
The Invitation

I heard the doorbell ring. So I go downstairs and when I open the door I don't see anyone, but when I look down, I see an envelope. I pick up the envelope and I go inside, I then open the envelope up to see a note.

You have been invited to wild beast academy? said the note. Wild beast academy is a new school that is hard to get into, even the richest of people can't go to it unless they have an invitation. I go upstairs and I put on my black sweater, I then start walking to wild beast academy.

After awhile I am at the entrance to wild beast academy and there are guards at the entrance because this school is highly guarded. I show them the note and they tell me where to go.

I go to where im supposed to go and I see that it is a laboratory.

"Why is there a laboratory here?" I asked myself.

"You will find out soon." said a scientist wearing a white lab coat. He is a man, and he's old.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am a scientist that works at wild beast academy." said the scientist and he tells me about fusing me with an animal. He sees that I don't believe him, so he gets the gym teacher who is fused with a bull. He is tall, he has light skin, he has short brown hair, he is muscular, and he has bull horns, and a bull tail.

"Those are real!" I said when I touch and pull them.

"Yes they are and with you want to go to this school then you will have to be fused with an animal." said the gym teacher.

"You can have time to think." said the scientist and I sit down.

2 hours later...

The scientist comes back.

"Have you made your decision?" asked the scientist.

"I will do it," I said, and he gives me a paper with questions on it and he gives me a pen.

"Answer these questions." said the scientist and when im done, he looks at it and gives me a contract to sign.

"Sign this contract." said the scientist and I sign the contract with my name Daichi. He then gives me some water.

"You must be thirsty, so drink some water." said the scientist.

"Thanks," I said and I drink all the water. I then feel sleepy.

"I put a sleeping drug in the drink." said the scientist.

"Wh-." my speech was cut off, and I fell asleep.

Scientist POV:

The scientist puts Daichi in a glass chamber, and it fills with water. He then starts the fusing, but he sees the data and sees that there are nine doses in the serum.

"Who put nine doses in the serum! I have to stop the fusing!" said the scientist, but right before he stops it the owner of the academy walks in. She is tall, her skin is light, her hair is long and the colour red, her eyes are blue, her face is beautiful, her breasts are very large, and she's wearing black clothes.

"No don't stop the fusing." said the owner of the academy.

"But he will die!" said the scientist.

"He will die with you stop and we can always cover it up." said the owner of the academy.

"Yes." said the scientist, and he doesn't stop the fusing.

Daichi First Person POV:

[Day 1]

I wake up to see that im on a hospital bed in the laboratory.

"So you're awake." said the owner of the academy and I turn my head to see her.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm the owner of wild beast academy." said the owner of the academy.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Daichi there were nine doses in the serum." said the owner of the academy and she takes me to a mirror. I see that I have black wolf ears, but I then see that I have nine black wolf tails.

"Why do I have nine wolf TAILS?!!!!" I asked.

"Like I said, there were nine doses in the serum. You would only have one tail, but because of the nine doses you got nine tails." said the owner of the academy and after awhile I stop panicking.

"Now that your calm let me show you to your dormitory." said the owner of the academy and I follow her out of the laboratory and to the entrance of a big dormitory.

We go inside and there is a girl waiting for me. She is short, her skin is light, her hair is long and the colour red, her eyes are blue, her face is cute, her breasts are very large, she has red cat ears, and a red cattail, and she's wearing black clothes.

"This is my daughter Hanako." said the owner of the academy and Hanako sees that I have nine wolf tails.

"Mom what is this freak," said Hanako.

"Hanako I know he has nine tails, but don't call him a freak." said the owner of the academy.

"It's ok," I said.

"Hanako you will show him around ok." said the owner of the academy.

"Yes mother," said Hanako and her mom leaves.

"I'm Daichi," I said.

"I'm Hanako, now follow me," said Hanako and I follow her to the entrance of a bedroom. We then go inside the room.

"This is your room," said Hanako, and I see that I get it all to myself.

"I will show you around later," said Hanako, and she leaves. I then lay down on the bed, and I take a nap.

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