
What should I do Now?

Here we have ourselves two individuals sitting and having a conversation. Mr.Robot and the Alien.




"How's your day going, Mr. Robot," asked the Alien.

"Not bad. Not bad," replied back the Mr.Robot. "Just finished mapping the moon."

"But, why isn't that done already?"

"Well yeah, but that all I know how to do."

"Damn they got you good."

"Yes they did."

"So you're just gonna keep on mapping the moon?"

"Well I don't have anything else to do so.... yeah just going to mapping the moon," Mr.Robot sight.

"How about coming with me. It would at least be more exciting than this."

"Well it would probably be a lot more interesting... but aside from that why are you here?"

"Cough... cough... Aww you see what happened was that was on my way to complete a job but I got distracted you see."

"Really, now?!", sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Truly, it's no lie. I was feeling bit lonely 😞 and was hoping for bit of conversation before going on my way."


"Come on! It's the truth. I have been traveling for so long time and you are the first person I have met in a very long time."

"You know I'm just a robot, right?"

"Yeah, but can't a guy have a little hope in his life."

"You're an Alien, bra!"

"So, Aliens get lonely😔. We have feelings!"

"Alright don't get your panties in a wad."

"You know what I'll go with you. But what am I supposed to do with all this information about the moon?"

"Well, you could just send to earth. Maybe they'll find a use for it."

"Alright! I'll do just that."


"Are you done yet"

"I'm done!"

"Alright let's go."


And off they went.




Unnoticed be them. The information that they had sent to earth had made a large impact, ten years later. Which lead to the canonization of the moon.

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