
Yandere Therapy

The Catacombs, a place where those whose powers have driven them over the edge reside Cane Barlow, the new therapist and soon-to-be heir of the Barlow family Women lost to insanity, grief, paranoia and the past are given a new light When given a chance at happiness and a respite from the dark depression of their lives what will they do? Kill? Maim? Torture? Love? Obsess? All and More not my art (Yanderes For the lord!) (You can support me on my Pat re on)

Lord_Sadness · Fantaisie
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86 Chs


(Alice pov)

"1 hour, 37 minutes to go!"

"In just above an hour and a half we get to see Cane!" Alice said aloud in a sing-song voice, practically bouncing off the walls

{Shut Up!} Wolfy yelled, giving Alice a minor headache {I'm trying to sleep here!}

She had been rather cranky this morning, even more than usual, when Alice had asked her about it all she had gotten silence, before getting the same response over and over again

{it's probably nothing!} the voice whined, obviously annoyed by her friends accusing thoughts… yes that right! Her friend! Turns out they had a lot in common!

After learning the truth of her secondary personalities past Alice had become more understanding, even going as far as to let her take over fully on the weekends

{Why can't I take over when we see Cane, it's not fair!} Wolfy demanded in a sulky tone {when ever we see him you never let me take first!}

They had discussed this multiple times, in their free time between reading, talking about the man of their dreams, and looking for ways out of the cell, so they could "Visit" their love but -the main reason it was impossible for Alice to let Wolfy take over fully before meeting cane and let her speak on their behalf was…

"You'd molest him!" She screamed with a red face, admittedly both embarrassed and…warm at the idea "We both know what you want to do with him and how fast you go into heat! If given the chance to overpower him who knows what you might do"

Wolfy went silent for a few moments before returning in a shamelessly offended tone "How dare you! You know very well that I would never harm Cane in any way!" sounding as if she were taking a breath she continued "besides he would never say no to me… unlike you"

Alice nearly stumbled and fell at the condescending tone Wolfy had taken before asking "w-what are you talking about!"

{oh please! If he were to pick between your small and flat body against my rugged curves we know who he would pick!} she yelled in a mocking tone {we both felt his gaze on my body! MY ABBS} she yelled triumphantly

Alice was literally seconds from an aneurism as she turned crimson and started to reply "It's OUR body, you idiot! What the hell are…"

She didn't get to finish as suddenly the door of her cell was ripped entirely off its hinges with an ear-piercing shriek, as she saw who stepped in she began to shift, her body growing and eyes turning a bright red


Taking the initiative they charged at her, pouncing at speeds impossible for any normal to perceive, and aimed a clawed hand at her throat planning on ending the fight as quickly and ruthlessly possible

Only to suddenly be unable to move!

Moving so fast that even they didn't see it coming two tendrils launched at them and wrapped themselves around her, and held her tight

As they began to struggle and scream in feral rage Jasmin began to speak, her voice held a level of rage that shocked even Alice, a depth of sheer wrath that made their rampage seem as if it were a mere inconvenience, as she said words that turned their world upside-down

"Canes hurt, I need-" and that was all they heard, it seemed as if Jasmin's lips were simply flapping on their own, soundlessly and without purpose, as all the split minded girl could, feel, hear, and see was fury

She could feel her very form shift and change with her mind, breaking and twisting painfully at an extent that seemed to shock even the Wendigo. Her arms, legs, skull, and spine snapped and crackled into new jagged forms, the skin split praying blood across the walls and floor before new flesh formed out of the peaking bone and fur grew over it

But they didn't feel the pain, yes, they were in pain but not because of what was happening to them

SOmEoNE Had hUrt CANE!?!?

As what seemed to be fire shifted through her veins, she felt her viewpoint change and she ran on all fours out the door, barely fitting and not even noticing the tendrils she had torn through or how Jasmin was now riding her back, wearing an expression that matched her feelings

They broke through doors and walls, moving at such a speed and with such ferocity that any in their way ended up crushed under them or simply splattering against them like bugs on a windscreen, further adding to their bloody visage

Only when they had broken out into the yard and multiple spears of red energy crashed through the fence, they were charging did the girls realize they had a passenger, but they didn't care

Today as long as she didn't get in the way they could be best friends for all she cared, if she helped her find Cane, she would even maybe let her live

This day later grew to be one of the most terrifying days in the lives of those who encountered them, as they watched a wolf, eyes purple and aglow, covered in blood and purple veins charged howling through the catacomb walls, their building, and friends while ridden by an equally terrifying woman, soaked red with cold blue hair and black eyes

Not that the wolf cared for the bugs it squashed, it simply charged through the hole in the fence, crushed any its path, climbing the buildings it could and smashing through the ones it couldn't. The only thought in its for-now melded finds was an instinctual drive, a drive to find the one they loved, the one that was theirs

Their therapist!

Their Mate!

Their CANE!