
Wind from the past

Fay sells her baby and goes into prostitution just so she could save enough money and leave the country. Backstabbed by her best friend, she starts life afresh believing she was paying for all her past mistakes but little did she know that her past was coming to haunt her. In the midst of her troubles, she meets and falls in love with Chris a prince in disguise and in search for true love. In the twist of events, Fay and Chris take off on journey to find love and redemption.

Ejaes_Victory · Sports, voyage et activités
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7 Chs

Chapter Five

Chris remained by Fay's side at the hospital until the next day, ensuring her well-being before leaving. Curiosity got the better of him, and he inquired about what had transpired and the whereabouts of Gina. Fay chose not to divulge all the details, only sharing the part of the story that was honorable to tell.

"We had been diligently saving up to leave the country together, but she betrayed me and absconded with all the money," Fay revealed.

Chris was taken aback by this revelation. Saving a substantial amount while working at Richmond's guest house was no small feat, and he commended Fay for her determination.

"Wow! To amass such a fortune while working at Richmond's guest house is truly commendable," he remarked.

Fay refrained from delving further into the matter, as it would raise questions she wasn't prepared to answer. The pain in her throat persisted, causing her considerable discomfort.

"I apologize, but that's not a sufficient reason to contemplate taking your own life. Just imagine if I hadn't returned in time; you would have needlessly perished. It's wrong, Fay. No matter what life throws at us, we have no right to end our own lives," Chris expressed sincerely.

Fay sighed, still puzzled by Chris's genuine concern. All she desired was for him to leave so she could rest. The house remained in disarray, and the note she had written still lay on the floor. Chris picked it up but refrained from reading its contents.

"Please give it to me," Fay requested, and Chris obliged.

"Alright, Fay, I should leave you to rest now. You don't have to worry about work for the time being; I'll inform Mr. Sam and obtain permission on your behalf. Just focus on recuperating and never entertain thoughts of self-harm again," Chris assured her.

"I hope you don't have more of these?" Chris asked, smiling warmly with the bottle of insecticide with him.

Fay couldn't help but return his smile, noticing his cute dimples for the first time as they graced his face. She found him very good-looking, perhaps because it was the first time she had truly observed him closely.

"No, that's the only one," she replied, still smiling.

Before leaving, Chris made sure there was food for Fay to eat. He went to a nearby junction and bought her some noodles, wanting to ensure she had something to sustain her. He wanted to stay until she finished eating, but he also didn't want to overstay his welcome.

"Alright, Fay, good night," he greeted, taking his leave.

"Thank you," Fay replied with a heart of gratitude.

Once he had left, Fay attempted to eat the food, but her throat refused to cooperate. Her stomach grumbled with hunger, but the pain in her throat made it impossible to consume the nourishment.

Fay had never expected Chris to be so kind and caring. For the first time in her life, she encountered a man who genuinely looked after her. His words, gestures, and overall demeanor set him apart. She couldn't help but wonder if she had been too quick to judge him. There was something different about her new supervisor, and she was determined to uncover the truth.

That night, Chris returned home exhausted. Without bothering to find something to eat, he collapsed onto his bed. However, before sleep could claim him, his phone rang, and it was Alex on the line.

"Hey, bro. Are you back home now?" Alex inquired.

"Yes, I just arrived, and I'm utterly exhausted," Chris replied wearily.

"Wait a minute, you've been at the hospital since yesterday?" Alex asked, surprised.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Chris inquired.

"This lady must be really special to you if you stayed overnight at the hospital with her. I'm jealous," Alex teased, laughing.

"Oh, come on, give me a break," Chris chuckled.

"How's Clarissa? I'll be returning home next week to see my daughter. I miss her so much already," Chris shared.

"I thought you said you were staying for a year. Are you already tired?" Alex questioned.

"No, it's not that. I just miss her terribly. Since arriving in Asuma last week, I've only heard her voice twice, and I can't help but feel a void," Chris confessed.

"No worries, I'll let her know," Alex assured him.

"Alright, thank you. So, why did you call?" Chris inquired.

