this is a tale about two champions a man built like a fortress and a man who's trapped in shadow. both recognized his heroes but one left more than the other. see the man built like a fortress was primarily man though his body was strong. he could only do what a man could, and people loved him for that. however, the man of shadows was different. this man could possess the power to travel through shadows. something no man could do and thus was less than liked. not because he was a hero or because of his inhumanity but the fear of what it could possibly mean that he could travel to shadows, but his popularity among people still loved him for protecting their kingdom, the kingdom and which thing preside was particularly special one see for some strange reason. demons loved attacking the place. no one knew why. no one near the cause and no one wants to know. all they knew was that demons came they would attack and their champions would protect them. and that all that mattered was that their champions protected them, but of course, no one really likes the status quack especially our hero of shadow for he had a difficult way of life. no one knew where he was. no one cared what he did. no one wanted to know what he did. no one liked what he did. no one liked how he fights. everything about him was either didn't like or didn't care and that bothered him. does that mean that in his life he had nothing although that wasn't completely true. his friend, the hero of Fortress loved loved him unconditionally. he was a friend, a comrade, someone who fought alongside him and he's seen many terrible things happen and had lived through it. their bond was strong in that way. they'd seen a lot of things and knew that the other could respect the pain they felt for the fear they felt or the concerns they felt should they ever want to express it. but the relationship while great was still strange and it was neither side's fault. yes, it could be admitted that the hero of Shadow got the wrong stick. but who's to say that the man of the fortress didn't have it rough himself being left by all? he never had a chance to himself. he always trained to prove that he was great and he never was willing to admit when he was in over his head. that's his appreciation of the guy in his shadow. even when he was in over his head, he knew that the man and shadow would be there to protect him and look out for him should he ever bite off more than he can chew. the kingdom itself was also rather interesting. it was on the edge of the Forest in the desert. why specifically there? why not anywhere else will end of the desert? had a unique way about it. there were splashes of puns on occasion but the land was mainly dry. it was nothing to be had in the desert except the occasional cactus or scorpion or rattlesnake or eagle spider and the forest which would be more desirable as a location had lush greenery tons of fruit and plenty of room to expand as a kingdom. but strangely enough, the kingdom was built right on the edge of the forest and connected perfectly to the desert. what could be the reason for that? Plus the kingdom was imperfect. being placed in the sight of any enemy if there were any with no trees to keep it hidden. anyone who wanted to find it could find it no matter who they were plenty of reasons to attack the kingdom but none that specifically screamed that the demons would want to attack it and the fight has been going on for years now The king has thanked them many times and even offered them many words so many. in fact, they've begun refusing rewards from the king because it would inconvenience the kingdom but eventually things got more complicated a really powerful demon showed up and destroyed the walls to the kingdom. the two heroes fought bravely destroyed but weren't enough fearing the worst. the hero of Shadow knew what he had to do. he grabbed the demon with all of his strength and forced it into the shadow consuming it whole. but the thing is using all his strength he was not able to resurface and the hero of shadow was gone
to be continued