
World Merge: Cultivators Meet Players

A world of cultivators desperately struggled against a demon invasion. As their last hope, they activated an artifact capable of granting twisted wishes. They made a simple wish: they asked for reinforcements. In the VMMORPG, "Empyrean Realms", players were participating in their first ever major guild war, when they and the entire virtual world they occupied, including NPCs and territories, were scattered into a world of cultivation. The System from the game was brought into reality and incorporated the energy 'Ki" into it. Cultivators, players, and former NPCs all got a new updated system to develop in the freshly formed combination of worlds. Note: I will also be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

MiniBorkLazer · Fantaisie
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"Congratulations! You have been recognized by the System. Your new Status will be that of a Non-Player Character (NPC).

Reassessing Status….

Congratulations! You have earned the Title 'Wish Maker.'

You gain the Feature 'Rapid Growth': Experience Points will be obtained at 5X normal rate.

You gain the Feature 'Multiclass': You may place Experience Points to Level Up any Class.

Your Status has changed to 'Player'.

With this Status, you may freely choose how to allocate Experience Points and Ability Points after each Level Up. It is recommended that you choose in a manner that aligns with your Class Selection.

You may earn the Experience Points necessary to increase your level by defeating enemies and achieving grand accomplishments.

You may now access the Player Forum.

You may now access the Chat function.

You may now access the Party function.

You may now access the Guild function.

You may now accept Quests from NPCs.

Status Screen:

Name: Isaac Creed

Title: Wish Maker

Class: (None – Title Effect: You are not required to select a Class before Experience Point allocation.)

Level: 0

Experience Points: 0

Strength: 60

Dexterity: 60

Constitution: 60

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

Health Points (HP): 600

Mana Points (MP): 100

Stamina Points (SP): 600

Attack: 60

Magic Attack: 10

Defense: 60

Magic Defense: 10

Status Effect Resistance: 60

Mental Fortitude: 10

Persuasion: 10

Critical Chance: 4 %

Skill Learning: 100.5%

Accuracy: 60

Evasion: 60

Movement Speed: 8 m/s Maximum

(Currently showing Base Derivative Attributes. Please select a Skill to see further information.)

Note: Core Attributes Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma may be increased with Attribute Points upon Level Ups. All Derivative Attributes are influenced by Core Attributes, Equipment, and selected Skills.


Name: Creed Family Cultivation Technique

Realm: Vitality Strengthening (Level Max - 17,900 XP to next Realm)


+ 50 Strength Attribute Points

+ 50 Dexterity Attribute Points

+ 50 Constitution Attribute Points

New Derivative Attribute 'Ki' Acquired (600 Ki Points)

Name: Creed Family Combat Techniques


Art of Negation: Focuses on evasion and redirection of force. When used, increases Evasion and Defense by 10% for 30 Stamina/Minute. You may choose to utilize Ki to add to Evasion and Defense at a rate of 10 Ki per point added. Points will only be effective at time of consumption. System will recognize use in response to evading and defending, even if a time delay exists between expenditure and action. (Level Max - 17,900 XP to next Realm)

Art of Oppression: Focuses on unceasing consecutive strikes. When used, increases Accuracy and Attack by 10% for 30 Stamina/Minute. You may choose to utilize Ki to add to Accuracy and Attack at a rate of 10 Ki per point added. Points will only be effective at time of consumption. System will recognize use in response to attacking, even if a time delay exists between expenditure and action. (Level Max - 17,900 XP to next Realm)

Art of Speed: Accelerates the body for any use. When used, increases Movement Speed by 10% for 30 Stamina/Minute. You may choose to utilize Ki to add to Dexterity as it is calculated into Movement Speed at a rate of 10 Ki per point added. (Level Max - 17,900 XP to next Realm)"

'I didn't… die?'

'The Lord of Chaos didn't kill me? Or curse me? Not only did He grant the wish… He even rewarded me?'

Isaac scanned through the excessive amount of text flooding his vision. Shortly after the System announcement, everyone was given orders to clean the battlefield and simultaneously gather as much information as possible. Issac was more than happy to comply, as it served as an effective distraction from a rather depressing task.

Not only was it an incredible amount to digest, it was also simply unbelievable.

'There must be something more to this. The reinforcements the Lord of Chaos sent here must be… troublesome.'

It wasn't impossible for a wish to go favorably, but the God's proclivities for 'entertaining' results were known all too well. Not only did the reward not exhilarate him, it actually worried him. As far as he was concerned, better conditions for him meant the world was going to fare even worse.

'I can't think this way. The demons have been stopped for now. I've been given, no, we've all been given the means to grow more powerful. We need to take advantage of everything we can. Everyone we can.'

His attention moved to a flashing red indicator over the 'Player Forum'. When he focused on it previously, an elaboration was provided on its function.

Apparently, a group of individuals known as 'Players' that came from another world possessed the means to communicate with each other across vast distances. To his understanding, there wasn't even a limit to it. Now, he was a part of this too, and he had written messages from aliens that were scattered throughout his world popping up without end.

There were two positive points he discovered when he decided to inspect this function.

Firstly, he could understand what they were saying. He didn't know if it was translated or they simply spoke the same language, but he was glad that his access to their communications wasn't rendered worthless by a language barrier.

The second thing of note was that their responses were very human. He didn't take pleasure in their despair, but there was a sense of comfort in seeing that they were not some incomprehensible, unfeeling monsters.

Distraught. They were very, very distraught.

Even while speaking the same language, he didn't understand every term they used or the context of certain statements, but he was able to pick up the common points of significance.

They were, rather reasonably, shocked to be transported to another world. Or as they put it in some of their messages, 'Isekai'd'.

Some of them were surprisingly joyful about the situation, but they seemed to be the odd ones out. The majority were confused, upset, and even angry. There were many cursing with abundant frustration that the 'Log Out Function' was not working, which apparently was something they believed would let them return to their world.

Interestingly, at some point, an 'NPC' issued something called a 'Quest' to the Players, the contents of which deeply disturbed Issac.

The NPC was looking for someone who had disappeared right before his eyes when he was brought to this world, and he wanted the Players to help him find them.

That was not the concerning part.

The NPC provided details on his surroundings to let the Players know where to find him. Some of the details matched very precisely with descriptions of Isaac's capital.

Some of them, however, did not.

A vivid depiction of His Majesty's palace was given, placing it alongside foreign temples from other nations and even a church from the NPC's world.

"New inhabitants and territories have been properly dispersed."

A part of the System message replayed in his mind.

'Oh, Lord of Chaos… please tell me you didn't.'