"It's about that girl I met in Asuma," Alex began.

"The prostitute who charged you 300,000?" Chris interjected.

"Yes, bro. Ever since that night, I haven't been myself. I feel this inexplicable urge to find her," Alex admitted.

"Why? Doesn't she frequent the brothel where you met her? And why do you want to see her again? To engage in another encounter?" Chris probed.

"No, bro. It's not about sleeping with her again. I can't quite explain it, but I just feel compelled to see her once more. Besides, she no longer visits the brothel. When I called to inquire about her, I was informed that she had stopped coming," Alex explained.

"What makes this particular prostitute so special? You've been with countless others before. I can't even keep track of how many girls you've been with," Chris remarked.

"That's the thing, bro. I can't put my finger on it. I must find her, no matter the cost. I might even consider marrying her," Alex declared.

Chris burst into laughter. "Hahaha! When will you ever be serious, Alex? How can you contemplate marrying a prostitute? It's unbelievable!"

"I'm dead serious, bro. Just come back next week so I can return to Asuma and search for her," Alex insisted.

"Alright, bro. Take care of yourself, and tell Clarissa I love her," Chris bid him farewell before ending the call.

Chris couldn't fathom how Alex could entertain the idea of marrying a prostitute when there were decent, hardworking girls like Fay, who had diligently saved up to leave the country. He couldn't comprehend why Alex had become such a womanizer. Despite growing up under the same parents, they were complete opposites. The only redeeming quality about Alex was his irresistible good looks. He possessed a charm that made girls fall head over heels for him. He had been involved with multiple girls, sparing none from his insatiable desire for sex. To him, love equated to sex, and that was all that mattered. Chris, on the other hand, was more reserved and struggled to find the right words to express his feelings for the woman he loved. Instead, he relied on his wealth to shower her with gifts, but unfortunately, many took advantage of his generosity. They viewed him as a lavish spender, while their hearts belonged to other, more serious suitors. The few who remained by his side did so solely because they discovered he was the prince and heir apparent to the throne of Nuru.

The final straw came when he overheard his ex-fiancée boasting about her future as queen and how she would be the most beautiful ruler Nuru had ever seen. Adding insult to injury, she declared that she had no intention of caring for anyone else's daughter, and once she ascended the throne, Clarissa would be sent away. This revelation deeply troubled Chris, leading to the end of their relationship. Determined to find a woman who would love him for who he truly was, without the influence of his wealth or status, and who would accept Clarissa as her own, Chris decided to leave the comforts of the palace and propose like a genuine man. Fay, with her attractiveness, decency, and strong work ethic, seemed to fit the bill perfectly. Her unwavering dedication to saving money for her and Gina's shared dream of leaving the country only heightened his admiration for her. She embodied the kind of woman he sought. If only he weren't masquerading as someone else, he would waste no time in whisking her away to a new life abroad. However, he knew that was not possible at the moment.

Nevertheless, he vowed to do everything within his power to ensure Fay never viewed Gina's betrayal as a colossal loss but rather as a blessing in disguise.

That night, sleep eluded Fay. She ruminated on her daughter and the foolishness of her actions. She couldn't believe she had sold her own flesh and blood to ritual killers, with Gina's knowledge all along. She blamed Mr. Nari for ruining her life. If only her stepfather hadn't taken advantage of her, her life wouldn't have spiraled into such chaos. Now, she found herself utterly alone, with no family members to rely on, all thanks to those she had once trusted. Determined to forge a different path, she vowed never to trust anyone again. Betrayal and being taken for a fool had become all too familiar. All she had ever done was possess a kind heart, but that had proven to be her greatest mistake. Perhaps she was the only decent human being left on the planet, and she no longer felt comfortable in such a selfish world. No man had ever loved her for who she truly was; it was always about sex, sex, and more sex. She grew weary of the various individuals who entered her life, using her and treating her as a plaything. She resolved to shed her former identity as the kind-hearted Fayoke. Maybe Gina was right after all: in a selfish world, only the selfish succeed.