
Yu-gi-oh Entities from Beyond

Right this is a Yugioh fanfiction taking place in the Arc-V world the main character of the story uses a Entity archetype deck (For more information on this archetype search Entity archetype on YouTube TGS anime has a great video on it.) There will be some original creations of mine (Entity archetype cards) later on in the story since a archetype with 6 extra deck 2 spells and 1 trap is hard to work with. Hope you like the story. "means Speaking out load" 'means thinking in Mc's head' Please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I can do better in the comments.

AquaticChaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Standard Dimension

'Welp there are the cards I need, and they look like they would have some dueling use as well, from how I know the Lovecraftian there would be a lot of spells, traps, and even monsters that work off me sacrificing, kind of like that one masochistic guy from the synchro dimension.' Max thought after reading the cards. Then Max woke up, No one else was awake yet. 'well time to edit my deck I guess.'

(Scrapeghost) 1x, (Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring) 1x ---> (Elder Sign) 2x

'That should do, so far It can only negate the effects of (Sacrifice to the Outer Entities) and

(Dealings with the Outer Entities) and negating Dealings with the outer gods is kind of a negative since It would make it so that for sure my opponent is the one who draws two but, seriously other than entity monsters what else would I have on the field? and plus if I get regular deck support cards, they are most likely going to be something like "servant of the ______ Entity" So in the future (Dealings with the Outer Entities) would be more like a single-sided board wipe that allows my opponent to draw two as a cost.' After figuring out what some of his cards would be like, in the future, some of the other people started waking up. The first to wake up was Shay.

"Did you find what you were looking for," he asked.

"I got cards that can allow you and me to travel through dimensions," Max replied throwing Shay a copy of [Elder Sign}.

Shay noticed Max's use of words, "What do you mean you and me what about Yuto."

"Don't ask me I have no Idea all Madam N'tss told me was, The dragons are an annoyance, I think she's talking about [Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon] and [Clearwing Synchro Dragon]. They will have to find their own way to dimension travel." Max replied with a shrug. "I'm going to head back to the standard dimension first, make SURE you come to the standard dimension gain some more allies THEN attack the fusion dimension, YOU WILL DIE if you go straight there, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? Actually, you know what let's see if I can restrain where you can go." Without listening to what Shay had to say about that Max forcefully grabbed [Elder sign] back from Shay's hand. "Could you restrict access to the fusion dimension?" The card shined for a second and nothing else. "I think that means it worked," Max said handing the card back to Shay.

After doing this and before Shay could say anything else he played [Elder Sign] on his duel disk, "Destination Standard Dimension.

=Standard Dimension The Day After Yuya First Used Pendulum=

Max looks around, "This looks like the standard dimension," Then Max looked at himself, "Nothing is missing, I don't have an extra arm, leg, eye, or reproductive organ. Thank you N'tss for being nice and leaving my body completely intact." Then Max heard something it was a little boy talking about going to yu-show duel school to learn pendulum summoning. 'Well this is a good chance to spread the word of the entity archetype, let's go to Yu-show duel school and TRY to beat Yuya, probably going to hit some BS plot armor.'

Max followed the child that was talking earlier since he assumed they were heading toward the Yu-show Duel school, After arriving Max saw that the place was crowded just like how it was shown in the anime, Max being a teenager in his prime had no problems squeezing past children and their parents. Then he saw Yuya and Zuzu about to start their duel, Then Max had an idea, "HEY YUYA!" Yuya looked up at Max. "HOW DO WE KNOW THIS DUEL IS NOT STAGED!? DUEL ME INSTEAD!"

Yuya seemed confused there was a very well-dressed person that was about the same age as him yelling at him asking for a duel, but the confusion only lasted for a second. "ALRIGHT CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!" Max flipped over the railings as soon as Yuya said this.

"Alright let us do this," Max said

"LET'S DUEL!" They both said

"Action field initiated, Action cards dispersed."

Max: 4000 LP

Yuya: 4000 LP

Max hand card

[Instant Fusion], [Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring], [Dealing with the Outer gods], [Elder Sign], [Outer Entity Suc'Naat]

'Oh, this hand is pretty good for now.' Max thought. "You can go first!"

"Alright then I summon [Performapal Hip Hippo] and I end my turn," Yuya says as he hops on his hippo.

"That's it? No special summons? No spell cards? Not even a facedown?" Max was confused, 'I guess this is what Yu-Gi-Oh was like before power creep. 'Max sighed "Whatever, I draw!" Max looks at his card. 'It's [Outer Entity Sub-Niggurat] I guess I do get some main character treatment.' Max smirked thinking about what he was about to do "I start by activating 2 spell cards [Instant fusion] and [Elder sign], I play1000 LP

Max: 4000LP ---> 3000LP

And I fusion summon come on out, The hunter Grotesque monsters [Elder Entity Norden]!"

[Elder Entity Norden]



"Fusion summoning!?" Yuya said surprised.

"But I'm not done! I activate a third spell card [Dealing with the Outer gods] All non-Outer Entity Monsters on the field are destroyed, But my [Elder Sign] Protects my [Elder Entity Norden] from destruction." Max says playing a card.

"No! My Hip Hippo," Yuya Exclaims as he falls off his hippo.

"But You get to draw two cards," Max says trying his best not to smile.

"Alright!" Yuya says Drawing two cards

"Next Ladies and Gentlemen Is what you all came here to see! Yuya watch closely, Because I set the pendulum with Scale 0 [Outer Entity Suc'Naat] and Scale 5 [Outer Entity Sub-Niggurat], You are not the only one who can pendulum summon Yuya." Max said with a bow. He smiled as he saw everyone especially Yuya's face change in all sorts of ways after he did this.

"How? I thought pendulum summoning was my special thing?" Yuya seemed disappointed but also excited.

"No no no my friend, but let us not interrupt the duel, Now I pendulum summon! Come one out [Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring], Next, I activate [Outer Entity Sub-Niggurat]'s pendulum effect and summon a black goat token that is between level one and four," A very small radish-like creature popped out. "It's level 1! So I tune level 3 [Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring] and level 1 [Black goat token]


Come on out The king in yellow I sychro summon! [Old Entity Hastorr]!

[Old Entity Hastorr]



"Synchro summoning as well!?" Yuya's expression became depressed, Max could only what was going through his head.

"But I'm still not done! I activate [Outer Entity Suc'Naat]'s pendulum effect, By sending it to the extra deck I can add one spell card from my deck to my hand, I choose [Forbidden Trapezohedron] and immediately activate it! Since I have one Synchro and one Fusion monster on the field I can special summon one XYZ monster." Max said pulling a card from his extra deck. "Come on out! The nuclear chaos! [Outer Entity Azathot]"

[Outer Entity Azathot]



Max could see Yuya's expression become more depressed he did even say anything this time. "I enter the battle phase!" Max looked at Yuya he wasn't even making an attempt to grab any action cards which are the only thing that can save him at this point. 'Holy shift did I start Yuya's growth arc early? Did I do too much emotional damage to him in this duel?' but Max wasn't about to throw, that would be an obvious pity. "Now Let's end this [Elder Entity Norden], [Old Entity Hastorr], and [Outer Entity Azathot] all attack directly!"

Yuya 4000LP ---> 0LP