
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 109 - Head, Something Arrived

After driving through the blockade line of Dragon 5 and the others, Taro Ishihara increased the throttle and charged forward. He told himself that as long as he rushed out of the deep sea with the small pecker Kazuo beside him, and the things he was carrying, his mission would be complete.

Suddenly, a strong light shot over, and with a thud, Ishihara Taro's car was instantly hit, and rolled a few times on the ground.

The car that collided with Ishihara's car was also hit and turned 180 degrees toward the left, followed by two figures coming out of the left front and rear doors.

"Damn, this famous car is not very resistant to collision ah. Alas, but today it seems to have consecutively scrapped two high-class sedans of Old Zhao's family, how should I tell that girl Zhao Yutong when I see her?" Yutian patted the clothes on his body in a wretched manner and said in a low voice to himself.

Exploding Bear came up and looked at the right corner of the car and immediately wiped a cold sweat in fear. Fortunately, when he got on the car, the head insisted on converging to let himself sit in the back, and also emphasized that he had to sit on the left side. Otherwise, then now he should go to see God.

At the same time when Yu Tian and Bakudou were having a great time in their hearts, two people climbed out of the opposite side of the car in a sorry state. Yutian used the eyes that were permeated with a cold aura to stare at the islander who climbed out of the right window.

Because by this moment, that islander didn't care about the wounds on his body at all, instead he tightly clutched a briefcase to his chest.

Seeing looking at this scene, Utena immediately launched both feet and charged directly towards Clothespin. Seeing Utena's attack, Ishihara couldn't care less about the injuries on his body and hurriedly took two steps forward, stretching his foot across and sweeping it over, aiming straight for Utena's lower body.

Yutian jumped a few steps away, his mouth eagerly drinking, "Bakugo, quickly seize the bag in that man's hand, at all costs."

Hearing Yu Tian's command, Exploding Bear hurriedly rushed towards Little Peck Ichio and stretched out his iron fist to punch him in the head. Little peck Ichio how can withstand such a punch by the explosive bear, immediately by the explosive bear punch punch only half life.

Bakugo reached out to grab the briefcase in the hand of Kazuo Kotobukuro, but he didn't realize that Ishihara actually took the opportunity to dodge Utena's attack and kicked back at Bakugo with his leg. And when Bakugo dodges, he also reaches out to grab the bag in the hand of Kazuo Kotobuki.

At the entrance of the Sanyo Company, in a black sedan that was walking at the very back, an islander in his forties or fifties suddenly stepped out. Those samurai in the back saw this person walk out and glanced towards him in awe before they all stood respectfully.

When this person saw the far out Ishihara being stopped by Yu Tian, he couldn't help but change his face and immediately lifted his leg and ran towards the front.

On the contrary, Long Wu and the others couldn't help but show a surprised expression when they saw Yu Tian stop Ishihara in time, followed by a trace of an excited smile floating on their faces.

Only Shadow seemed to have predicted that it would turn out like this. Because he had just heard the roar of a car coming from the far out, which made him feel familiar, and then looking at the speed of that car, Shadow knew - the young master had come.

Seeing that the islander in front of him wanted to go to support Ishihara, he took two steps forward, shadow blocked in front of this person, and coldly looked at him and said, "Fukada Hirono, your opponent is me."

Shadow's sudden such a sentence made the opposite islander's heart startled. It was unthinkable that he had been so careful, but someone still knew his whereabouts. Fukada Haono sucked in a breath of cold air and asked in a deep voice, "You recognize me?"

"Number three of the Black Dragon Society, I've heard a lot about you. However, when you set foot on this land of China, it also means that your time to die has come." As soon as Shadow finished speaking, his body suddenly stormed up, swinging out a palm and pressing it towards Fukuda Hirono's chest.

Unperturbed, Fukada Hirono raised his hand into a palm and leapt up, striking a palm against Shadow like lightning. The two separated after the collision, and both withdrew three steps backward sharply before stopping their bodies.

Seeing that Shadow and Fukuda Hirono had already faced each other, Long Wu was not willing to show weakness, and with a wave of his hand, he shouted with great pride, "Brothers, let's not stand here and watch the fun, let's all come with me, and exterminate this bunch of scourges."

Thus, the Dragon Group's manpower plus the four from National Security were ready to charge up. Suddenly, Dragon 5 felt a dangerous aura coming, and hastily cheated his head, and his body rolled towards the side in a smooth manner.

With a muffled 'bang' sound, the ground behind Long Wu was struck into a bullet, leaving only a deep black hole.

