
The beginning

Blood… so much blood was spilled by people I thought I knew they betrayed me and my people. These people no monsters are more fitting for them. They pillaged and killed the same as taking a breath. They did not care about who they hurt in the process, they did not care for humanity, not for mercy and certainly not for loyalty. Who are these people? There are humans just like you. The suffering I went nay my people went through was from humans just because we're different. And us not being to have normal classes isn't helping either. What are classes? Classes are what separates humans from monsters well not really they can be just as evil. Why am I writing this to tell my story my revenge. My name is Brock moon. My story begins in my village i'm currently being born. An ear breaking scream was heard of a woman with black ragged hair and blue eyes. After 12 hours of pushing and screaming I was born I had dark brown hair with green eyes. Life was slow in the village partly due to us aging slowly and nothing of importance happening it was the same until I turned 18. Since I was 5 wake up eat,train,study,sleep,repeat. That was until my coming of age ceremony where I go from a pup to an adult. But that's also when they came...

So hope you like this chapter I think it's kind of short but what do you think?

emp_grimreapercreators' thoughts