

The ride is silent on the way back home. Embarrassment fills though me, so much so that I can’t look over at Bronson. I know he is angry with me, I don’t blame him, but there is a spark inside of me that is angry myself.

How dare he tell my boss I am no longer working for him.

Rand drives the SUV with speed I’ve never seen from him, and I know it’s due to the fact that you could cut the tension back here with a knife.

Bronson had sent Jim and Landen ahead of us and since it was nearly Christmas, he told them to just take the rest of the day off when they were finished.

I take a deep breath, then turn towards Bronson, noticing his brooding mask is placed back on and is currently starring daggers at the outside world through the window of the SUV. I want to crawl into his lap and apologize. I know we need to talk but I’ve never been in a relationship before, I’m not exactly sure what to do. I decide to get it over with and speak.

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