"Attention, there are snipers." As soon as Long Wu's words fell, 'Bang Bang Bang', there were several more muffled sounds in succession, bullets were shot at several of them from various directions.

Under Long Wu's reminder, the members of the Dragon Group and the National Security personnel, flickered their bodies to dodge. However, there were still some individuals who failed to dodge, one of the members of the Dragon Group was hit by a bullet in his right shoulder, but fortunately, Dragon 5's timely reminder allowed him to dodge the vital parts.

After Long Wu and the others dodged this wave of sniping, they hurriedly searched for cover in case of the enemy's next wave of shooting, but what they didn't expect was to wait for half a day and not see the enemy making a move.

Shadow, who was fighting with Fukada Hirono, was busy taking a glance at Long Wu and the others. Seeing the state of the several people, he couldn't help but feel good and laugh in his heart.

"What are you waiting for? Their snipers have been exterminated." Shadow viciously kicked out a leg, using it to pull away from Fukada Hirono, then shouted loudly towards Dragon 5 and the others.

Shadow already knew that Jack had come, the previous container truck driver was shot in the head, it was Jack's masterpiece. After so many years of getting along, Shadow fully believed that just now those several island snipers, and then they shot at the same time, absolutely by Jack to a shot to the head.

''Bang'' There was another muffled sound, and from a high point right in the middle of the inside of the Sanyang Company, a black shadow fell down. It made Long Wu and the others, who were ready to rush out, shrink their heads inward again.

Then Jack stood up from an inconspicuous corner in the distance, resisting his beloved 'Barrett', and slowly walked over.

"Shadow, you're high on me this time, there's one more as you speak." Jack shouted at Shadow as he walked away, then he grinned and shouted at Dragon 5 and the others, "What are you waiting for? This is really no more."

Hearing this, Long Wu then led his brethren without hesitation and charged towards those black-clothed warriors once again. In the blink of an eye, the enemies were engaged in a battle of death.

Compared to the intense engagement at the entrance, the scene here in Yu Tian was much colder.

Seeing Ishihara reaching out to grab that briefcase, Yutian made a jump, braced his hands on the car, used the force to fly is a double kick, two hard kicks on Ishihara's back, immediately sent him flying several meters.

Bakugo didn't bother with Ishihara's death, sprinting forward and scooping up the briefcase in Kazuo Kohaku's hand as he hemmed and hawed at Utena. "Chief, you got what you wanted."

Yutian reached out and took the briefcase, and without rushing to open it and look at it, he pointed towards Ishihara, who was slowly climbing up from the ground, and said to Bakugo, "Send him on his way first, this kind of scum, it's a scourge to keep it."

When Bakugo received the order, he immediately flew up and took a stance to engage Ishihara.

The miserable Ishihara was first hit by Utena's car. Then, again, he chose to take a hard punch from Utena in order to grab the briefcase. Just then followed by being kicked by Utena and falling on his head.

Now fighting Bakugo, a human-sized tank, in a physical fight, how could he be Bakugo's opponent? As expected, within a few moves, Bakugo caught the opportunity and slammed a hard punch on Ishihara's chest.

Ishihara's hand covered his chest, blood spurting wildly from his mouth as he staggered back a few steps and looked at Exploding Chest with somewhat lax eyes.

Without giving him a chance to catch his breath, Exploding Bear flew up his body and struck his right foot hard on top of Ishihara's neck. Ishihara's head instantly lolled to the right, his legs went limp, and he fell to his knees.

Ishihara's eyes looked into the distance, as if at that moment, he could see his family in the island, and a rueful smile appeared on his face with it. Finally, with endless regret and remorse, he slowly closed his eyes.

It was at this time that several military jeeps drove over, and Peng Xiaofeng took the lead and jumped down from the vehicle, heading straight to Yutian's place.

"Brother Tian, I'm late." Peng Xiaofeng said with some apprehension.

"Nothing, you came just in time. Little Feng, take this thing for now. Remember, no one can touch it without my permission." Yu Tian handed the briefcase in his hand to Peng Xiaofeng and said with a serious face.

Looking at Yutian's serious expression, Peng Xiaofeng didn't dare to slack off, clutching the briefcase in his hand tightly, he droned towards the team members at the back, "Tian Yuan, immediately bring people up to support the comrades of the Dragon Team. Squad 1 stays behind with me, remember, no matter whoever comes within ten meters of us, no need to ask for instructions, just shoot."

Seeing Peng Xiaofeng's arrangement, Yu Tian nodded with satisfaction before lifting his leg towards the entrance of Sanyo.