
Wolfe Queen

People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible. His purpose is about to be fulfilled. For which he had been waiting for ages. At last that day has come. In the darkness of the night, where all the worlds, fast asleep, were dreaming their dreams. On the other side, in the middle of Jaglo, many people, dressed in black, stand outside the villa, as if they are keeping watch. People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible.

Malti · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


Jack starts dominating Lucia badly. While Lucia is very scared to see Jack doing this. Lucia was probably feeling all this for the first time. His heart was about to burst. She started trying to free herself when Jack took her panty out of his hand, threw it away and started taking off her clothes. Seeing him doing this, Lucia was horrified. And she tried to stand up. Jack sees him running. Slammed on the bed tightly with one hand. And himself came and sat on her. Jack now completely naked, she threw away all her clothes. Lucia, very scared to see Jack like that, not even a word came out of her mouth. Saw the strong part of Ka Lahai. So she was completely nervous and apologized with folded hands. Begged to leave herself. I grabbed her hands, pressed her on the bed and started sinking her breast myself. Sobs were coming out of Lucia's pimples which turned 6 on even more. Jack was bicycling while breast-sinking, causing Lucia to scream Jack went down a bit and started kissing Lucia's stomach. Lucia was also supporting Jack, both her hands stuck in Jai's hair and were rubbing them vigorously. Jack, his body heat had increased so much that he was sweating. falling on Lucia. Jack backed away a little and went between Lucia's legs and started kissing her. Then suddenly the door of the gate opened, as soon as Jack heard the sound of the door opening, he would turn his neck back. As soon as Jack saw Haseena in Jai's lap. Jack Jellis, Nick froze in one place watching the scene of the room. And he closed his eyes tightly. Jack didn't have any clothes on at the moment. And then Lucia quickly got up and ran away. Jack got up and wrapped the towel, said angrily as soon as what happened to Haseena, hearing the voice one opened his eyes, and Haseena lay down on the bed. Don't know, she fell completely unconscious. The same Jack told the doctor to come quickly. Nick ran away after hearing this. He looked from top to bottom to see Haseena, and as soon as his eyes went to the morning thorns on her feet, she closed them tightly. Saw blood on Haseena's clothes. Jack took out the clothes from the wardrobe in his room and closed the gate. Started changing Haseena's clothes. As soon as Jack was removing Haseena's clothes, his breath was getting hot. Haseena, fairer than milk, and the fragrance that comes in it like rose flowers, attracts anyone towards itself, as soon as Jack saw the big white milk of Haseena, he had control over himself. His hands automatically started walking on Haseena's body. He started rubbing her in his hands but Haseena was lying on the impure bed. Looking at him, it seemed as if there was no life in him. The sound of knocking broke Jack's attention and realized what he was doing right now. Give the order to wait for 2 minutes in your voice and quickly give the lamp to the clothes in your hand. After a while, as soon as the gate opened, Nick took Rehan with him in front of the gate; Rehan quickly sat beside Haseena and holding her hand started checking her pulse. The same pair of blue eyes were staring at him. Because Jack was jealous of Rehan. Because he held Haseena's hand in her. Same Nick was understanding seeing the changing expression of Jack's face. That's how much of a dog he is. Because Nick had always been with Jack. Nick quickly went to Rehaan to know everything about Jack. And what happened to Haseena. Do you know anything, Rehan Nick, listen to the sound of the talk. Haseena has become very weak both physically and mentally. Due to this she fainted. Leave them alone for some time and they will recover automatically. But as soon as Jack spoke immediately, but did Rehan go from top to bottom after hearing Jack's stern voice and angry voice. But keeping yourself in it maybe not long term physical relationship. Can make, because she has given birth to a child. I am giving some medicines, they will get well soon. So speaking, Rehaan walks out with Nick. Jack holding Haseena's hand Haseena get up na I want to do with you, get up early. After some time, many people dressed in black. He was sitting on his knees. And their hands were tied behind the sides, there was a chair in the middle and Jack was staring at it with his same dreaded eyes. As if all of them will come raw now. I want to know everything After all, what have you all done with Haseena, she is sitting in front. Everyone was very scared, sweat was flowing from their bodies due to fear and nervousness. Not a single word is coming out of everyone's mouth, that's why you are telling me or I will throw you all out. So that you die by walking in the sunlight. What was it, tell me everything truthfully. His eyes were on his knees. Leaning on Nick bowed his head. All of us had gone to bring Haseena. Nick told what happened there. Jack reveals everything. Jack clenches his fists and clenches his teeth in anger and asks where is my child. After listening to the child, Nick told how Hasina had thrown the child into the river. Hearing all this, Jack's anger could explode in the form of a volcano. But it remains to be seen on whom Jack's anger will be directed.

Will Jack bring the baby girl back. After all, why Haseena threw her own baby girl in the river to die. Does she not love her baby girl at all or is there some other reason. Hasina that what is the truth behind doing this. Haseena's baby girl and why her eyes are different tricolor. You share your thoughts in the comment box. Thank you for loving my story.