
Wrath of the demonic king

In the world of cultivators and magic there layed one guy whom was both a cultivator and a dead king of legend with the powers of a vampire. His path is uncertain and his powers are dark but yet had a little light for the crime he was accused of by the clans he did not commit. Will he be able to walk the right path? Will he be able to prove his innocence?, not that he cares but for a certain woman he has to try for she lost the ability to cultivate because of him. Will he win the woman he loves heart as himself or will the woman he loves be the end of him?. Read to find out and if you believe this book has potential let's not be stingy and leave a vote okay?. Disclaimer: The cover does not belong to me and if you are the artist and want it to be taken down please contact me and I will do it immediately.

Darkswan · Oriental
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56 Chs


Due to fear the girl flung up from her sleep and looked around but saw nothing, she then saw that Wang was sleeping on the couch but without any blankets and the atmosphere was cold.

She then got up, grabbed a blanket and covered him, while doing so he grabbed on to her hand and she jumped.

He then kept pulling her towards him as he slept and she eventually fell on top of him but he did not wake up, the girl stared at him as he slept then her some noise coming from outside of her room, which was build in a lake so she basically had a room on top of water.

The girl then removed his hand off of her and got up. Lien the went into the balcony and looked as the lily's float in the water and the water was glowing, the girl sighed "i am being a little too paranoid" she said to herself as she sat down and placed her feet in the water.

As she did that she felt something wrapped around her feet, she jumped and tried to move her feet but it dragged her in the water and even though she could swim there was no way of getting out for her feet was wrapped in something looking like a tentacle made out of water.

She the tried to use her powers but she was drowning, the girl then closed her eyes and called out to Wang in her mind and some how he heard her.

The guy flung up from the couch and went into the balcony, he then closed his eyes and teleported himself into the water where she was, since she was unconscious his hands glowed black and he ripped the water tentacle off of her.

He then grabbed on to the girl and kissed her on the lip for CPR and swam up with her, she then opened her eyes and hugged him coughing. He then lifted her up in his arms and walked on top of the water but she did not notice that, the guy then placed her to sit in the balcony.

"Thank you.. Wang" she said coughing,

He sighed "are you okay?" he asked,

The girl smiled "i would probably be then by now if it wasn't for you so i am fine" she said,

"Don't say things like that as long as i am here i will not let harm come to you" he replied as he touched her on her shoulder and she jumped.

"What's wrong?" he asked,

She got up and smiled faintly "nothing, i will go change" she said as she walked away and he grabbed on to her hand.

She turned and looked at him "i am fine" she said.

He looked at her sternly, turned her around and he ripped her clothes in half where he could only see her back, she jumped "Wang" she said and he saw bruises on her back.

"Relax, i can only see the first part of you back nowhere else, you got those bruises because you were dragged am i right?" he asked,

She frowned "yes.." she responded.

He smiled and grabbed a container containing healing herbs and applied it to her back, when he touched her his hands were really cold, "are you okay?" she asked,

"I am fine" he responded.

When the guy finished, she asked him to go into the balcony and he did, she then locked the door and changed into another night gown, when she finished she then let him back in.

"Sorry i touched you without your permission" he said,

She looked at him and smiled gently "it's fine, you were only trying to help" she replied as she sat on the bed.

"The thing that attacked you is probably a water ghoul" he said,

"I thought the same except it seems as if someone was controlling it" she replied,

"Okay we can discuss this with your brother in the morning for now let's get some rest" he said,

"Okay" she replied as she laid down.

A little while after both of them slept away.

The next morning when the guy woke up he saw that the girl was gone, he rushed out of the room only to find her having breakfast with her brother.

Upon seeing him all frustrated she smiled "good morning" she said,

He laughed "good morning" and went to his room.

He then took a bath and when he finished he got into a black robe then went to join them.

"Are you okay?" she asked him while smiling wickedly,

"You got me good, happy?" he asked,

"Of course i am" she responded,

"I see you two became friends" her brother said,

"We are working on it" she replied,

"By the way did you guys hear noises near the lake last night?" her brother asked,

"Uh about that" Wang said,

"We didn't, we were sound asleep and it was probably nothing" the girl said and Wang left staring at her.

"My lady" he said,

'It's fine Wang" she replied,

"Well if you think it's nothing then okay" her brother said as he continued eating and the girl grabbed a glass of tea.

As she drank it Wang looked at her sternly, his gaze was a little cold and it scared her, she swallowed deeply, the girl then placed her cup back on the table grabbed a paper and a brush , wrote on ti and gave it to him under the table.

He collected it, the note said "i am sorry but it might be best if we leave him out of this and please stop looking at me as if you want to kill me".

After reading it he laughed "my lady when you are finish we have class" he said,

"I know i will be finish in a few" she replied,

'Make sure to be home for dinner too we have guests coming over" her brother said,

The girl got up and grabbed her books "i know and i will be on time" she replied as she kissed her brother on the forehead and left with Wang.

While they were on their way to class, her cousins showed up "good morning" Yu said,

"Yu you are fine" she replied as she hugged him,

He laughed "yes i am as fit as a fiddle" he replied,

"Enough yapping come on we have to get to class or my lady will be late" Wang said,

"What up with sour puss?" Mo asked,

"I do not know but i suggest you do not irritate him" Lien said as they arrived at class, which was up in the mountain and it also had a shrine, the mountain view was perfect along with the river flowing beside it and the blossom trees.

"Good morning lady Lien" Ai said,

"Good morning Ai and Bo" she replied,

"Good morning lady Lien" a disciple form the Yunmeng clan said,

She smiled "Good morning Lan" she replied as they bowed to each other,

"Sorry about my cousins behavior" he said,

"It's fine, i am sure she didn't take it to the heart after all he was born a jerk" Wang said,

Lan laughed.

"Oh really a born jerk?" Chang's sister asked.

She was another bitch in everyone's eyes and her name was Alix.

"Good morning lady Lien" she said,

"Good morning lady Alix" Lien responded.

"How can you have your dog call my brother a jerk?" she asked,

Lien folded her cuffs in anger "please do not call him a dog and i apologize on his behalf" the girl said with a bow as Wang's eyes widened with anger.

He was about to say something but Lien grabbed on to his hand and raised up.

"It's fine lady lien, just keep him at bay" she replied as she walked passed them.

"I apologize" Lan said then walked away.

'Lay Lien" Wang said,

She smiled at him "it's fine come on you guys class is about to begin" she replied as she pulled him into the class room and they sat down.