will also beat him to the ground.

Helplessly, Yu Tian said with a bitter smile, "That's enough, thank you Second Uncle and Second Aunt."

"Since you kid also think that I am interesting enough, then you kid should not also take out some sincerity? That said, now that the Deep Sea Li family has fallen, you've also become a handful for this shitty company, so you should be bored now, right? Xiao Feng's special operations team has a nice view, you can go and enjoy it sometime."

Peng Haitao stared at Yutian with a thieving smile, the whole image of a wolf grandmother.

"Alas, Second Uncle, just say straight out that you want me to go to the Special Forces, why do you have to make so many detours?"

"It's not like I'm a little embarrassed to ask. Besides, you've been hanging on to the title of instructor for so long, it's about time you visited."

"Damn, you're still embarrassed?" Yu Tian rolled his eyes and secretly said in his heart. But after thinking about it, his mouth still had to say back, "Second Uncle, I'll go over in the next few days."

"That's good, with your words, I'm much more solid in my heart. I'm looking for Wu Laosan for a few more things, so we'll leave first." As soon as Peng Haitao heard Yutian promise, he immediately smiled and pulled Wu Xianghua away.

Peng Xiaofeng, on the other hand, stayed behind with a deadpan attitude, saying that he wanted to have a good drink with Yutian.

"Since you've established your own company, you have to run it well, don't make a mess all day long." Fan Lijun looked at Yutian with a complicated expression, and after seriously admonishing him twice, he sprinted towards Wu Xianghua and the others to catch up.

Seeing that they were almost finished, Yutian also stood up and blandly said towards Hu Nianzong, "Nianzong, this company will be handed over to you from now on. All the big and small things in the company, you make your own decisions. When you encounter trouble that you can't solve, you come to me."

Hu Nianzong nodded and responded in a low voice. "I know what to do, and will definitely not let you down, boss."

"Hehe, I believe in you." Yu Tian patted Hu Nianzong's shoulder and said with a smile, "Then you proceed to work hard, we'll go back first."

"Boss, slow down."

"Let's go." Yu Tian nodded towards Hu Nianzong, then looked at the group of beautiful women around him and said.

Then, Fan Si Yu and the other women, along with Yu Tian, and Peng Xiaofeng, took a step towards the door.