
Witches of Mirabu Valley

During a time of chaos an reincarnation the witch Adara is born. Witches see liberation from the humans, vampires and werewolves as they settle in the valley of Mirabu. The reincarnation comes with a past for some, hope for the witches but for most it poses a threat they didn't anticipate. however the four races have no idea that the reincarnation of the witch Adara bears an even bigger threat to all for races.

Mimie_97 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs

Chapter 10

It was early morning when Mira woke up to the fresh breeze coming through the windows. Her head was spinning from the wine she had taken the previous night. She slowly sat up and held her head in her hands. She slowly got out of bed and went to stand by the window staring out of the window. She couldn't believe this was a vampire's place. The garden was so beautiful, there were flowers and the air was fresh and she could see the human girls running in the gardens. They looked happy there. The girl from the previous night came into the room. "Oh you are awake now?" She addressed Mira. Mira turned and saw the girl walking towards her. "All these humans in this place and you, why don't you go home? Are you afraid of him?" She asked the curiously but the girl smiled and put a robe on Mira. "No we are not afraid of him. Witches and humans here are free to leave or stay. Our master saved us and he takes good care of us." She explained to Mira who looked at her in disbelief. Mira had heard vague stories about Reeva. She heard he was the most handsome vampire who was cold and people rarely saw him. Some said he only feasted on witches blood, pure bloods to be exact. He had made so many women fall in love with him. "Come with me to take your bath Mira." She told Mira as she led her out of the room to the washing chamber. Mira was met by witches who bowed to her as a sign of respect. She entered the wash chamber and saw girls both human and witches waiting on her and they all bowed their heads down to her. There was a huge bathing tub in the room with warm water. The scent that came from the bath was really sweet and Mira had never seen such. She took off her clothes and stepped into the bath. She felt the warm water touch her skin and she relaxed herself.

The girls tended to her as she sat in the tub. One of the girls was a witch and Mira felt her magic. She looked on her neck and didn't see the magical leash on her. "You don't wear a neck leash?" She asked the girl. The girl nodded her head. "Where is your magic leash?" She asked the girl again. The girl smiled as she poured water on Mira's body. "I know you can feel my magic. I do not have a magic leash on me. All the witches here don't." She explained to Mira who opened her eyes wide. "Then why don't you leave? Why are you still here?" She asked her confused. The young girl was about her age too. She smiled at Mira and replied. "Our master protects us and it's safe for us here." She was honest and Mira couldn't believe how they were actually witches who would rather stay in a vampire's house. She was silent after that and didn't say anything. She could shake off the feeling that this vampire whom everyone had revered was up to no good. She didn't want to believe he would have good intentions. She walked back to her chambers and got dressed. Her breakfast was brought to her and she was hungry but she couldn't help but just stare at the food. She took a grape and slowly chewed it. As she was eating there was a faint knock on the door and the girl who had been serving her opened the doors bowing down her head. "Thank you Chichie." A deep but calm voice said. Mira swallowed hard because she knew the vampire had come to her chambers. She felt afraid and angry at the same time. She lifted her head up and was met by the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. She couldn't take her eyes off him and she swallowed hard. Her heart started to beat so hard and her blood rushed through her veins. She couldn't quite understand why eart beat and at his sight. She couldn't understand why she felt this familiar feeling. "Mira I apologize I couldn't come and see you earlier, I had important issues to attend to." He explained to her bowing his head. She didn't reply him instead she continued staring at him. He stood up straight with one hand behind him. She finally cleared her throat. "What do you want with me Reeva? Do you want to kill me?" She asked him. Her voice was shaking and she didn't know if it was fear, anger or what that made her feel like that. He didn't smile but he looked at her hand clutching on to the pink robe she wore. He walked towards the table and she quickly stood up and ran backwards away from him. "I am not going to hurt you Mira. Why would I wait for you to wake up?" He asked her. She didn't believe him so she carried on standing with her back against the wall. Reeva finally smiled and Mira didn't like how his smile made her feel. "I don't trust your good act. You are vile and I do not like you even one bit. Now you let me go!" She ordered him with her voice still shaking. "You could easily kill me but you not. Your magic is powerful and you know you can kill me like you did Fanah." He said to her as he drew closer to her. She couldn't breathe so she just screamed. "Can you just move away please!" he instantly stopped and walked a few steps back. She looked away panting.

