
World End 000

After my life was turned upside down, there was nothing left. The world faded to grey as red skies and flames engulfed the big city in an instant. The screams, pain, and confusion of the people filled the air. I couldn't recall signing up for this. Confusion clouded my mind as I made my way home from work, only to be interrupted by a notification on my phone—an ordinary spam ad for a game called, "World End 000". Then, my vision slowly faded, and I lost consciousness. When I awoke, I found myself in the midst of a catastrophe, a strange noise ringing in my head. [Congratulation! You have won the right to participate in this game!] "Could this be real? Was it a prank? What had happened? I never signed up for this. I just wanted to go back home! Arrghh.." ------------------ WSA 2024 Entry! If you enjoy the story, please shower me with your support. New chapter release daily or in batch. If this book gain enough support, I'll release more frequently. Noted that there might be some mistakes in grammar. https://ko-fi.com/1001001sh for donation or gift.

1001001sh · Romance
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13 Chs

001: The Beginning

I'm dreaming. In this void, my senses are useless, rendering me unable to see or hear anything. This experience is far more unsettling than my usual nightmares of zombies or ghosts.

I wait patiently, hoping to awaken from this dream. Uncertain of what to call this type of dream, I always feel lucid during my sleep.

Gradually, a faint light appears in the void, accompanied by a strange, pleading sound. Intrigued, I move towards it.

As I approach, the sound intensifies, as though someone is shouting beside me.

Upon reaching the light and touching it, my vision suddenly flashes, overwhelming me like a camera flash.

Squinting, I see before me a burning city, consumed by flames akin to the aftermath of a napalm bombing. I stand on a hill outside the city, witnessing the unfolding chaos below with horror.

The air is filled with the sounds of people running aimlessly, their desperate cries for help echoing around me.

I watch as a jet fighter crashes into a tall building, followed by others falling to the ground, one after another.

Though I watch all of this unfold, I remain unaware of my situation, believing it to be just a dream. However, when a flying jet heads towards me, everything changes.

Without flinching, I watch as the jet approaches, its engine noise fading in my ears until it strikes me.

Thrown by the impact, I am hit by debris from the ground and tree branches, causing excruciating pain.

I feel blood flowing from my head as I lie on the ground, trying to assess my injuries.

Realizing my lower body is missing, with my intestines scattered, I am overwhelmed by indescribable feelings.

As I gaze at the red skies, more jet fighters plummet to the ground, mixing my tears with the blood from my eyes.

The realism of the dream is unnerving, making it difficult to believe it's not real.

Desperate to awaken, I wish to do so, but before I can finish my thought, a sense of impending doom grips me.

I die with my eyes open, half of my body missing.

[000, System analyzing.... 0.01%]

[Transferring data in the process.... 0.05%]

[Downloading assets.... 0.1%]


Gradually, I became aware of something. Slowly, I opened my eyes, only to find myself in a room with a massive monitor that resembled a theater screen. Looking around, I saw nothing else in the room except for my bed and the monitor. There were no windows or even a bathroom.

The monitor displays a data download progress bar that steadily fills. Messages in bold font appear:

[Assets Data Completed]

[Profile Information Loading]

[Profile Information Completed]

[Profile Information:

Game ID: 000

Name: Yoo Shiyoon

Age: 29 Years Old

Gender: Male

Occupation: Administrator]

Seeing my profile information on the screen, I recall signing up for a game invitation, dismissing it as a typical scam ad. However, the reality of the situation begins to sink in.

I gaze at the screen, contemplating whether it might be a touchscreen since there's no visible keyboard. Just as I'm about to touch it, a robotic voice emanates from the screen.

[Welcome to World 000.

The world has just witnessed its end. A devastating global conflict erupted, shattering the superpower nations into factions marked by red and blue. The use of nuclear arsenals triggered a nuclear winter, casting a chilling veil over the planet.

Current survivors: 1,280,808

Casualty: 7,998,719,192

The aftermath of the war has left modern civilization in ruins. Cities lie in rubble, and once-thriving communities are reduced to ashes. The environmental devastation caused by nuclear and biological weapons has transformed the world into a harsh, unforgiving landscape.

Mutations caused by these weapons have given rise to new threats. The genetic makeup of every living being has been altered, leading to the emergence of mutated creatures that roam the wastelands. Humanity is no longer alone in this new world; it must now contend with these mutated creatures in addition to its survival challenges. 

The rules of survival are simple: adapt or perish. Players must navigate this hostile world, scavenging for resources, crafting essential items, and forming alliances with other survivors. Every decision matters, as danger lurks around every corner and every encounter could mean the difference between life and death]

"I'm impressed by the detailed backstory"

'Based on the backstory, it seems like the game's genre is a post-apocalyptic world. I must say, it's interesting. But am I still dreaming?'

