
Episode 1- Death

'Maybe we all deserve to die?' A boy with wavy light blue hair, with a hint of green, thinks to himself as he sits at a bar. He takes a drink of his beer. 'God this shit tastes so gross.' He sighs. 'Maybe I should get something other than this if its going to be my last day on earth..' He waves for the bartender.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks. She had long red hair. Her breasts almost popping out of her shirt. A heart tattoo was on her left boob. She smiles down at him.

He groans as he looks away. Trying not to look at her tits. 'Great..can't believe she has to work here..'

"Devon?" She laughs. "I can't believe I didn't recognize you!" She bends over the bar. "Say, if you want..after this we can go back to my place like old times..." She whispers in his ear.

He shakes his head. "No.." He groans. 'I hate her..' He takes a deep breath. "Can I get some fries? Cheesy?"

"Sure!" She laughs as she walks away.

"Breaking news!"

'Great..another one of the murders that everyone is talking about.' He ignores the TV unlike everyone else around him who can't take their eyes off of it. 'Zombies..'

"I'm telling you Harry! This is just crazy!" The news woman tells the man beside her as she looks scared. "Those poor people!"

Harry laughs. "Well, if that guy thinks he can try me than I challenge him!" He looks into the camera. "Hear that killer? I challenge you grow a pair and come at me!"

Devon looks up at the TV. 'Oh?..a challenge?' He grins.

"Here you go!" The bartender sets some hot cheesy fires in front of him. She looks up at the TV. "I hate the news. It's always sad!" She shakes her head as she puts her hand on her hip.

He takes a bite of one of the fires as he doesn't take his eye's off the TV. 'Challenge?...This could be fun..'

After eating and drinking a little, Devon walks down the streets of Michigan. 'This part of the city smells of shit.' He kicks a Pepsi can. He spots some thugs breaking into a nearby car.

"What you lookin at man?" One of them yells at him.

'Just ignore them. They aren't you're problem...at least for now..' He continues to walk down the streets.

At the news station.

"Wow Harry!" A woman with big tits smiles big at him. "I can't believe you just challenged the killer!" She shakes her boobs a little.

He grins. "Well, lets just say I like to live dangerously." he playfully bites at her.

"Oh!" She giggles as she rubs his arm.

"Say toots! Want to go back with me to my place?" He winks at her. "I promise to keep you safe from the killer."

She sighs. "I wish! But my nan has to have her bath. And I'm the one that has to give it to her."

"Ew!" He looks at her disgusted. "Fine." He stands. "I guess I'll just go home alone." He walks away from her.

She groans as she watches him leave. "Stupid nan!" She stomps her foot.

When walking out of the station he winks at some girls walking by. "Evening ladies!" He clicks his tongue as he goes to his limo. "Home, Jerry my boy!" He sits back in his comfy seat as the limo takes off.

'So this is what a mansion looks like..' Devon walks around a large house. He stares at the city from afar. 'Guess you have to have a lot of money to have this kind of view.' He turns to some voices coming from outside. 'Good..was waiting for him to get home...'

"Thanks Jerry!" Harry walks past him. He unlocks his front door. When he does all the lights in the house turn on. "Ahh." He smiles as he looks at his home.

A large painting of himself naked hung on the wall above Devon. 'Damn this guy loves himself..' He shakes his head. He peeks around the corner.

Harry lays back on his couch. "TV! Turn on video 546!" He yells. After he does his large TV turns on a video of people having sex. "Ahh.." He starts to unzip his pants. "Stupid bitch didn't want to come with me...she is missing out..." He begins to moan.

'Gross..' Devon almost throws up as he gets close to Harry. He looks up at the TV. 'Really? Your into this kind of this?! IS THAT SHIT!!!'

Harry moans louder. "OH BABY!"

'Got to do this quickly!' Devon grabs Harry's hair in a flash while also hold a knife to his throat.

"HOLY SHIT!" Harry yells in fear.

