

the records of your cultivation

opening your eyes you find yourself standing in a forest , you begin questioning yourself when did you reach this forest didn't you sleep normally yesterday in your room , before a headache hit you , you start to feel info enter your head a memories that don't belong to you …

your name or second name is zhang long you're the third son of the zhang family , after your family discovered that you have lightening and fire roots they decided to nurture you and train you to have you sent to a sect to become their backbone they are a second rate family ….

You find info about you cultivation which you decide to try by setting on the ground , you retrieve the info from your memories and it was just by taking a breath filling your chest then moving the air down to your stomach and keeping it down for 5 second before releasing it slowly…

You feel the energy moving from the air to your body, you try to do it one time two times three times

After achieving that you decide to go to the sect your family sent you to, you have already remembered that the sect is at the mountain after the clearing so you head to that way ,

After walking for a while you reach the clearing, you can already see the mountain before you yet despite the sunny weather around the forest and the clearing the top of the mountain is hidden behind the clouds giving the mountain an ethereal and mystique disposition.

While being charmed by its majesty you find yourself standing before the mountain, and as you walk towards the sect you start climbing at the stairs to its top, after reaching the top you can't help but notice how flat the earth is

You keep walking to front until you reach a gate above it is written "the heaven and earth sect" you can't help but notice that the language of which it's written is not similar to any language you've known before you've entered this world

When you enter you see a lot of ancient eastern buildings , and a lot of people , all of them are going to the same direction most of them are wearing old rags while some of them are flying on swords .

You decide to keep walking while looking around you at the tall buildings around you until you reach the place they are guiding you to only to see a massive amount of people have come here to test to enter the sect,

before you there's a circle on the circle there's nine smaller circles at each one there's sword at the middle of it, a group of cultivators standing behind the circle you wait to see and after one of the people walk to the middle of the circle the nine small circles around it would light up and the swords would start to hover above the circle,

The floating swords varied of all the 9 natural elements: darkness٫lightening٫ice٫wind٫water٫fire٫metal٫earth٫wood"

the men around the circle would comment on each disciple the ones with more than three would be sent back along with the ones with none while anyone with three or two would be accepted to the sect as outer disciples , while the ones with one or the two roots are in harmony would be accepted as inner disciples

you wait as one after another walk to the middle of the circle while most of them return in disappointment while only few staid to become members of the sect until only few lift

you walk to the middle to circle only for the fire circle and the lightening circle to light up you look towards the cultivators only for them to ask you to join the outer sect disciples

you walk towards them only for one of them to approach you with a smile on his face

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