
"Hope can bring you through the darkest night. When that hope is in an impossible dream, it will bring only despair."

"All Might we need to do something about All For One, he is causing a lot of ruckus in the underworld right now, just this week there has been 2 reports of someone losing the ability to use their quirks after a man grabbed their heads and a report of bodies going missing from morgues all across Japan." said All Might's long time friend and sidekick Sir Nighteye. "I know Night! He is a slippery snake though, everytime we get wind of him, he disappears. It's frustrating and makes my blood boil knowing the man that killed Nana is still out there."


"Garaki, DO you have any news on the project?" He asked as he stared down at the short and stout doctor. "Not yet, it will take at least a decade and more test subjects to get half way through my research, but I do have news regarding that boy you were looking for, it seems his quirk manifested and his family was the collateral."

"Hmm good, I wonder what face All Might will make when he realizes my successor is Nana's grandson," the man said with a smile showing that he is indeed crazy. "Anyway, I am going to take a look at my new toy, show me some improvement when I get back."


Izuku was sat in a park on a swing as the sun drifted lower escaping into the ocean, he sat there just existing and trying to figure out why everyone said he could not be a hero, as that thought crept into his head, tears started to form and his chest started to tighten. He started sniffling and asked out, "Why can I not be a hero? Even though I'm quirkless, I can still save people! So why? Why do people have to be so cruel?"

"Because boy, if they are not cruel then you will be the one to suffer." Said a Mysterious and conspicuous man. He was dressed in a yellow suit with red boots, red gloves, and a white cape but the most outstanding thing to see was the shiny mirror where his hair should be. As Izuku looked at the man and wiped his tears he said, "Suffer? I am already suffering, so what will more suffering do to me? I am going to keep dreaming to become a hero no matter what they say."

As the man listened to the kid that was having a mental breakdown with a raised eyebrow, he decided to test something, he let the kid finish while chuckling at his inner thoughts. "Alright, how about I help you suffer some more? I will train you to become a hero for a year or so and then you are on your own but it will give you a starting line. I want you here by 5pm everyday afterschool and weekends too. No rest until you can walk on your path with confidence. So what do you say twerp?"

Izuku was stunned as he should be, he has someone that he thinks is a hero offering to be his mentor, it is his chance, a chance to achieve his dreams. Would he let this chance go? His mom definitely would not let him meet this stranger everyday, so he would have to lie. Could he lie to his mom? He has to do this or his dream will be that, just a dream. So he steeled his resolve and replied to the man, "YES SENSEI!"

The man smirked behind his hand and said, "Alright twerp, drop down and give me 20." Izuku looked at him and gained a nervous expression, he said aloud, "But I don't have $20 dollars." The man looked at him without an expression and then sighed. "20 pushups, give me 20 pushups."

Izuku with a red face dropped and started doing pushups and got to 5 before on the sixth one fell to the ground. "Sensei, I can't do 20 of them. Maybe I should do something else while my arms rest?" As the sun was basically gone and the last light was fading out, the man told Izuku to get up and run the whole way home without stopping. It does not sound so bad unless your home is about a mile away and you are a 5 year old who has never done cardio in his life.

As Izuku reached his home, he turned around with fiery eyes and said to his new mentor, friend, and his thread of hope. "I will try my hardest and I will not let you down... I think!" Izuku heard a door open and turned to see who it was, which was rather weird since it could only be his mom but when he looked back, his mentor gone without a sound.

"Izuku? Who were you talking to? Also it is dark, so why did you come home so late?" His mother Inko Midoriya asked her only child. "Sorry mom, I was out playing with my friends, we played Heroes and Villians Capture Edition! So we wanted it to be slightly dark so we could hide better."

Inko looked at her son and sighed in relief as recently it looked like her son was really sad and she thought he might have been getting bullied from not having a quirk. "Ok, but make sure you do not stay out too late and we have a parent-teacher meeting tomorrow to discuss about Bakugo's recent behavior towards you and the other children."

"But MOM! He is just messing around because he got such a cool QUIRK!" He said to his mother.



So, this is my first time ever writing a fanfic or dialogue ever. I do not know if it is good or if this story will be any good. I just got the motivation when I was about to go to sleep and talked myself into actually going for it. Also yes, that was a Saitama reference but no it is not actually him. He will be explored later on in the story if I continue to have motivation. Izuku may seem more mature for a 5 year old than he should be, that is because I do not know what a 5 year old thinks of or talks like. I want him to actually reach for his dream and I think this is how he would have turned out like with a simple push and guidance. So yea, he is not as whiney as canon.

AxesInccreators' thoughts
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