
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 10 Meet Zhao Zhennan

It was already dark, Mangrove Villa #2. Carrying a large bag, Yu Tian walked in. Only to see a middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the sofa, with a look of anticipation on his face looking towards the door, this person should be Zhao Zhennan.


Chen Tiesheng had called Yutian before, and Yutian told Chen Tiesheng what he had to do, and said that he was on his way back.


On the other side of the sofa sat four young men, some single thin, some strong, Yu Tian could tell at a glance that these four were not ordinary young men. Chen Tiesheng, on the other hand, stood behind Zhao Zhennan.


Seeing Yu Tian walk in, Zhao Zhennan hurriedly got up, ''You are Mr. Liu, right? Hello, I am Zhao Zhennan. Earlier, there was a temporary situation in the company that required me to deal with it personally, so I had to send my driver to pick you up, how rude."


"Don't be so polite, Mr. Zhao is so busy, there's no need to get hung up on a little thing." Yutian said, "In this case, you call me Xiaotian just fine, don't call Mr. Liu Liu, it sounds really uncomfortable."


Looking at Zhen Yu Tian's sincere gaze, Zhao Zhen Nan laughed loudly, "Then I'll trust you to call you Xiaotian, you don't want to call Zhao General Zhao, if you don't mind just call me Uncle Zhao still."


"That's good, Uncle Zhao." Utena nodded.


"Oh, by the way to introduce you guys, these four are sent by the National Security Bureau to assist you." Turning his head, Zhao Zhennan added to those four comrades from the Security Bureau, "This is Yutian from your director's mouth."


One of the slightly older looking youths walked up to Yutian, "Hello Mr. Liu, we were sent here by our director to assist you, I'm at your disposal for everything here. For the sake of cooperation between us, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Fei Long." Saying this, he turned around and pointed his finger over to the remaining three one by one, "His name is Viper, his name is Hound, and his name is Brute Bull." The three also nodded in greeting with Fei Long's introduction. The four of them were all a bit surprised to see Yu Tian so young, but they didn't look down on him just because they were young. They were also elites among elites and had seen a lot. They knew that the more inconspicuous a person looked the more terrifying they might be, as people would generally be mesmerized by that inconspicuous appearance. When you let your guard down, that's when people make a move on you, you'll be caught off guard. What's more, they knew their Director's character very well. Their chief wouldn't put them in the hands of a wastrel.


"Hehe, it's almost catching up to the twelve zodiac signs. Hello guys, my name is Yu Tian, just call me Xiaotian. Don't be so polite, in the future a period of days, we are brothers who will fight together." A sentence to close the distance between each other, from this can also be seen Yu Tian extraordinary side.


Just then, Zhao Yutong rushed down from upstairs, "You stinking rascal, why are you still here?" The girl Sun Xiaodie also followed behind.


"Yutong, you must not be unreasonable. Xiaotian is an honored guest that your father invited over, quickly apologize to Xiaotian." Zhao Zhennan shouted hurriedly.


Zhao Yutong got louder, "Dad, he's just a hooligan. You don't know him today, he."


"Unbridled." Before Zhao Yutong could finish her words, she was hurriedly interrupted by Zhao Zhennan. Then he said to Zhao Yutong with a straight face, "Yutong, Dad told you that Xiaotian is the one I hired back to protect you, in the next three months, he'll be living here, and you'll have to listen to Xiaotian in all your actions."


Zhao Yutong instantly quit when she heard this, who are you kidding, Yu Tian lives here and wants to listen to him for everything himself? When she saw Zhao Zhennan was on fire she turned her gun on Yutian: "You stinking hooligan, how in the world did you confuse my dad. You are a stinking rascal, a big liar. Say, you confused my dad to live here, what are your intentions, want money? How much do you want? Tell me how much, and I'll ask my dad to give it to you."


"Pah" Zhao Yutong gave you the word you before she could say it, she received a slap on her face from Zhao Zhennan. Zhao Yutong was incredulous: "Dad, you hit me, you actually hit me for this smelly rascal?" Said eyes filled with tears.


Sun Xiaodie also hurriedly came up to persuade, "Uncle Zhao, don't be angry, Sister Yutong didn't mean to anger you." Turning her head to Liu Xiaotian, "Brother Xiaotian, don't take it to heart, Sister Yutong had no intention. She is mainly concerned about the afternoon's events, she feels that she lost face, and her heart is still a bit put off."


Yutian also shook his head with a bitter smile, honestly he really still a little angry, because in his opinion you can call him a stinking hooligan, son of a bitch ah what, he does not care. But you use money to咋him, that is an insult to his personality.


