
Entry 1

Sneakers. A radio. Windows. A television. A bed. A desk. You.


June 5, 2018

           She told me to write this. I didn't want to at first, but She promised I'd see you if I did. So here we are. She told me to tell you what I see everyday while writing to you. Oh yeah, She told me these were for you. Eleanor, that's she. She promised you'd see these every time I write. We'll I stopped writing about three hours ago, but She yelled at me. Told me I didn't have nearly enough, that you wouldn't want to read it if it was that short. Too boring, She said. We'll, if that's boring, let me tell you a few things. They're not about me though, they're about you. She told me if I told you about who you are, I can prove how much I love you.

            Your full name is James Elliot Tomson. You have the most beautiful teal eyes I've ever seen. Your hair is long and wavy and curly and down to your shoulders. Most people thought you were weird for growing it out, but they ended up loving it. You have a single rose tattoo on your left shoulder, but you refuse to explain what it means. I think you're just waiting for that one person who just knows what it means to come along. Your left arm is bare besides the petal, but your right one is full of them. There's a skull with a dagger going through it, the lyrics of "There's a moment when you finally realize there's no way you can change the rolling tide." Your thigh has a tiny little "Brighton" on it. I think that's from where you found the love of your life but it went wrong.

            Your name was Elliot, but your family called you James on day, and it kinda stuck. You got it officially changed when you were 14, in the middle of highschool. You got your GCSEs, yet never graduated. You became a community theater actor. You stopped going to school and got a job in the theater as the backstage hand even though you've always wanted to act because your sister Daisy and your dad had an accident with a mix up of a bucket of water and one with kerosene. But don't worry, though, I'm still figuring out your more secret part.

                    All the love,
