
Chapter 9 Intruder

*Tessa POV*

I woke up this morning with a rather odd feeling, kinda like someone was watching me. I went to the bathroom to prepare for the upcoming day but I still can't shake the feeling that I'm not alone. Just to help calm my now panicked and overly dramatic mind, I called my best friend Kate.

" It is way too early... I should still be asleep." Kate was right she never woke up before noon and even then never enough to answer the damn phone. I was so surprised when I heard her voice I almost didn't catch the sight of someone walking past the cracked bathroom door.

I made a mumble sound like I was brushing my teeth I turned the faucet on high and sent her a message saying someone was in the house to call for help. I didn't want her to just hang up so I very calming said "would you just hold on you big grump." I heard her phone buzz letting me know my text went through. Just to make sure she understood I said our code phrase letting the other know to pay attention and of potential danger. "Don't forget the damn chips this time. I hate being home alone with no chips."

Suddenly Kate was wide awake.

" Okay I got you girl I am calling them now with my iPad. Are you okay? what is happening. Are you sure you saw someone? Shit, my ipad is not working. Okay I'm not sure what to do. Tess are you still there."

" I'm here. I think I'm going to take a nice long bath." As I said this I shut and locked the door before I went to the tub and turned that water on as well.

" Can you hear me?" I whispered hoping she can still hear me over the roar of the rushing water.

" Yes!"

" Okay I'm not sure what is going on but I woke up with a weird feeling like someone was watching me then brushed it off. Well I got out of bed and the feeling got stronger so I decided to call you to calm my nerves but I was in the bathroom with the door cracked and while the phone was still ringing I saw someone walk past the bathroom to my bedroom.like girl, tell me I'm not crazy. I'm in a full blown freak out here."

"Shit, okay so here is what was are going to do hang up with me and call 911."

"NO! Please don't hang up. Please I'm begging here. its just that damn feeling telling me not to hang up. I know this sounds stupid but can't I just stay in the bathroom until whoever it is leaves? I just can't deal with this mentally right now I'm like two seconds away from a full blown breakdown."



"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. lets just think this through and you need to calm the hell down. Take a deep breath. Now where is your gun?"

" Its in the bedroom."

"Can you make it there do you know where the intruder went?"

" No..... I don't think I can and I have no Idea where he is! I closed the door to talk to you without them hearing. I can't breath.... Kate..... what do I do?"

" Well first you need to calm your breathing so you can think straight. ..... "

" Kate????? are you still there????

"FUCK!!!!!!!!!" Kate SCREAMED so loud in fact it made me drop the phone. It landed with a loud bang before it turned black and I lost the call. I quickly picked it up only to find the damn thing broken and not able to turn back on.

'shit shit shit shit shit..... what do I do? okay so what do I have' I started to rummage through drawers hoping to find some sort of weapon but was only able to find a small pair of scissors, and a heavy crystal stone thing I had for decoration. I place both in my pockets making sure I could get to them quickly. ' Well its not much but it will do. Okay you can do this Tessa okay.' before I made a move I calmed my nerves by imagining a golden healing light from the sun but since the sun was on the other side of the planet at the moment. In my head I followed the energy of the sun to the moon and down to me. That beautiful golden light came in through the top of my head washing the panic and nerves away as it exited through my fingers and toes going back into the earth as roots sprouting from my feet and hands. I was now very grounded and my head felt clear as the haze of desperation left and only strength remained.

' I can not stay in here while a stranger is lurking in my home. Plan of attack.... Sneak... I know this house better than anyone. I can move silently. okay I got this just need to be confident and make sure to breath without making noise.'

I pulled my hair up and made sure my clothes would not get in my way.

'One Two Three' I opened the door slowly. I stepped out checking my surroundings while also trying to act normal. I have been internally trying to decide if I should go into the bedroom or head towards the car. I was not sure which direction the invader was in since I had closed the door.

"Car" It was just a whisper but it filled me with peace so I knew that was the right choice. I didn't put much thought into where the voice came from I just wanted to get out of here but I was sure it was one of my spirit guides typically one of my ancestors. I hoped whoever the intruder was they were just a thief here to robe from me. maybe that way they would care more for my belongings than they did me. So, with that hope and with great luck maybe he would pay me little mind as I made my get away.

I walked down the hall keeping my feet light as to not make a sound and headed for the door. I keep my purse by the door and my keys are always in the outside pocket I leave unzipped. But when I round the corner and see my purse was missing my heart quickened its pace. I felt this horrible despair surround me like a blanket making my whole body feel heavy.

"C R E A K....."

The floor boards protested the weight pressing down on them. The intruder was in the hallway just 7 feet away from me.

'I still have a second before I am noticed' I thought as

I instinctively reached in to my pocket for the scissors.

'I have to move' I thought as my heart frantically beat trying with all its might to leave my body. I started to move towards the door.

When I was close enough I reached out mentally begging the knob not to make a sound when I twisted. All was silent until the sounds of the night drifted in from doorjamb as the door glided open. I squeezed my body through the crack I made for myself. As I was slipping the last of my body outside I saw the intruder. It was like a shadow, a sold black mass that moved unnaturally towards me. It seemed as if it inflated its mass blocking out all the light of the house All I could see was a massive wall of blackness. It seemed weighed down with its vastness. I felt an evil aura pressing down on me coming from the creature or whatever it was. Just as I was slipping free of the door I felt something Ice cold grab my arm. My skin boiled and burned from its touch. Blackness was spreading through me, Black veins snaked through my arm heading for my heart. Time felt as though it no longer mattered. The sounds of the night were no longer audible. The wind stopped pulling at my clothes. Everything was still as if death itself clung to me.