
The beginning

Once there was a planet different from others, it was special it was the resting place of the gods, there an image was formed by the gods and it possessed life in it. He was named kim as he was the first on lutoper, he was formed and had knowledge, the gods were happy with they creation and promised not to leave, there the name was formed it was named lutopia which means happiness in disguise. Kim grew up very fast and he was strong, so the gods decided one day to give him power, so he would be like them, little did they know, he would not be like them.

Time passed, kim was still a hardworking man with a good heart. Thousand of years passed, now it was time to perform Ashia, a ritual performed to nourish the vitals of the Gods;A human would be needed for such sucrifice, kim was unaware about the ritual but he was meant to go down to earth and bring a virgin with a pure heart,. He was so excited as that would be his first visit to earth. The gods then decided he needed to protect his self from Santan, the goddess of death, mistress of love. She was once a beauty, goddess with a good heart, but it turned sour when she realized she was never a goddess from the start, she was taken from her mother at birth by the god of thunder"Hamlot" when she realized all of this from source of life tree, she became a monster full of hate and vowed to destory everything Hamlot ever creates.

Kim was different, she had a soft spot for him as she watched him grow older, he reminded her of her innocence, but she knew she hated his creator but she just could'nt hurt him.

Kim started his journey down to earth, the 40th planet and was said to be the home of ugly looking creatures atleast that was what he was made to believe. Santan came to Kim to decieve him to turn back but the gods were wish, he was enchanted so it was impossible for Kim to fall for Santan tricks. Kim created a barrier between him and Santan, for the first time Santan had tears in her eyes after thousands of years. At this point she just wanted to spend time with Kim. Kim on the other hand hated her, because he heard terrible things about her, but she just a woman who never felt love but hard work to please her masters.

There is always a good in a bad, learn to love it is the greatest gift we can ever have

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