
You can´t die, if you are already dead.

A person has died, he does not know how or why, but after his death he meets a girl dressed in white. She is a superior entity that is obsessed with him, proposes a deal, in exchange for her soul she would make him immortal, eternal. The girl named Mor keeps his promise to him, but ... You cannot die if you are already dead. Our protagonist is nothing more than a miserable soul, a ghost. A playful and troublesome spirit. His story takes place in a fantasy world but I suppose this was a bit obvious if you read the labels, as I said, in this world there are both the demon king, as heroes and of course summoned heroes, but we do not follow any of them , our protagonist who has forgotten his own name and although he is not intrinsically evil, he is more attached to the side of an antagonist or an anti-hero.

JMore · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

The yell of the demon.

On the outskirts of Silitur two figures walked calmly, a young man with vibrant orange hair and a hooded figure.

— hey did you hear that? — Beneath the robe a female voice asked.

— Hear what? —The orange haired boy carried a battle ax that was almost as tall as him.

— Don't tell me you didn't hear that terrifying sound from recently? —The hooded figure stopped, looked east, and was dazzled. — Haven't you noticed?

— Stop talking silly, did you hit your head or something?

The hooded girl pointed at the sun.— The sun

— What has the - ?! —The boy looked where the girl pointed. — What the hell is going on? —The orange haired man was dumbfounded.

— The sun is hiding from the wrong side ...

In a short time the sky turned orange and finally the sun hid, however in the sky it was dark, there were no stars and the moon was nowhere to be seen.




For the duration of the night the dead would awaken and the night would not end until the last of the dead who heard their scream returned to eternal rest.

That night was the first of Silitur's 30 nights of darkness.




It was already dark when Ruby returned to the hotel, it was raining outside.

The receptionist tried to stop her as soon as he saw that she was soaked, however he did not have the courage to say a word, he bowed respectfully and closed his eyes tightly.

+They should applaud that man for his immense composure.

Unfortunately no one ever appeared to the man who kept calm before the wrathful Ruby demon, even if his fury is not directed at him he deserves respect by keeping his cool.

+Many people would like his discretion him.

Ruby's aura of negative feelings stirred menacingly.

+However, the latter did not materialize.

After such a scream her anger has become very silent.

But she forgets that more you suppress something the stronger it explodes in the end.

Ruby climbed the stairs leaving a trail of wet footsteps behind she.

After climbing 4 floors she reached his room, a muffled sound accompanied each of his steps.

The doors squeaked announcing his arrival, the servants froze in her presence, in a moment the atmosphere became oppressive.

Neither could discern the usual crimson gleam in his eyes.

+Not because it wasn't there, it was because there was no one have the courage to see her eyes.

And what is the difference? If no one sees it, it was as if it doesn't exist.

If no one sees his eyes, it is as if she had no eyes.

Ruby walked into the living room, her dry footsteps echoing on the floor.

Her elegant black outfit grew further and further away from his original, Ruby's constant modification seemed to have stolen all the color from the outfit, the opaque darkness of the outfit felt more and more oppressive.

Ruby, carelessly take a seat on the single sofa closest to the fire.

Geron jumped up and tried to hug her, however Ruby only raised a hand to push him away from her.

Schuwi stared from the other corner of the room.

But none of them looked into her eyes, that was impossible for any of them.

The pressure seemed capable of devouring anyone who got in line of sight.

However if you gave them even a glimpse they would be able to see it.

She was frowning.

+Poor Ruby, what a lovable expression is on her face.

So much anguish, so much fury, yet he doesn't really feel anything.


+Ah! It was very funny to see how he smiled before entering that room.


+And it was more fun, how that smile didn't go away, even when your face stopped smiling.


+Really? Something as simple as a "status screen" is enough to make you disconnect from reality?


+It would actually be a complete mistake to underestimate you.

What a beautiful sight.

What a crazy sight.

It is so exciting.

I was not wrong in choosing you.

I wonder.

What will her reaction be when she reveals the truth to him.


+When, all her sins weigh on her mind.

Stop, I told you to stop!

+When, her morale hits him in the face.

I said stop!

+When your conscience weighs so much that you think about committing suicide.

For once hear me!

+When you see that you are unable to commit suicide.


+I wonder what it will be like.




Will you continue?




+I guess I will do it by my self.


+Two flies were hovering in the room.

A guy whose golden age is in the past.

A girl who has become devalued when she should have become more expensive.

Which is what has brought them together in this room.

The Ruby Demon.

His beautiful red eyes glow crimson.

His emotions dance a violent and beautiful bals.

His mind sways listlessly.

Her soul, his mind, so helpless, so beautiful, and so complex.

His body: A mass of meat that he does not serve more than as a suit.

He is someone so rambling, someone so changeable, he says things that seem to make sense only inside his head, he thinks of himself as the protagonist of the story.

There is an impurity in his body, something that he has not modified out of fear, money.

Even with a cloudy mind, he takes out of his stomach triple the bill for the room.

Who would say, that he is someone so responsible?

I didn't know that he was someone who liked to pay for things in advance.

— Angelica, come down to dinner!

It seems they are calling you.

+You still around?

Is your name Angelica?

+It is the name of this body.

It seems that you are not in your body.

+This body is my possession!

I know many thieves who claim the same ...

—Thanks for the food, mommy.

Do not compare me with thieves, since before his birth this body has been mine by right, it was an oath in the name of-

Needless to say more.

To all this, it seems that you have a loving family.

+Shut up...




PoV Ruby ...

The clock on the wall chimed rhythmically, giving me an iota of calm.

I got up from the sofa and went to my room.

Geron tried to block my path with a hug, but I just dodged him.

My room was certainly of an immeasurable quality for someone of my abilities.

I walked around the room, there was a closet, a dresser and a door that apparently leads to a bathroom.

The closet was full of luxury clothes, however they were not too extravagant, the dresser seemed to have makeup, in my previous life I stayed away from makeup but I suppose it can be useful in some constraint? The bathroom is worthy of being called a throne, it has a bathtub and a sink, in addition to various bath salts.


The bed is big enough for three people to sleep in it without touching each other.

Beautiful red curtains adorned with a flower motif hides the bed from prying eyes.

Without even taking off my clothes, I dropped onto the bed and rolled over onto my back.

I wonder how long it's been since I last slept, it's not that long, but it feels like it's been an eternity.

I inhale and exhale.

And I dispel my negative emotions ...

And I blank my mind ...

And I look at the ceiling without thinking about anything at all ...

My intention was to stay like this until the sun came up, but the sun won't come up for now.




A bell start to ring...

Do you miss the hero?


Neither do I, but I will use it again if not in the next chapter, the next.

Personally, it tends to annoy me to see the hero's perspective in a story in which we follow an "antihero", however it is necessary to give more weight to the protagonist's actions.

Although I doubt that his actions need more weight than they already have, that is, haven't you seen this chapter?

I apologize for leaving things unclear, but there are several secrets that we will not see until later in the story, we may not even see them until the end!

One of these secrets is the identity of the Demon Lord, and another of them is related to a few paragraphs of the Prologue.

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