

Year 12520, After 500 years humanity's first goal was to stabilize and build their foundation. To do this they had designated 1-100 to be their main capitals with 101-5000 to be medium leveled cities and 5001-10000 to be their low level cities. Medium cities had at least one capital representative and low level cities had 1 medium city representatives. During these five years aside from the governments, various other powers had rose up mainly the big 10 being Dragon Rising School, Heavenly Magicians Academy, Heavens Garden, Hell's Gate, Winter Phoenix Mountain, Heavenly Sword Gods Mountain, Pen Dragon Family, Zhang Clan, Celestial's clan, and Soul collectors.These ten super powers are said to be built up from ten geniuses who were able to find ten supreme treasures which then formed the Foundation for mankind.

City- 10000

"Finally 10 miles!, haaa this is so tiring" said by Josh. Josh was once from city 1000 from a mildly wealthy family but was crippled in a accident to save his friend Ray. Once his family had learned he was crippled they were disgusted and chose to disown him and to send him to a low leveled city so he could die discreetly. His friend Ray, instead of being thankful for Josh in saving him had instead mocked Josh for being crippled. For Josh all of this had came to suddenly had was quite shocked he had vowed that one day he would become a grand magician despite being crippled and trample upon his family and Ray

Here he is now training his body nonstop with barely enough money to feed himself. "Man who am I kidding, become a grand wizard? How the hell am I gonna do that when I can't even gather mana to my body" said Josh as he got ready to go into the forest to hunt. "Just another boring day in my crippled life" said Josh as he went deeper and deeper into the forest. Suddenly the ground started to shake and Josh had heard rustling sounds from his right. 'Crap to make the ground shake like this what ever is over there is most likely a level 3 monster' thought Josh as he crouched down behind a tree as he faced the rustling sounds.

As the rustling got louder the ground also shook harder and within a few seconds he was able to see what caused all of this. 'Holy crap a peak level 3 dire wolf, it's senses are most likely gonna be able to find me in about a minute, I have to move fast' thought Josh as he took up a rock. With the rock he threw as hard as he could while also trying not to get caught to the right of the wolf. The dire wolf had heard the rock bounced and immediately went there expecting an easy prey to eat for dinner. Josh had took this time to run and run back to the city where there's some basic defenses so monsters don't get into the city.

The Dire wolf who had been faked out by a measly human had felt enraged and took off to rip apart Josh. Josh who knew just how fast the dire wolf could be threw some rocks behind him hoping to distract it for even a second, unfortunately this had only served to enrage it even more and the wolf had quickly caught up to Josh. Josh knowing he might die here desperately fought as he was cut up, broke bones, and eventually was tackled down to the ground. 'I guess this is it, this is where I die' thought Josh and when the wolf was about to rip his head off with it's teeth it suddenly stopped and looked up. It felt a terrifying pressure as it felt it had just died 1000 times over, feeling this the wolf immediately ran away not willing to stay there for another second.

As the wolf ran away it had left a confused Josh on the ground dying, 'seems like it ran away from something and from how fast it was running away it's at least as powerful as a peak level 4 monster' thought Josh as a started to crawl to a cave to rest a little. "How am I so unlucky to first run into a peak level 3 monster and then into a peak level 4 monster that's maybe even more powerful" said Josh as he sat down.

Just as he was in the process of trying to close his wound he heard the sounds of laughing " I guess that is pretty unlucky kid since there's not a lot of monsters higher that peak level 2 monsters in this forest" said an aged voiced that also had a hint of wisdom mixed in it. "Who's there?!" Said Josh as he got up ready to fight.

"Whoa kid don't worry I won't hurt you and plus your attacks can't even hit me" said the aged voice. "Oh? Well how can I trust you, someone I don't even know to not attack me during my weaken state" rebutted Josh as he kept his guard up. "Jeez fine let me show you that you can trust me" said the aged voice. Josh seeing who it was stood there shocked until he suddenly shouted " HOLY FUCK A GHOST!"

The old man who showed him self to Josh felt quite offended by this statement and said "Stupid kid I am not a ghost I'm something cooler and awesome, a primordial spirit". "A primordial spirit?" Said Josh. "Yes a primordial spirit, the last stage of soul evolution where as long as my spirit is not destroyed I can live forever." "Damn that's sooo cool and it sounds over powered." Said Josh.

"Trust me kid it's not OP as it sounds like since to house a primordial spirit you also need a strong body." Said the old man " A strong body? Wait are you gonna kill me and then take my body to do weird stuff?!" Said Josh as he raised his guard. The old man seeing this almost spurted out spirit blood and said " What do you mean take over your body?! I wouldn't do it even if was about to die and plus your body isn't strong enough to House me" Josh hearing this lowered his guard a little but still kept it up just in case.

"So just who are you any way?" Asked Josh as he wondered why such an awesome person is here. "I am the greatest magician in history, Virmir, and I am here to find my successor" said Virmir. "That's cool and all but why here? Over here most people have trash talent and are not likely to become magicians." Said Josh. "Ay you got me, truth is that I really am looking for a successor but due to the great chaos war I am severely injured and can only stay here to try to recuperate" Said Virmir looking sad as he thought back to ancient times.

"Well then why don't I become your successor? I am really smart and just figured out that you had a little secret through some small clues" Said Josh expectingly looking at Virmir. "Sigh while you are smart, strong willed, and is able to think on your feet in the end you are still crippled and can't become a magician unlike others who have bad talent but they are still able to become a magician" said Virmir.

" Well aren't you the greatest magician in all time I'm sure you have a storage some where with things that can help me restore my magic core to let me cultivate to become a magician" Said Josh looking even more expectingly at Virmir. To this Virmir simply laughed and smiled and said " Not bad kid, indeed your right I do have a storage for my successor and it seems that I have found the right one". "I knew it, seems like reading also cultivation novels helped me after all" Said Josh. "Quiet down you will be cultivating this whole month to reach the adept level and if you can't it will make all my efforts go down the drain, but if you can get to adept level in a month I'll you a reward, Young'un"

I’ll try to do one chapter a day but no promises.

bobandraycreators' thoughts
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