
why I am thirsty

give it a try hmm 3 chapters I think you started liking it

Death_Creater · Urbain
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33 Chs


In the wake of the vanished golden energy, a chilling silence descended upon the battlefield, broken only by the rustling of the wind and the heavy breathing of the combatants. Amidst the haze of uncertainty, a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence suffused with an eerie aura of malevolence.

The holy knights, their nerves already frayed by the unexpected turn of events, tensed as they beheld the man with red eyes and black hair. His gaze bore into them like a predator stalking its prey, sending shivers down their spines.

Sir Karis, the leader of the holy knights, clenched his jaw, his hand tightening around the hilt of his sword. "Who... who are you?" he demanded, his voice betraying a hint of unease.

But the man with the red eyes remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he surveyed the holy knights with a calculating stare. His lips curled into a sinister smile, sending a chill down the spines of those who dared to meet his gaze.

As the tension reached its peak, the holy knights found themselves paralyzed by a sense of dread. They were faced with an adversary unlike any they had encountered before, and the realization sent a wave of fear rippling through their ranks. In the shadow of impending danger, they braced themselves for the unknown, their resolve tested to its limits by the sinister presence that loomed before them.

In the wake of the vanished golden energy, a chilling silence descended upon the battlefield, broken only by the rustling of the wind and the heavy breathing of the combatants. Amidst the haze of uncertainty, a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence suffused with an eerie aura of malevolence.

The holy knights, their nerves already frayed by the unexpected turn of events, tensed as they beheld the man with red eyes and black hair. His gaze bore into them like a predator stalking its prey, sending shivers down their spines.

Sir Karis, the leader of the holy knights, clenched his jaw, his hand tightening around the hilt of his sword. "Who... who are you?" he demanded, his voice betraying a hint of unease.

But the man with the red eyes remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he surveyed the holy knights with a calculating stare. His lips curled into a sinister smile, sending a chill down the spines of those who dared to meet his gaze.

As the tension reached its peak, the holy knights found themselves paralyzed by a sense of dread. They were faced with an adversary unlike any they had encountered before, and the realization sent a wave of fear rippling through their ranks. In the shadow of impending danger, they braced themselves for the unknown, their resolve tested to its limits by the sinister presence that loomed before them.

As Sir Karis lunged forward with his sword ablaze in a yellow aura, the mysterious man moved with uncanny speed, effortlessly dodging each attack with a casual grace. His movements were a blur, too swift for the eye to follow, leaving the holy knight's strikes to meet nothing but empty air.

The sound of clashing steel filled the air as Sir Karis unleashed a flurry of blows, his sword slicing through the air with a deadly precision. But the man with red eyes remained unfazed, his movements fluid and precise as he sidestepped each strike with ease.

With a chilling calmness, the man spoke, "Hmm, let's end this." In an instant, he closed the distance between them, his fist lashing out with blinding speed. The sound of impact echoed across the battlefield as Sir Karis was sent hurtling through the air, his armor shattering upon impact with the ground.

The holy knight lay dazed and defeated, his once formidable armor now nothing more than twisted wreckage. The one-sided nature of the encounter left the soldiers in awe and fear, realizing they were facing an adversary of unimaginable power. In the face of such overwhelming might, hope seemed to falter, replaced by a creeping sense of despair.

As the man with the blood-red glow in his hand extended his sinister power towards the remaining holy knights, a sense of impending doom settled over the battlefield. Lady Guinevere's heart sank as she realized the true nature of the dark magic at play.

With a frantic urgency, Lady Guinevere attempted to warn her comrades, but her words fell on deaf ears as the spell of absorption took hold. Blood-red tendrils, like twisted vines, erupted from the ground, piercing through the barrier with unnatural force. The holy knights, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, found themselves ensnared by the insidious tendrils, their struggles futile against the dark magic that bound them.

Lady Guinevere, her instincts honed by years of battle, managed to evade the grasping tendrils just in time, her heart heavy with grief for her fallen comrades. She watched in horror as the plant-like structures began to drain the life essence from the holy knights, their once-vibrant forms withering before her eyes.

With each passing moment, the holy knights grew weaker, their blood and mana absorbed by the relentless tendrils until they lay motionless, their lifeless bodies serving as grim reminders of the merciless power of blood magic.

