


Mahnoor's POV:

/"Bhai! I am ready./" I shouted standing near the main entrance. I skipped college today to go to Kanwal’s house. I wanted to be with her for the remaining time we have.

/"You're going to Mehmood's house?/" Papa asked while eating his breakfast.

/"Yes, Kanwal needs me and/" I paused, /"who knows, maybe Ahad won't let us meet again./" The thought of not seeing her made me sad and angry at the same time.

/"Ahad? Did we teach you to call your elders like that?/" Ami scolded.

/"For God's sake Ami why are you guys behaving like before? He is not the Ahad Bhai my friend engaged to, he is a criminal, a killer./" I almost shouted though it was unintentional.

Why don’t they get my point...?