

This is a REMAKE. (chapter release from monday to friday if nothing happen) Original name :I’m the wrong protagonist Original Author: HEIYE FUYIN Summary: "Welcome to multiverse MOON System!" "We are happy to inform you that you have been selected as a potential USER of our interface" "Seeing as you are a beginner you will receive a starter pack including a free 5 star guarantee gacha and a free of charge preferential treatment period to get used to our service .If you decide to join now you can additionally get a free dimensional storage space to store your items" "We also provide a special time-travel pass, allowing you to experience the feeling of being a protagonist" {Press "OK" if you accept and "NO" if you refuse} In a dark a boy sitting in front of his computer read the content of the message and pressed the “OK” button. At the same time, the boy’s consciousness paused, and a black hole appeared in front of him and completely engulfed him. After a pause a line appeared on the screen that lit the dark room {Welcome to the Multiverse [PLAYER]} this is a Fanfiction i don't own any character or data relevant to the type moon or danmachi universe those are owned by they respective Maker.

SCARLETToFBoCOTHER · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs


The Guild, which is the largest organization in Orario, controls the operation of the city. Adventurers and dungeon management, as well as the trade of magic stones and drops. This requires anyone who is a member of Orario to deal with the Guild, and new adventurers who initially enter Orario also need to register with the Guild. The most important thing to a newcomer is to come to the guild as early as possible to register and then start looking for the Familia members to belong to.Of course, finding a Familia member is not an easy task, and as a rookie adventurer it should be the most difficult choice. Again, the difficulty is not the choice pur say but its that it can only by done once at less that what is known for the newcomer adventurer.

As long as no one is stupid, they all can get into a good Familia. As long as there is a chance to get in, then there is no need worry about not being able to develop in the future. But powerful dependents will definitely get more resource than the weak dependents, so choosing suitable dependents tend to be very important for new adventurers. However, in the face of those powerful Familia, they have never a lack of excellent new adventurers to join. Therefore, if you want to join those powerful Familia, you need to show your ability to be praised and cultivated.

Therefore, when facing those big Familia members, it is not the new adventurers who choose, but the other way around, it is the new adventurers who need to show their ability to be chosen by the big Familia clan, where the position has been reversed than normal. After the position was reversed, the difficulty for the newcomer adventurer to enter the Great Familia is whatever he has a great innate talent. For example, whatever it is some special skills, or whatever it is innate magic or so on. These gifted adventurers are the first choice of the Great Familia.

As for those adventurers who are too ordinary to be ordinary, then don't dream of entering the big Familia, and the incompetent adventurers will not be accepted by any of the Great Familia, and even it is difficult to join some Small Familia. For newcomer adventurers, innate talent is very important, whatever there is such a talent means there is a qualification to enter the Great Familia.

Bell on the other hand did not lack the qualifications to enter a Great Familia, but he did not want to enter a Great Familia. On one hand, it is because of the problem of the Lord God, and on the other hand, it is a problem of character.

Entering the Great Familia will inevitably reveal his abilities, but doing so means that he will be targeted by the whole of Orario. Naturally one day his abilities will be exposed, but Bell doesn't want to face that kind of problem before he gets the chance to grows up. So, when confronted by the guild receptionist, Bell asked the question he wanted to know.

[May I ask, will the gods come to the guild to register when they establish their Familia?]

The receptionist who received Bell was an elven maiden who wore a pair of teacher's oval glasses and a cute face that made people want to get close. The voice is very gentle, which may also be one of the conditions of being a receptionist. Through the simple dialogue just now, Bell knew that the elf girl in front of him was called Eina Tulle, the receptionist who received the protagonist in the original book, and it was no wonder that it made him feel so familiar. Serious, calm demeanor are the characteristics of this Miss Eina.

[Yes. The guild is a bridge between the gods and the adventurers, and each god need registers in the guild when he establishes his Familia. The guild will also recommend some adventurers with specific skill to the corresponding Familia, but the guild can only make recommendation, not an arrangement, which requires special attention.]

Miss Eina seems to be saying, [The guild can't arrange a place for adventurers directly, if you have such a thought, you should just go die early], which is much gentler and more euphemistic, and also lets Bell know why Miss Eina is the ace receptionist.

[I know. I also know that a new adventurer cannot contact the great Familia, and I am not prepared to trouble Miss Eina in this regard. My intention is only to find an ordinary family, preferably one who does not have a member, as a first person, the Lord God would not be so picky about an incompetent adventurer like me.]

Bell's words were clear enough, and Eina realized that she was thinking too much. She blushed slightly, not expecting the newcomer adventurer who had just arrived at Orario to be aware of its hidden side. In fact, this is not Eina to blame, after all, as a new adventurer, many people really dare to think. Just arrived at Orario, knowing that Orario has two kings if they join it, they would not need to worry about the future. There are even some self-esteemed guys who feel that they must be upper adventurers, so it is only natural to join the "Loki Familia" or the "Freya Familia".

To tell the truth, every time she meets those new adventurers with eyes above the top, Eina can't help but sigh, she really wants to say to those adventurers, [Please don't be too self-righteous you newcomers, those members are all based on personal ability.]

After begin faced by those type of people too much, suddenly begin faced with a self-aware adventurer, Eina was a little embarrassed.

[I'm sorry, I was thinking you were from that kind of adventurer.]

[Miss Eina don't worry too much. Please don't pay attention to those words, if you really mind, please help me find out if there is a suitable Familia for me.]

[No problem, please wait a moment.]

Then Eina began to look for a suitable Familia, the level of the family should not be too high, preferably no members. These conditions are easy to screen as the requirements are not very high, so the conclusions are drawn quickly.

[Hmm… Bell-kun, your conditions are not very high, but most of the Familia already have members in it.]

[Is it?]

Bell fell into a silent he remembers that Hestia should have visited the guild, after here arrival. Even in the original work Bell and Hestia is encounter was called fate. That is to say, did he actually come too early? After getting this answer, Bell is brain also began to shift gear. The most suitable family for him was undoubtedly Hestia, but now that the god was still untouchable, what could he do? Ball was also a bit speechless in this case.

[Enter another Familia?] No, the other Familia will look down on my abilities. Any Familia how accept member would want you to be reliable and it's not free, some of them are not even friendly or need money to smooth the relationship. So, Bell quickly got an answer.

[Don't join any clan for the time being.]

to not expose his abilities, or deliberately be wronged to join any other Familia is his moto. Now Bell was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to join the god Hestia as the sole member. But first thanked Miss Eina.

[Miss Eina, since this is the case, I will not join the Familia for the time being. It will be difficult for me to enter a Familia on my terms, and I have no money. So, I would like to ask you to help me pay attention to the kind of family that has not yet been joined by members.]

Eina saw that Bell had already made a decision, so she couldn't say anything either. As for the things he said, she would naturally help, after all, this was her job as a receptionist.

[I see. If there really are such clan, I'll help you keep an eye for them, Bell-kun.]

[Thank you very much.]