
World strongest sage

join Elias as he rise to the apex of this magical world filled with power struggling people, who would do anything to become world greatest...

prynex · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Vermilion city

" How about a little demonstration, I also have plenty more surprises after that... feel free to join me in the pleasure of bathing with a soap as perfect as this". Elias said to lilly as he walked into the bathroom, lilly couldn't hold the curiosity as she stripped herself naked hurriedly moving into the bathroom.

"So you start by rubbing the soap on your hand after it forms lather, you wash your self with it, it's easy and much more better, without soap people here would have really stink if not for mana that constantly refreshes their body." Elias said as he washed himself up, Lilly was quite hesitantly but after seeing how shinny Elias body became she did as Elias asked and rubbed the soap on her hand, as what she called white thick little bubbles formed on her hand she gently rubbed it on her body, it felt so slippery as she felt more comfortable bathing with it.

"What kind in of magic is this, I feel so refreshed, here let me wash your back." Lilly said as she rubbed soap on her boobs before hugging Elias on the back, she started moving upwards and downwards as she used her boobs to wash his back. "This is even better than last time, but I'm afraid I can't enjoy it, Today's gonna be a busy day so we need to hurry up and go to the guild." Elias said standing up from the bathtub before drying his body with a towel. "Next I think I'll make some body." Elias said as he wore his clothes.

"You said you had some more surprises where are they?" Lilly asked in curiosity as she also wore her clothes. "Well two are similar to soap, the first is face powder and the other is perfume." Elias said showing her two bottles which also had unique scent. "How do you use them?" Lilly asked assuming it was similar to the soap.

"The face powder is similar to soap but you don't bathe with it you use it after a bath, You pour a little bit of it on your hand, then you gently rub with both hands before rubbing it on your face, try to give it a good rub to get a perfect blend." Elias said as he removed his hand from his face revealing the changes to her, his face now had this bright contrast giving it a light texture, it was all miracle in Lilly's eyes we she tried it out, but unlike Elias her's was not so great, it was all mixed up as they were not perfectly blended....

"You got it all mixed up, here! let me help you." Elias said helping her as he gently rubbed his hands in her face while smiling at her.... "Now for the last, its something I call the magical liquid.. Perfumes, this In my hand can change the lives of everybody on this planet, it could rid the world of every unpleasant smell that's what's so magical about it." Elias said as he sprayed it all over Lilly's body.

"Wow!!!!! I smell like flowers no ten times that of.. Ah-Ah-Ah...chooo!!!(Sneezes)"...Elias laughed at the innocent face of lilly. "I figured out that could happen, it makes most people sneeze at first but you'll get use to it...Now onward to the guild." Elias said after spraying his own portion of the perfume then keeping it in his spatial storage space.

Along the streets of glamour city, Elias and lilly had their fair share of gossip as everyone's eyes were on them. "Are those maybe nobles, look how shinny they are and the scent, they smell like paradise of flowers I can't get enough but I'll probably get killed if I follow them sniffing around."..."Oh look how cute they are, they must be stinky rich, the most handsome boy I've ever seen in my life and a beautiful elf...Man I'm jealous."

"Do you here that, they're talking about us, they think we're nobles!" Lilly said to Elias with a proud smile. "Why are you so happy being referred to as a noble, the only thing they have and you don't have is wealth and fame but that's going to change very soon." Elias said with a smile patting her on the head.

[Dragon's gate Adventurers guild]

[Guild master's office]

"Hey!, you're looking all shimmering not to mention the sweet scent, what's the secret? The guild master asked with a little bit of curiosity which made Elias to smile a little. "Old people shouldn't bother their selves with things like that, I came here to ask if lilly and I could both attend the party together?" Elias asked the guild master whim after a while nodded in agreement.

"surprise!!!! You hear that lilly, you and I can both visit the royal palace and have some fun, maybe then you'll fill a little like a noble." Elias said to lilly who was surprised to hear that. "Really, buy how come?." Lilly asked in amusement as Elias just smiled saying it was a little luck on his side, but the guild master warned saying the royal palace or rather being around other nobles as a commoner isn't something to be carefree about, he should lay low while he's there and try not to create a scene.

"Don't worry, I doubt if there's going to be anyone who can stop me!" Elias said with a proud smile attempting to leave. "Don't get too full of yourself, there are many forces in the world far greater than you, but while you're there you should watch out for someone with the nickname lightning saint.

"Alright I'll keep a low profile and as for the lightning saint as far as he stay on his side of his fence I'll stay at my side" Elias said with a smile as he Held Lilly on the waist pulling her towards himself.

"Now that was sudden!" lilly said with a surprised expression. "Oh it's just that you need to be close to me before it works, I can't use gate to a place I've not been, but after combining reality magic with gate I created a new time space magic known as reality warping. With that I can pin point any location a little more than nine hundred and ninety nine billion kilometers away and that's about the size of this world and even beyond. so technically speaking I can go anywhere In this world." Elias said as his body along side Lilly's started to vibrate with an astonishing speed that they became phantom and slowly disappeared.

[At the capital city of Avalor kingdom also know now as vermilion city]

"Wow, doing that for the first time really takes a toll on you isn't it." Elias said to lilly but was shocked to see that even her was in a worse condition than he was.

"...Ah..I fell fuzzy"

[At a certain tavern In the vermilion city]

"Don't you think drinking alcohol is a little illegal for people below eighteen."Lilly said to Elias with a flushed face. "It's just wine, but how come you get to drink bear?" Elias asked as lilly ho was under the influence of alcohol dragged his cheek like a Chile saying she was already nineteen.

"Oh I guess that fact Is true, elves do age slower than humans do." Just as lilly and Elias were passing the time off at a tavern three mysterious looking people stormed inside with a violent look on their face.

"everybody listen up, were agents sent by Lord Aeris, so don't obstruct our business... now as for you tavern master!!!!! give us half the money you've earned today." One of the three men said with a wild smile. "Hey Lilly, I think we have a robbery!!"

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