This is the tale of someone who is special, someone who is powerful, someone who is different, someone who is nobody. Alone there nothing, together they’re everything....
Sometimes I think why me. Why not someone special, someone powerful, someone different, anyone other than me. But then I think I may be a nobody but I'm the Nobody....
This is not my story because I'm the nobody but then who's story is this?
I am Different. I think, act, differently. Why, only Nobody knows, me I just do what I want. But what if that why I'm different? I don't know, honestly, maybe it's because I'm Different, and that why this is my story...
I am Power. I am strong, fast, smart. I am the better. Why because Nobody said so, but I would of done it anyway. I am Power because this is my story...
I am Special. I was always special, I was told I was special, raised as I was special, made special. But. I sometimes think to myself is that enough? But it is because, I am Special and this is my story...