
you love me too

Tao Jingan has always believed that doing the right thing is more important than doing the good thing. Then she met Shen Xihuai. She had three impressions of Shen Xihuai: good grades, rich family, and a good match for her girlfriend. One day, this old classmate asked her if she wanted to marry him. Tao Jing'an thought, screw it, she thought in her heart that this is not right, as to whether it is good or not, only after marriage will we know. After the wedding she realized that she had been cheated and that he had been in love with her all along.

lemon31 · Urbain
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

The magazine is called "Listening" and is published every half month. It covers different music genres at home and abroad and is both entertaining and professional.

  She likes to read rock music boards, music critics dare to speak and write, with a humorous tone wandering recklessly on the edge of the audit. The latest issue features her favorite band, LemonFish, a fusion post-punk electronic band that has been out for just two years and is already a hard sell.

  Jing An sat at her workstation and flipped through the interview, and just two lines into it, her thoughts flew away.

  She remembered the interrupted kiss last night.

  The boiling water gurgling on the counter topped off the lid with a dull thud, and Jing An looked away with her remaining sanity. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem, but before you have time to push him away, he kissed you again. This time it was more aggressive, Jing An's back against the wall, followed by a light bite on the tip of her tongue, she whimpered, and was swallowed up by Shen Xihuai's sucking motion.

  She vaguely sensed Shen Xihuai's purpose in this difficult kiss. The kiss was abrupt, yet traceable, and if it weren't for Shen Xihuai's tirelessly ringing cell phone, Jing An wasn't sure when it would have ended.

  The assistant on the phone informed something was up, Shen Xihuai left in a hurry, sober soup and noodles were not ready, Jing An also because she did not organize her mood, until she sent people away at the entrance gate, she did not look at him again. The line of sight always falls on his fingers, his fingers are still as red as ever.

  Jing An at the moment remembered the smell of Shen Xihuai's body, the temperature of the skin on the back of his neck, and the sense of oppression that filled his body around him.

  She put her pen to the paper and unconsciously scratched a line until someone threw a fondant at her desk.

  She hurriedly turned around to see Paige standing next to her workstation, "Hi Honey, I'm sorry, I've been standing here since a minute and a half ago, and since you completely ignored my presence, it made me a little frustrated, so in order to get your attention, I decided to treat you to one of the candies you gave me earlier."

  Jing An immediately straightened her back, "Sorry Paige, was just thinking about something, was it about the location? How's the shoot going?"

  Paige is shooting a commercial for a communications company, originally to shoot on location, but temporarily changed the plan, the venue is also limited to the studio. Jing An helped introduce a studio she knew and took a friendly price, saving the project a fortune.

  "Finished shooting last night, it went well, eat Japanese food in the evening, go together!"

  Jing An didn't go home last weekend, and agreed with her grandparents to go back for dinner tonight, the dinner is not going to go.

  Paige looked disappointed, "I thought you were finally going on a date, but I didn't think it was just to go to a date at home." He said and asked, "How long have you and Demy known each other?"

  Jing An was puzzled and still returned, "Only really been together for a year, plus now."

  "Has he ever had a girlfriend?"

  Jing An thought for a moment, "No, I haven't."

  Paige nodded, "But he has at least shown interest in you, haven't you?"

  Jing An was a little confused.

  "Joanne, I have observed you, even if the other party is particularly handsome, so handsome that I want to do the person on the spot, you are indifferent, do you know how much your businesslike tone hurts people's hearts? I am choking for the handsome man!"

  Jing An laughed helplessly, "I don't think anyone is not handsome, some people are indeed pleasing to the eye."

  "Give me an example?"

  Jing'an had the answer in the first place, but couldn't say.

  "Don't talk to me about DavidBowie, I want real men!"

  Jing An lost her smile, "Can't quite think of one at the moment."

  Paige almost rolled her eyes, and then asked with interest, "What do you think of Zheng Muxiao across the street? I think he has a good taste, but his commute time is not fixed, otherwise I can watch him every day at the window," she sighed, "If my family had as much money as Spot, maybe Zheng Muxiao would be mine."

  Jing An did not say anything. In the eyes of outsiders, Zheng Muxiao would fall in love with Liang Xiangyi, the daughter of Spot, just to use the other party as a stepping stone for his career. Once public opinion has a start, even falsehoods can become true, not to mention the most easily talked about luxury news.

