
Chapter Pov Vailein.

Sarasin is researching her recipes and training her Pokemon and herself. Mav, Kira, Janfa and I get news from the think-tank kids. They seem to have developed a bodysuit with movement sensors and pressure sensors together with an omni directional treadmill. As long as someone is wearing the suit properly, the treadmill, when on, will keep you in the middle no matter where you move. The computer geeks manage to create a profile for 21 Pokemon. Most of them are triple evolution Pokemon so that means similar characters for 3 Pokemon. This means that a VR game is slowly getting to be a reality.

In the megatropolis we will need some extra hands to rescue kids and train them in basic physical fitness. Janfas butler is helpful and gave us the contact information of a mercenary group that is trustworthy. When we are sure that we are not being checked up on, we call the mercenary group. The group is named Loose Cannon's or LC, for short. At first we issue a request for a mission of rescue, feeding and basic physical training of 100-200 kids below the age of 15. The LC representative quotes a price of 20 million. We double the time with the request of teaching them basic survival skills as well. To this he simply quotes a price of 48 million. We offer them 50 million and give an extra commission. Gather young dog type Pokemon, preferably still unhatched. Each Pokemon they procure we will pay an additional 1.5 million preferably we want those Pokemon from the Pokemon warehouses without being obvious who it is for. This means they earn at least half a million Poké per Pokemon they procured, up to the amount of kids we are rescuing. For the rescue of the kids we request them to prepare stealth helicopters and tactical gear for themselves, because they will be responsible for the lively hood of the kids they will also need a dorm. we provide them with food for 4 months. Mission start will be in a week give or take.

My father finds a few very nice blueprints in the servers that he is plowing through. One is of a very large helicarrier that can take in 10.000 people. Another is an electric battery that can store enough energy to power a small town for a year. Last is a device that can create and maintain a pocket dimension. The problem with this device is that you need enough power to run a megatropolis for a year in a single day, and then you need 5 devices to get a stable dimension of a few acres. You can add more devices to increase the dimensions size. If we can generate enough power we will use this in the future in our base. Maybe for farming maybe for something else we'll see. We are already collecting materials, in bits and pieces, through several fake identities, to build the base. All this did is increase the amount of materials we need.

But enough of the future plan talks back to the here and now. It is time to travel to the megatropolis to take part in the tournament there. This trip brings several schools to one place. Each has there own digital portal with their own information. Who would I be if I didn't give myself access to those school databases. Even specialist schools in the megatropolis won't be safe, structural engineering school and such will give us a ton of information on how to effectively built out base. In no time at all I found 50 kids, who would take any opportunity to start a new life anywhere. Smiths should be in short supply, and yet I find 11 kids who cannot find a job while being specialized in smithing. If I offer such kids a way out I guess they are even willing to go through hardships with me. When I search further I find a total of 1000 kids who seem to be in similar states. I first need a small battle force to establish a Safe-zone, and from there build our base out bit by bit. What I found till now is just the graduates of a single year in the megatropolis.

While I am in transit my father gets a visit of 2 king stage Pokemon, Gothitelle and Zoroark. They are there to assist my dad in selling bikes. My father dresses up in our anonymous suit, takes the 200 bikes and teleports outside of the city. He enters from a different direction than the one I left in. He finds a city square, pulls out a small podium and sets the 3 example bikes down including the rules on a board:

Everyone gets a single win on a single type of bike. Meaning only 1 bike per costumer.

The winners all pay the same price, the lowest offered among the winners.

Only people with status lower than a champion stage are allowed within 100 meters of the stage, 1 cm closer and the whole block goes boom.

Information can be exchanged for credits if we don't have it yet. A program will determine the value of any information offered to us by displaying the value on your screen.

Pokemon items can be used to barter at the market price, meaning selling them in an auction might bring a larger amount of income.

Raw construction resources can be used to barter at market prices, we'll take what we can get.

20 bikes will always be sold for pure Poké, we do need money to keep our world turning after all.

The buyer gets DNA recognized after purchase, unable to be traded.

Bikes need to stay within 100 yards of the buyer or it will explode. To accommodate capsule technology is provided with each bike.

Tempering with the bike or the capsule means forfeiting ownership and, you guessed it, both go boom.

The rule about champion stage trainers makes people look at us strangely. Most people would assume that we are here to make money, something that the champion stage trainers can give us more than anyone else. However a champion stage trainer represents a enormous threat to us within 100 meters. They can kill us before we can react and take all the loot they want. We don't have a shadow of a doubt that the champion stage trainers don't want to study, produce and monopolize these new bikes for themselves. Even more so when the bike my dad enters the city on seems to be even more advanced then the bikes we do sell. Producing the bike we drive has a similar cost as producing 1000 bikes that are now for sale. The people seem to come to an understanding when they see the videos that the military took with our bikes. The greed in peoples eyes flash, the warnings wane the greed a lot though. Now they do understand that the champion stage trainers would take everything away if they manage to paint a blueprint of those bikes without either the strength to keep it or the insurance we put in place of both parties gaining nothing. We earn about 10 billion Poké from this sale, which is a lot lower than we hoped. But we still made 10 fold of the production cost. My dad is even more happy though. A dozen or so bikes are sold for raw resources, such as metal ore, to build our base. We also sold a dozen bikes for information, among which dog type Pokemon training manuals that we need. Our biggest gain in 100 or so high powered guns that we now possess, with a bullet making method that fits it.

Back to Mav and me, we get on a military helicopter capable of carrying 50 people. The 2 pilots, 4 teachers and 10 participants means that there is space for 34 support personnel. Sarasin is not coming with us but prepares food for us to last 20 years. This in turn means that on average we can give upkeep to 430 kids for 3 months. We will only be bringing ~150 kids though. Kira and Janfa stay back as well since they don't want to enter the cesspool of the Megatropolis. Each of us gets a helper assigned to us of the opposite gender. The helpers are from the caretaker school and are a few with no options to refuse. If those 10 helpers satisfy our needs they get a small house to live in and enough money to live for 5 years. Another 10 are poor kids who are hired to satisfy our sexual needs. 10 more are there to help our Pokemon recover after each battle, all of them are trained as nurses. The last 4 are grown ups who will provide security at night for us.

sorry for not uploading, i had a problem making this part not seem forced, still feels slightly forced in the end but i dont want you guys to wait any longer have fun with this chapter

vaileincreators' thoughts
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