"Come with me Mira, I want to show you something." He said to her as he stretched his hand out to her. Mira looked at his hand an she took a deep breath thinking whether she should take it or not. She hesitated but she placed her hand in his and she looked him straight in the eyes. She couldn't stop feeling the way she felt and a part of her felt as if she was safe with him. He held her hand tighter and walked her out of the room. Mira looked back at the girls who had helped her bath and she saw them smiling. They walked down the long halls and came out through the forest. She didn't protest all way but she followed him quietly. He got to the depths of the forest and there was a waterfall and a huge pond. Mira couldn't help but admire the beautiful scenery. She quickly let his hand go and walked into the water. She looked up and smiled. Reeva watched her smile and this was the first time she had loosened up like that. She walked in the water and took water in her hands splashing it everywhere. For a moment she forgot he was there. She saw him looking at him and she immediately she stopped smiling. He walked past her heading to the waterfall. Mira followed him and he went in behind the waterfall into the cave. She got in the cave right behind him and she could see many beautiful paintings. There were many fire posts in the cave. She saw a painting of a woman and she couldn't believe her eyes. She walked slowly towards the painting on the wall and she looked exactly like her. She had golden dreads fully golden and she opened her mouth and eyes wide open with shock. She slowly touched the painting and whispered. "What the hell is this? What is this?" She was panting and her voice was shaking. She turned and looked at Reeva horrified. "What the fuck is this Reeva!? Why did you take me here!?" She screamed at him frantic. She was scared and in shock. Reeva walked towards hers but she stopped him with her hand as she stumbled backwards. She tripped and she fell but Reeva caught her. She rested in his arms but then quickly pushed him away from and he landed in the sun.

Reeva stood in the sun and Mira couldn't believe her eyes. he could stand and walk in the sun. She screamed and put her hands over her head. "You can walk in the sun!? How…. How!?" She screamed at him again. She couldn't breathe so she held on to the wall and Reeva didn't say anything. She walked towards him and as she did she saw more paintings. "Oh my God, oh my God. You have been using those witches magice to help you walk in the sun haven't you!? I knew it! I knew it!" She said to him harshly. She didn't know why it hurt so much and why she was angry at him. Her eyes were filled with tears and he could see she was in pain. She held her chest and took a deep breath. Reeva walked towards her. "Mira, I need you to look at me." He said to her calmly. She couldn't believe how he would still be so calm after that outburst she had just had. She continued looking down and holding on to the wall with one hand. "Mira please look at me." He begged her and this time his voice was shaking. She didn't want to but she slowly looked at him. His eyes were deep red and so beautiful. He was so beautiful and in that moment everything in her wanted to hate him but she just couldn't do so. She looked at him and somehow it calmed her down. She let her tears stream down her cheeks and he held back his. "I know you from before. I walk in the sun because you allowed me to. Your name was Adara and I lost you once." He told her and she looked at him in tears. Adara? She was real? She wasn't a legend? If she wasn't then how? All those questions flooded her mind and she fell to the ground. "I thought she was a myth. How is it possible?" She asked him with disbelief. He walked to her and knelt besides her. She looked up to him and she looked into his eyes and she knew he wasn't lying. "You are real but the story you heard was not the actual story. I can help you remember." He told her and she didn't say anything. She looked at him and he took her hands into his. "I have waited for you for two thousand years." He told her and she held his hands tight before snapping. She pulled away from him and she stood up. "I am not Adara and I would like to leave now." She said to him cold. She walked out of the cave leaving Reeva on his knees. She didn't want to think of him like that so she quickly blocked the thought she was the love of his love. She walked quickly back to the palace and she closed the door in her chambers.

Reeva walked back to the palace and he followed her to her chambers. He opened the doors and she saw him coming in. "Will you stop following me! I am not who you want me to be so please stop!" Reeva looked at Mira and he didn't say a word. She put her hands over her head and she screamed with frustration letting out her power and blowing away everything in the room. Reeva just stood there and she knelt on the floor. "Why are you still here!? I told you to leave!" She screamed again at him. He walked to her and grabbed her arms and she didn't fight back but her eyes were dark black. "Mira you need to control yourself. You need to control your powers or they will overcome you!" He warned her but she couldn't hear him and she just grew stronger. Reeva pulled her and held her in his arms and she was breathing heavily. she began to calm herself in his arms and she sobbed so hard. He just held her tight and didn't say anything. She stayed in his arms for a few minutes. "I want to go home to my siblings. If this is not a hostage situation let me go home." She told him and he didn't move. He just nodded his head. He slowly pulled her away from him. "I will have my men prepare the horses and take you back to Mirabu Valley." He told her and she looked at him surprised. She didn't expect him to let her go that easily. He stood up and walked out of the room. Mira stayed on the floor and one of the girls came to help her up. She helped her get ready and as they walked to the horses Reeva came to her and helped her up the horse. "These men will keep you safe on your way home. Nandi will come with you to serve you. You can't control your powers and when you need help find me Mira." He said to her and he walked away before waiting for her to reply him. Mira watched him walk away and she wanted to get off and run after him but she couldn't. She wanted to know more about Adara but mostly about him. She held back her tears and Nandi rode next to her horse. "Shall we my lady?" Nandi asked Mira who looked at her and nodded her head. They left for Mirabu Valley with two other men.