
And up and down we go !

It all began with what had seemed as a normal day. I was lounging on the couch in baggy clothes petting my cat, while watching my favorite show and stuffing my face with food. When the lights suddently turned off and the house began to shake. I felt like Dorothe in ''The Wizard of Oz''. As quickly has it came it stopped. Confused and irritated I stood up and went to the window. All looked normal, well as normal as my boring old town can get. Sighing I dragged miself back to the couch, where my cat was unpatiently waited for my return.

It was beginning to get late and I was getting worried. My older sister still wasn't back from work and it had ended two hours ago. As I was overthinking my sister came like a hurricane in the house and slammed the door behind her. Frightened I jumped and let out a pitiful high screach. My sister, Sierra, faced me with a panicked face and huged me tight. Confused by the sudden affection I just stood there patting her back, while she was mumbling in the crook of my neck. Finally letting go she started rambling with worry and asking me thousands of questions, which where all around ''are you ok? ''. I didn't really got it, but just let it happen, thinking she just had a bad day at work or a terrible nightmare. But boy was I wrong...

Let's forward a little to where it gets interesting. By the way hi I'm Sienna.

The night fell and we both went to bed. Sierra was so exhausted that as soon as her head touched the pillow, she was out like a light. I, on the other hand had trouble falling asleep. I didn't know why, but I had an unsettling feeling that I forgot something life treathening. Out of nowhere appeared this silver glow and bewitching melodie. As suddently as it appeared it lulled me to sleep. It was only in the morning that I realised that it was really weird.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Arriving at my destination I saw Sierra cooking. I was about the enter th kitchen when I realised that she had a silvery undertone and it oddly look familiar. I then decided to tell her about my weird dream. Weirdly enough she looked melancholic and amused. Finishing breakfast she told me that we had to talk and that I was now old enough to know more about our family's history.

Excited I waited for her in the livingroom. She came back with a big black coffer. She opened it and took out an old large black book. She turned to face me and looked at me with sad eyes and told me not to panic. That made me very confused, but I nodded. The book suddently glowed and floated in front of us. It opened itself and a projection of someone appeared. My sister then explained that those were our parents, Rachel and Mike. Two voices then began talking about it being time to tell me everything. They started to explain page by page, chapter by chapters our origine and history. After hours of me sitting there flabbergasted and Sierra patiently waiting, the book closed itself and gently floated back to the coffer.

It was on this day that my new life of treason and broken promissed began. 1. I was a witch and a powerful one. 2. Our origine history is depressing and gruesome. 3. We have BIG family issues. And 4. basically everyone wants to kill me to obtain my power. How Lovely....

My parents died protecting me. My sister was my gardian angel, literally... My grandparents think of me as an abomination. And everyone else sees me as a walking target.