
Where it all began

It was a beautiful September morning, I am still lying down in bed thinking that this is the start of my life! I just finished highschool and a whole new world would it be to go to a grand university next term.

Meeting new people, having my own place, my own identity, finding myself. I have waited for this, but I have three whole months to just have fun, throw everything in the wind and just relax!

Having these thoughts, I stood up and opened the curtains to let the light in when I heard my Grandma knock on the door and call my name..

" Wynter! its half past ten! You said Skye is coming to pick you up at 11, are you awake , Honey?" My Nan is the the only good going in this place, if it weren't for her taking me in, I wouldn't have gotten this far..

" Yes, Nan, I'm up since 9.. just doing some last minute packing" I replied.

My bags are all packed since last night, but I don't have to tell her I was reflecting on my life and all the possibilities I would be doing in the future..

I am a good student at school, I did well in high school, I don't cut classes like some of my classmates and go off to watch a movie, meet up with their boyfriends or go gallivanting the country side doing whatever they want. I was called a prude couple of times because I don't do those things.. but hey I wanted to be a better person, I wanted to do something good of my life, for my Mom. I promise her before she passed that I would do something of myself, that I will not do what she did. She was an only child and was a beauty in her time.

My Da saw her and didn't let her go. She was in her last year of high school when she had me. My Mom and Nan had plans after she finished high school, she was supposed to accompany her Aunt and train as a flight stewardess, go travel around the world while also working, that went to waste when she came home telling my Nan the news, that is me.

My Nan always say 'no news is good news'. They never told me the complete story but I suppose and I assume that Nan wasn't impress at the time, to tell you frankly I think if I was in Nan's place, I would be disappointed somehow.

My Nan worked from day in til day out, I know she loved my Mom very much and have given her almost anything, not to spoil her, but so she would have a better life than my Nan.

They were very poor in these societies standards but my Nan, I might describe it as she pulled out a hat trick so my Mom can go to an exclusive school for girls, but love happens and produced me. So here I am!

My Da passed away when I was five. My Mom said he was a good man, tried his best to do everything to keep us afloat. He worked as a building laborer. One day he went to work and was in a site accident, the main post holding the building collapsed when he was patching up cement on the side walls.

There were twelve casualties. Eight people were injured and four dead on the spot, my Da was one of them. I don't remember him much anymore but my Mom kept him alive in all her stories about him.

" Wynter, Skye is here now!"

I heard my Nan call from downstairs. I didn't realise how much time has passed by sitting down here in my bed. I looked around and grabbed my suitcase, my mobile, and handbag where my passport, ticket and itinerary are and started walking out of my childhood bedroom..

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