As I pondered, another pop-up message appeared on the screen.

[This is system 001, initializing communication.... 0,005%]


[Initialization complete.... 100%]

[Welcome, Player

This is System 001. We will guide you on your journey.

Please ask us anything or skip this tutorial and continue to character creation.

/Yes or /Yes]

"What? How is it giving me only one option again?"

This feels like a scam. I proceed to the next step. This system is stingy.

[Character Creation Loading.... 0,005%]

[Loading Complete.... 100%]

[Character Creation: 

Display: Human Body Type

Gender: Male

Noted, you can only change its appearance. The character's gender is locked based on the player's gender.]

A display of a young male body appeared in front of me. The appearance was a 3D model, looking realistic. It felt like someone was standing in front of me, naked.

I looked at the body intently. It was a bit skinny, lacking muscle.

"Hm... Hey System, am I allowed to adjust the character model?"

A small pop-up message appeared beside the character model.

[Yes, players are allowed to adjust the character model. Would you like to adjust the character model?]

"Yes, I would like to adjust the character model."

"Please adjust the height to 5ft9, adjust the hair color to grey, and change the eye color to red color."

[Anything else you would like to adjust?]

"I don't know what else to adjust. I'm not good at making over male characters."

[I see. You must enjoy being a Netkama]

"What?? How do you know that?

"Hey, that's not true. Playing as a female character is much easier to grind in the game."

[The character model has been adjusted to the player's request.

Would you like to confirm the character?

/Yes or /Yes]

"Wait!! I want to change one more thing. Please adjust the ears, make them like pointy ears. Is that okay?"

[That is possible. The character model has been adjusted.

Character creation successful.

ID: 000

Race: Human

Gender: Male

ES coin: 4

Note: You can customize your ability using ES coins.

Would you like to customize your ability or go with a random ability?]

"Of course! Show me everything!"

[ES shop loading.... 0,001%]

[Loading Complete.... 100%]

[Ability Shop:

Survival Instincts (1 coin)

Heightens the user's senses and intuition, allowing them to detect danger and anticipate threats with uncanny accuracy.

Trash Is The Best (2 coins)

Grants the user enhanced perception and resourcefulness. Increase the likelihood of finding useful items and hidden treasures.

Bio-Adaptation (3 coins)

Allows the user to adapt to the harsh conditions of the post-apocalyptic world. Increase resistance against environmental hazards and enhance the user's physical endurance and resilience.

Who Is Hiding (2 coins)

Conceals the user from detection by both human and mutant adversaries. Provides a temporary veil of invisibility that allows the user to move unseen and evade pursuit.

Night Blessing (1 coins)

Grants the user enhanced agility and stealth during nighttime. Users consume less energy and gain night vision.

Would you like to purchase the available abilities?]

"Huh, available abilities? Are there more abilities other than these?"

[Yes, more abilities will be unlocked once a certain threshold is reached]

"All of these abilities are good. But it's still lacking. Can I get more coins at least, so I could buy all of this?"

[Unfortunately, cheating is prohibited. We couldn't change the base program on this. 

Once you reach a certain threshold, an ES coin will be awarded. 

Once you start the game, the advanced mission will be sent to the mission tab.]

"Wait.. wait.. What?? It's not even a beginner mission but an advanced mission?? Am I hearing this wrong?"

[Your hearing is perfectly fine. We will provide more information once you move on to the next step.

Would you like to purchase the available abilities?]

This game system is a fraud. They don't provide more explanation unless I move forward.

All these early abilities are useful. But I can only pick a few of them. Which ones are the most profitable, I must think carefully.

I've decided!

"I would like to purchase the Survival Instinct, Who Is Hiding, and Night Blessing ability."

[Survival Instinct, Who Is Hiding, and Night Blessing has been added to your character model.

Please confirm your purchase /Yes or /Yes]

"These choices again. Could you at least be more generous?"

I confirm the purchase. Upon confirming, the character model that I created successfully appears. The materialized body of a young male with grey hair and red eyes stands in front of me.

I don't know what kind of technology this is, I could touch the character in front of me. 

His skin is paler than mine. I chose a slender body type for the sake of agility. I could have chosen a more muscular body type or even increased the height of the character.

I refrain from doing so since it would require more protein for maintenance. There are more advantages to having a muscular body. Still, this may maybe just a personal preference.

After the body is created and manifested in front of me, the screen has changed, now showing me 5 individual profiles.

"What is this?"

The screen shows me a candidate of 5 individuals as the first batch of players.

[Loading Information... 0,005%]

"This makes me confused, Am I the first batch player?"

Who knows but I wish to wake up from this dream. Just help.


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