  Paige just mentioned it casually, and Jing An didn't take it to heart.

  She picked up a cup to drink water, Paige snatched it away again, "I kind of understand, men are all floating clouds, your mind is still stuck on your lemonade, your movies and books, and your food, you even emoji only send small yellow chicken!"

  Jing An was amused, "The little yellow chickens are really cute." Although her favorite is the dog.

  Paige hates irony, "What matters is the little yellow chicken, Demy and you are similar, you two together can be called the Bay Area physical needs boycott coalition. Seriously, you don't like Demy, you can try his body ah, although I can't wait to send him to my house to my mother to mop the floor, I'm still willing to taste him, the man is bad in a non-human mouth, except in bed, I can hardly think of other ways to plug his mouth."

  Paige has always been open about relationships, but she was mostly joking when she said that.

  She did not stop and asked in a serious manner, "Have you used the gift I gave you?"

  Jing An opened her mouth, but did not say anything.

  Paige finally gave up and took a sip of lemonade directly from Jing An's cup, smacked it twice and said, "It's really good, tell me the story of you and lemon sometime."

  Jing An saw Paige leave in style, turned back to the Listening book, and after a moment of bewilderment, she closed the magazine.

  The audio commercial bid meeting was in three days, and she had to finalize the creative plan as soon as possible.

  When she went to pick up her car after work, the radio was still talking about the recent hot meta-universe, and the conversation inevitably ended up on spotting and touching again.

  With domestic and foreign tech giants launching metaverse businesses, Spot's R&D center also plans to invest a lot of money in basic research to break through technical limitations in order to take a place in the virtual space industry.

  On the contrary, Touch has never acted, not even revealing any buzz.

  "I think one problem with Touch now is that Shen Xihuai, who studied economics at LSE as an undergraduate, then went to Stanford to study business administration, he came from a management background, while Zheng Muxiao's undergraduate master's degree is in computer, technology - especially something as big as the metaverse, the threshold is very high, Zheng Muxiao has Theoretical and technical support, Shen Xihuai he will not touch too much, the vision is limited, the planning will be on the conservative side. But the strange thing is, the Internet said he is Zuckerberg 2.0, people Zuckerberg have changed the name of Facebook Meta, Shen Xihuai no reason not to act ah."

  Jing An cut the radio station directly. She pressed the horn several times and quickly cut across from the traffic, winding up running to the mouth of the granary.

  After a meal, Jingan cooked jam with her grandmother, from blueberries to lemons, and then went to get the oranges, when Jingan suddenly gave a lurch.

  "Grandma, that jelly you made for my dad before, did it have oranges in it?"

  "You mean the sobriety jelly? At that time you were eating it as a snack, why? Do you want to eat it?"

  "Yes, I'm craving for it, please teach me."

  Jing An came out of the house after ten o'clock, her grandparents left her, she said she had to go to the office in the morning, took a few jars of jam and snacks with her.

  The first time she turned the corner, her breath hitched and her feet stopped.

  In order to protect the privacy of the owners, the aisles outside each home are independent, Jing'an's door is open at the window, and several pots of greenery are kept on the windowsill.

  The moment Shen Xihuai is standing sideways in front of the pots of greenery, his posture is straight, the wind will blow his hair slightly shaken, he wears a shirt and pants, his tie is ripped open, his face is very white, looking at Jing An's gaze is deep and far away.

  Jing'an is like being trapped by a net dense, even the breathing is slowed down.

  He seems to need to drink every day, not too strong and not too light alcohol wafted over, Jing An felt like he was going to get drunk too.

  "You ..."

  Jing An wanted to ask him how long he had waited, the two had exchanged contact information in graduate school, he could always send her a message if he wanted to, but Jing An knew he was unlikely to contact her.

  "Have you eaten?"

  She held her breath and walked to the door, and even when she turned around and pressed the code, she sensed Shen Xihuai's eyes following her over, which made her more and more breathless.

  The door opened at the sound, she put her knee against it, and the person behind her asked instead of answering, "When did you return to China?"

  Jing'an hesitated slightly and met his somewhat misty eyes.

  "Early in the year."

  He stood unmoving, "What month?"


  At that time, Jing An's heart was exhausted, and only afterwards did she learn that Zheng Muxiao, who had returned half a month earlier than her, was at the headquarters of Spot's first project, which was to join hands with Qianji to create an online game, and before that, the signal given by Qianji was always the intention to cooperate with Touch.

