
Winning Game

When two popular idol turned actors Shima and Kai signed to lead in a new drama ,fans couldn't be more happier. Add in the nations beloved actress Haruna the crowd went mad .But why even with these powerful stars ,the limelight always fall upon Yuki , the debutant actress.

Daoistluv · Politique et sciences sociales
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2 Chs

The Beginning

The door to the rehersal room opened interrupting my practise for the upcoming show .

"I thought you left ? " Sekiguchi questioned allowing himself into the room and plopped on the cushion.

I looked at the clock and sighed .3:40 ! I may as well as wrap up for today .Today has neither been productive nor a leisure time for me ."Just tell me alright" I was getting annoyed looking at the mischievous smile on my manager's face.

"Chill out lad. You got the part" Sekiguchi said throwing me a water bottle .

The tiredness and frustration I was carrying the entire day vanished in a second as I registered the words . I got the part . I got a lead role in a drama directed by the renowed Okumura Kainkan. A wide grin broke on my face. Ofcourse I was happy. If only Sekiguchi was not here I would be jumping on the cushion with joy .

It's not like this is my first time to star in a drama .I have done two series before as a main cast which was a hit in the country. But neither projects have been a breakthrough for me .Audience enjoyed those drama but I couldn't make an impression on them . As soon as the drama ended ,the audience jumped to the next airing drama and I was soon forgotten .

No I want to make a long-lasting impression. I would do anything for that .I didnt even care about the script ,when Sekiguchi asked me if I was interested in working in Okamua'a project .Ofcourse I was . Why wouldn't I? Starring in Okamura's project itself make people see me as seeious actor. Though my idol career is going well and I never fail to stay in the top position I want more. My fans mostly acknowledge me for my handsomeness. They rarely want talent . Show a smile at them and they swoon over you. No , I want more .I want to be the next Superstar. And this is my opportunity.