Chen Tiesheng also came up to round off the scene, he laughed dryly two times: "That Xiaotian ah, you don't mind ah, Miss she is still a child, she used to be not like this, her original surname is still good, may be a little bit of pressure recently, a little bit of pressure." Looking at Yu Tian Chen Tiesheng voice more and more said smaller and smaller, because he felt that these reasons as if even he himself can not say. He also did not know what to say, he Chen Tiesheng as a soldier, he also has his own arrogance, or else at first would not have offended that second ancestor. Even he Chen Tiesheng has his pride, not to mention Yutian such a dragon among people?


The four from the Security Bureau looked on and didn't know what to say, so they were silent. Fighting is their specialty, but they are not good at persuading people to fight.


No one in the living room said anything, only the sound of Zhao Yutong's crying. Looking at this scene, Zhao Zhennan took a deep breath and said to Yutian, "Xiaotian ah, this child, Yutong, has been without a mother since she was young. Her mother left early, and I was so busy with the company that I didn't have much time to educate her, so she was spoiled by me. For what she just said, you do not take it to heart, this child before, although more willful, but also quite understand, I do not know how she would say such words today, may be really recently happened one after another so that she is too much pressure it. Don't worry about her, I'm here to apologize to you on her behalf."


After saying that, he bent towards Yutian, frightening Yutian to jump to the side in a hurry, "Uncle Zhao, you can't do this, I'm fine, really, how can you let Xiaotian be embarrassed like this?"


Hearing Yutian say this, Zhao Zhennan's face also became a bit better and turned his head to his daughter, ''Yutong, dad hit you today, it was dad's fault, dad apologizes to you. But ask yourself, was what you said today right? Are they the words of a college student? Xiaotian is an honored guest invited by dad, he came here to protect you, you have to know that if Xiaotian wasn't introduced by Mr. Peng, dad wouldn't have been able to invite him at all. I know that the business of Dad's company has brought you a threat to your life, making you lose the freedom that a young man should have, and making you scared all day long. You can hate Dad, but you can't go insulting people, especially a benefactor who is about to protect your life. You're also an adult, I won't talk about you if there are too many words, think about what you said today and see if it's right or not?" After saying that, Zhao Zhennan leaned back on the sofa and closed his own eyes, seeming to have aged a few more years, and also seeming to have exhausted his strength in order to say those few words.


Zhao Yutong looked at her father's appearance, also a burst of regret. In fact, after she had just finished saying that she regretted it, she didn't know how she could say something like that, in fact, she didn't have any grudges against Yutian, to be true, today Yutian had still saved her. So she said to Yutian: "I'm sorry, just now is my mistake." After saying that, she suddenly added another sentence, "But I still hate you, stinking rascal."


Yutian heard crying and laughing, this girl is really childish, but just as Chen Tiesheng said, her original surname is still good.


Seeing such a result, Chen Tiesheng was also really resourceful and immediately changed the topic. He walked to Zhao Zhennan: "Mr. Zhao, I asked Nan Yun Hotel to reserve a seat earlier, you see.?"


Zhao Zhennan stood up at once, patted his forehead: "Oops, look at me this person, how to forget this matter, Xiaotian, go, let's eat, drink on the table Uncle Zhao give you to make amends. Oh also, the comrades of the national security also together, after dinner we will talk about the work."


Yutian looked at Zhao Yutong, "Ms. Zhao, Ms. Sun you.?"


Sun Xiaodie smiled and said, "Brother Xiaotian, I've called you brother Xiaotian, why are you still calling others Miss Sun? Just call me Xiaodie. Eat, we won't go you guys go."


"Go, let's go, why don't we go?" Zhao Yutong said hatefully. That childish look made everyone laugh.


A group of people quickly came to the South Cloud Hotel, into the top good box. Dishes quickly on all, a group of people is to push the cups, you and me to and fro. Only Zhao Yutong grabbed that chicken leg, lobster ah what, gnashing teeth and chewing, while chewing while reading something. Yutian laughed bitterly in his heart, this girl should be treating herself as the food in her hands.


After a rummage sale, everyone went back to the villa. The two girls also went up to rest, a few of the national security also left, their task is to assist Yu Tian, there is something Yu Tian to them on the order of good, only Zhao Zhennan and Yu Tian sitting in the living room. Zhao Zhennan introduced the current cause of the matter after all said, "Xiaotian, how old are you this year?"




"En, it's a situation like this, look at it like this, there are still a few days to go before school starts, I'll arrange for you to be a student at Deep Sea University. This way you will go to school with Yutong and go home from school together. Do you think it's okay?"


"No problem, listen to Uncle Zhao's arrangement."


"That's good, I'll take care of the formalities and stuff, I'll leave if there's nothing else, there's still something going on in the company, so you should take an early rest as well."


"En, Uncle Zhao, take care."


"Goodbye," Zhao Zhennan said and got into his car and left, the two small cars behind him followed, and on the way to dinner Yutian found out that they were probably also protecting Zhao Zhennan.