  Netizens say that the spot this first blood is snatched from the bowl of touch, and said, Zheng Muxiao is giving his old classmate Shen Xihuai under the horse. The comparison between the two started at this point.

  Jing An did not know why Shen Xihuai asked about this, but a pair of his face, want to ask the words and swallowed back.

  The building is very quiet, Shen Xihuai has been watching her for a moment, Jing An seems to hear her heartbeat, she hid her panic, pushed the door into the house, and then turn back to look at him, want to invite him in, but before the words are out she already felt strange.

  Luckily, she had just put the jam down when Shen Xihuai took the initiative to follow her in.

  The narrow entranceway barely accommodated the two of them, and Jing'an was once again enveloped by his scent, and was just about to bend down to take off her shoes when the man behind her called out to her.

  "Tao Jing'an."

  Jing'an's heart tip trembled as she looked back at him.

  "You said you were sorry last time, why?"

  As he spoke, Shen Xihuai's long legs arrived in front of Jing'an, he lowered his head and his burning breath fell on her forehead.

  Jing An's backbone stiffened and her head was filled with thoughts of why Shen Xihuai smelled so good. She raised her head slightly and before she could speak, the person in front of her suddenly bowed down and the next second, Jing An's earlobe was immediately wrapped into a wet heat.

  The bag fell to the ground and the fresh oranges inside rolled out.

  Jing An's waist was hoisted, Shen Xihuai's movements gradually harsh, from kissing to nibbling, lips first fell on her chin, and then along the skin inch by inch to seek the corner of her mouth, Jing An felt a trace of pain, breathing rapidly, mouth slightly a, his tongue in the way to stir, and hard scraping lick her upper jaw, Jing An legs are weak, relying on instinct to hook Shen Xihuai's neck.

  Her tongue tingled, from his mouth tasted a bit of dried fruit, blackcurrant, while yesterday's was citrus, there seems to be a rose scent, and like the sea shells.

  The next moment, Jingan was picked up horizontally.

  The wooden staircase to the second floor was narrow, and Jing An was stranded on the bed in the confusion, and Shen Xihuai's kisses fell gradually afterwards.

  The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on Shen Xihuai's chest, which is solid to the touch, his shoulders are broad, and his body line jumps and moves closer when he comes over.

  The flexibility of a bassist's fingers cannot be doubted by Jing An.

  Jing An tightened her grip on Shen Xihuai's neck and reached out to wipe away the sweat on his forehead. The two noses were close together, their breath closely intertwined, and Shen Xihuai's movements suddenly stopped, only kissing Jing An's face one by one, before aiming a deep kiss at Jing An's lips.


  It took a while to separate, and Jing An opened her dazed eyes to meet Shen Xihuai's deep gaze.

  She pressed to his ear and softly said something.

  Before Shen Xihuai got up and went downstairs, he touched his lips to Jing An again.

  By the time he brought up the one Paige had given Jingan, Jingan had no more chance to stop.

  She has a habit of working out, but she still can't suffer from such constant demands, but apparently Shen Xihuai doesn't intend to let her go easily.

  From the night he called her in the parking lot, then that kiss last night, and then this moment, his attitude all indicated his unwillingness.

  He's getting back at her, expressing his displeasure in the same way.

  Perhaps for someone like him, once he doesn't take the dominant position, he is bound to find an opportunity to snatch it back.

  She sank her nails deep into the back of his shoulder, and then slowly moved upward in the midst of her feelings, inserting her fingers into his slightly sweaty hair.

  It ended after a long time, and Jingan was completely out of breath. It seems that in order not to appear heartless, Shen Xihuai close to her warmth, slightly muddy air with the sound of exchanging fluids, Jing An inexplicable ear red, reached out to push his shoulder.

  She turned her back, so tired that her consciousness quickly blurred, vaguely heard the person beside her get up and go downstairs, and then come back up after a while.

  Shen Xihuai seems to have patted her face, she could not wake up, but because of dry mouth instinctively went to drink the water he sent over, the entrance is crisp and fresh, is the chilled lemon juice.

  She only drank half a cup, the remaining half fell into Shen Xihuai's stomach.

  The dryness was relieved, Jing An thought before she turned on her side to sleep, Shen Xihuai will not come to her again.

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