The battlefield fell silent, save for the haunting whispers of the wind as it carried away the echoes of tragedy. Lady Guinevere stood alone amidst the carnage, her resolve hardened by the loss of her comrades, vowing to avenge their deaths and bring justice to those who wielded such dark and twisted power.

POV of lady Guinevere

As the man with the blood-red glow in his hand extended his sinister power towards my comrades, a cold shiver ran down my spine, and my heart clenched with dread. I recognized the ominous aura of blood magic, a force as ancient as it was deadly, and I knew that we were facing an adversary unlike any we had encountered before.

Frantically, I tried to warn my fellow holy knights, my voice rising in urgency, but it was already too late. The tendrils of blood magic erupted from the ground with a grotesque flourish, piercing through the barrier with an unnatural ferocity. I watched in horror as my comrades were ensnared by the twisted vines, their struggles futile against the relentless grip of the dark magic.

In a moment of desperate clarity, I narrowly evaded the grasping tendrils, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. As I looked upon the fallen forms of my comrades, a wave of grief washed over me, threatening to engulf my resolve in despair. But amidst the chaos and despair, a spark of defiance ignited within me, fueling my determination to stand against the darkness that threatened to consume us all.

With grim determination, I vowed to avenge the fallen, to wield the light against the encroaching shadows, and to fight with every ounce of strength and magic at my disposal. For the memory of my fallen comrades, and for the hope of a brighter tomorrow, I would not falter in the face of such unspeakable evil.

As the weight of grief and determination surged within me, I could feel the fire of vengeance burning bright in my soul. With a primal scream of defiance, golden energy erupted from my body, enveloping me in a radiant aura that pulsed with righteous fury.

In that moment of transformation, I felt a surge of power unlike anything I had ever known. Wings of pure golden light sprouted from my back, their feathers shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence. My armor, once plain and unassuming, now glowed with a radiant energy, imbued with the strength of those who had fallen before me.

With a fierce determination coursing through my veins, I took to the sky, my wings beating with a graceful strength that defied the darkness below. Each movement was a testament to my unwavering resolve, my golden aura casting a brilliant glow that illuminated the battlefield.

With my eyes fixed upon my adversary, I unleashed a torrent of golden energy, each strike fueled by the memory of my fallen comrades. The air crackled with the intensity of my vengeance, and with every blow, I felt their spirits lending me strength.

In that moment, I embodied the spirit of vengeance incarnate, my golden form a beacon of hope amidst the despair. With each strike, I drew closer to my ultimate goal: to vanquish the darkness and bring justice to those who had wrought such devastation upon my comrades.

And as I soared through the sky, my wings slicing through the darkness with the precision of a divine avenger, I vowed to fight until the very end, until the last vestiges of darkness were banished from the land. For the memory of my fallen comrades, and for the hope of a brighter tomorrow, I would not falter in the face of such unspeakable evil.




Pov of Lucus

As I beheld the transformation of Guinevere, a smirk tugged at the corners of my lips, and I let out a low chuckle of amusement. "So, you have the blood of a Valkyrie," I remarked, my voice laced with a hint of fascination and intrigue.



With a deliberate motion, I unleashed my own power, a crimson aura swirling around me like a tempest of darkness. The air crackled with malevolent energy as my presence loomed over the battlefield, a stark contrast to the radiant brilliance of Lady Guinevere's golden form.

As the red aura enveloped me, I could feel the raw power coursing through my veins, a primal force that sought to consume and dominate. With each passing moment, my resolve hardened, my determination fueled by the thrill of the impending clash.

With a flick of my wrist, I conjured dark tendrils of energy, their twisted forms writhing with sinister intent. I watched with satisfaction as they snaked towards Lady Guinevere, their malevolent embrace poised to ensnare her in a web of darkness.

In that moment, I reveled in the anticipation of the battle to come, my senses heightened and my instincts honed to a razor's edge. As the clash between light and darkness loomed on the horizon, I knew that only one would emerge victorious, and I was determined to ensure that it would be me.

Third person POV




To be continued

hey guys tell me where I did wrong so I can improve it in future

Death_Creatercreators' thoughts