
Chapter 1:

Nora POV:

Nora's POV:

"You are what?" I screamed at my not so smart twin sister. "I said I'm pregnant okay. It's not like you are deaf or something. If you want I can spell it out for you." she yelled back. I was in total shock.

Not only was she pregnant but she was making it sound all so normal. "First of all if mum was alive you would be dead right now. Second of all this is MY house. I set some ground rules and all you had to do was follow them. You are the same person who came running to me for help when your ex-boyfriend dumped you for another girl and now you are pregnant." I said. She just shrugged her shoulders.

O my God. I wanted to kill someone at this moment. I just came back from a tiring mission,a business trip and a very long day at school and this is what I'm welcomed with.

Okay so you are probably confused right now so I'll start properly. My name is Nora Carter, 19 years old, I have a twin sister Cora Carter (Shes younger by a minute). Let us go back in time when we where just 5 years old. I was blind since birth and at the age of 10 I went for surgery so now I can see. Just wanted to let you know.

Okay back to the story. At the age of 5 when mum was still alive I over heard her talking with someone. Believe me at the age of 5 I was too smart for my age so I guess I understood what they where saying. "This mission is too dangerous. What if I don't make it out alive? You know I have a family now." I heard mum say. "If you die your family would be alright. You come from a rich family and you have have a nice husband so he will be able to take care of the kids Plus it isn't that dangerous." The person replied. "My family are my.." "Mum I can take care of my siblings. I'm very responsible and plus I'm also part of the NID (National Intelligence Department) so it would be okay." I cut of my mum's sentence. She just smiled and said" Okay, I trust you but don't worry I promise to comeback."

Of course she never did. She died in the mission and that's how I graduated from my trainee year as a spy to my my mum's position at the age of 5. Yup, I was blind but I still took part in missions. Of course my irresponsible sister didn't know about the NID.

Dad got remarried again but to our luck we our step mum didn't like us so to satisfy her dad was going to give us up for adoption. Luckily, our grandmother from my mum's side took us in. We grew up with our grandmother and when she died from cancer when we where 17, I took over her company and the school my mum owned. Yes, Cora also didn't know about this. The only people that know are our brothers.

She is one of the most irresponsible,crazy and lazy sister I've ever met.

That brings us to where we are now, in the middle of the kitchen arguing. How we survived a whole year living together still shocks me. Yes Cora's pregnant. Like seriously. She doesn't even care and neither do I. What I care about is the baby in her stomach. It's going to have the worst mum ever and no dad.

At the looks of it Cora isn't planning on growing up anytime soon. "Sheesh, stop been so over dramatic. I'm just pregnant, it's not like I killed someone." Well yeah you did idiot. You already killed your baby in advance.

"Well At least your boyfriend would be happy. Have you told him yet?" I asked her. Did i forget to mention she has a boyfriend? "No I haven't." She paused for quiet a while."It isn't his baby. It's his friends baby." she answered. I looked at her in shock. Yep, Things couldn't get any worse. I'm surprised the boys didn't wake up from all this commotion.

Thank you guys for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment what you think about this chapter with an emoji. ❤

Love you guys.


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