Devon grins. "Something wrong?" He puts pressure on his neck. Drawing some blood. "Awe...are you scared?" He starts to laugh. "I thought you wanted a challenge?!!" He calms down from laughing but when he does he sees Harry has passed out. "Great.." He lets go of his hair.

After tying him up to a chair and duck tapping his mouth shut, Devon starts trying to wake him up.

"Harry? You up?" Devon kicks his knee. "Come on! This isn't fun unless you're awake!"

Harry starts to wake up. He tries to speak but couldn't. He looks at Devon scared.

"Cat got your tongue?" Devon laughs. "Sorry. I just wanted to say that.." He grins. "Because I cut out your tongue."

Harry starts to tear up. He feels the pain in his mouth. Blood had ran out of the duck tape.

"Don't worry. You'll feel everything." Devon stabs the table with the knife. "Dang! Is that wood wood?" He looks at the table. "My drunk ass hole of a father would NEVER spend money on anything that's real." He looks at Harry. "Guess that's why he never spent anything on me!" He laughs to himself.

Harry sobs.

"Awe. Harry. Don't cry." Devon wipes his tears. "I haven't even gotten to the bad parts." He grins as he sees the fear in Harry's face. He walks away stretching. "Mann I can not wait to begin our little play date." he looks up at the large painting of a naked Harry. "I bet you paid that artist a lot to make him big? Huh?"

Harry continues to sob.

Devon groans. "Why you so sad?" He walks back to him. Pulling a chair in front of him. Sitting in it he sighs as he leans back. "You grew up in such a perfect family, Harry. Only child. Got his first car when he turned 10. How'd you do that?" He shrugs. "Any who, you also had TWO mothers. I bet they would be very disappointed in their rapist son." He shakes his head. "What else was there..." He thinks. "OH! You also rapped about seven girls in college and got away with it!"

Harry shakes his head.

"Oh? You didn't do that?" He bends down to his face. "Well, sorry you burst your bubble but the REAL reports state that YOUR semen was in ALL of those girls." He crosses his arms. "You are one dumb mother fucker." He shakes his head. "You are just lucky someone up higher likes your piece of ass." He laughs. "Well, I guess they don't anymore..because now I'm going to kill you."

Harry sobs. Trying to yell.

"Oh don't worry. I'm going to do it slowly." He turns around. Grabbing his knife. "Like you did those girls.." He turns his head to the side. Looking at him.

After hours of torture, Devon just finally gave in to killing him. He sits on the edge of the cliff that was in the back yard of the house. Harry's body floating in the pool behind him. "This stuff is good." He looks at the bottle of wine. He takes another before standing up. 'Wellp..he was the last one..' He throws the bottle at the city. 'Missed..' He shrugs. 'Oh well...' He looks at the beautiful city. 'It's really pretty at night...too bad Harry missed it..' He laughs. 'Goodbye world!' He takes a step forward. 'It was fun..' He closes his eye's as he feels himself falling. The air running through all his clothing and hair. 'I'm happy to have lived this long..surprised I even lived this long!' He laughs to himself. 'That's weird..' He smells burning. He quickly opens his eyes. When he does he is surprised to see something on fire falling towards him. "HOLY SHIT!" He tries to move but remembers he is falling as well.

"DEVON!" The fire yells.

'D-did that fire just say my name?' He looks freaked out at the fire. 'Am I dead?...is this my hell?'

The fire gets closer. This time he can make out it more. A large figure reaches out to him. "DEVON!"

He shakes his head. "NOPE!" He looks down at the ground. That was almost near. 'Just going to pretend that doesn't exist. He closes his eyes. He suddenly feels something warm...hot on his back. "HUH?" He looks behind him to the figure grabbed him. "NOOO!" He shouts as he gets pulled up. 'I just wanted to dieee!!!' He wines. He starts becoming dizzy. 'What...what is goin...going on?...' He starts to pass out.

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