
World of Amethyst

What would you do if a God gave you 1 wish and you wished to go to another world? what would you do when you arrived in that world and found out that beings can destroy mountains with just a punch and pluck stars from the sky with their own hands? James Amethyst is a boy who wanted to become strong but never had the chance because he was always sick but that changed after a God offered him 1 wish. Now lets watch James Amethyst become strong by working hard in another world.

Qhio · Fantaisie
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Going to another world

''James Amethyst, you have been diagnosed with cancer and we estimate that you will only live for 30 minutes. We have tried our best to cure you, but have failed. Please let Sarah my assistant know what you want your family to know, and she will inform them.''

''My family is such a treasure to me. Please tell them that I love them and I do not want them to cry because of me I have already hurt them a lot these years by being ill. Also tell them that they can use my money that I have in my bank so they can pay their debts they owe, I should have at least 10 million so it should be able to last them for many years.''

''I will do that James Amethyst. Is there anything else you want to convey to them?''.

''No that's all I just want to be alone for the remainder of my life but thank you for all you've done.''

''Okay we will leave you alone James Amethyst just pull that thing next to you and we will show up in an instant goodbye James Amethyst.''

''Goodbye Doctor Jackson thank you again''

The doctor nodded at James Amethyst and left the room with his assistant Sarah. James Amethyst was sitting in a chair facing the window he was looking at the stars in the sky wondering if there is a God somewhere.

''Sigh where did everything go wrong I thought I would be cured soon but I was wrong if only I could live a lot longer I only lived for 40 years but I don't have any regrets since I was able to watch my loved ones grow up.''

''I wonder if their is a God somewhere in this World If there is a God out there can you please grant me one wish before I leave this world.''

When James Amethyst asked this he heard a person singing and this was the best thing he has ever heard it was calming and sounded godly and that's when a being with a white robe and was shining with a light which looked like a Divine light that you would see in Movies and novels. It was so bright but it didn't blind me or hurt my eyes that's when I started to feel that my body was full of energy like something is being poured into my body hitting all of my cells organs etc is was magically healing my body making it stronger. ''So it's true that the Divine Light can heal anything'' this made James Amethyst feel so Happy.

''James Amethyst, I am the creator of this World and I have heard you asking for a wish so I as the God of Earth now shall grant you James Amethyst 1 wish''

''Now what shall your wish be My child''

''Hmmm my wish Can you please send me to another world that is a fantasy one this is the only wish I want.''

''Are you sure My child that you want this wish I have already healed you so you can continue living in this world.''

''Yes I am sure that I want this wish and thank you for appearing before me God''

''Hmm okay, now that you have said your wish I shall now send you to a world called ''World of Amethyst'' this is a world that is just like the novels in your world it has cultivators, magicians, sorcerers and many more you can figure that out after arriving.''

Before James Amethyst could speak the God said ''Oh yea James I just remembered I am also giving you a system you should know what it is its just to help you throughout your journey''

''Now if you would enter this portal it will send you of to your new world''

''Okay thank you God thank you again for giving me this chance, I will always remember the kindness that you have showed towards me today.''

Once James Amethyst entered the portal he appeared on a mountain and decided right there that he would train to become the most powerful in the whole world and then conquer the universe.