

In the pitch black darkness of a cave, nothing could be seen. A breeze, seeming to bounce off walls, lightly danced around while metallic aroma filled the air. Something in range was fighting to breathe.

"Who are you..?" A soft voice choked out. The voice was very shaky, as if the owner was distraught, or injured. Light shined through a crack in the wall, getting brighter by the minute. The narrow light reflected off the shiny, wet ground.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" A shout broke out, followed by a moment of sobbing."Who am I…" the voice then whispered. Anger grew within the voice as it quickened, "I WANT TO KNOW!" It quieted down, seeming to give up. " Please… someone… anyone… tell me." After a few minutes of struggled sobbing, something fell to the ground with a loud thud.

The cave brightened, revealing stone walls, all splattered by a red substance. A young wolf lay on the ground, in a pool of blood on the cold, cobble terrain. Blood, still gushing out of the side of its neck and leg, replaced the color of its fur. The sound of distant steps filled the air, becoming louder and louder until something shouted.

"I found one!" Yelled a large animal that had the shape of a wolf. It proceeded further into the cave while a female wolf followed. They each had a good amount of wounds along their body, indicating that they were attacked. The male wolf quickened his step towards the pup.

"Oh god," the second wolf gasped," I didn't think they would go after the pups. " She paused for a second, staring at the pup in front of her. "Monsters," she snarled. Steps echoed through the cave. "We need to get out of here, Rocco," she whispered.

"He's breathing, we might be able to save him. Help me carry him." The female wolf stared at Rocco, uneasy about carrying a bloody body. "Please, Em?"

"I don't think he'll survive." Em reluctantly made eye contact with Rocco. The pup's breathing began to slow down at a fast rate.

"He will. He can survive, I know he can. He-," Rocco paused, " he has to survive." Em looked back at the pup, trying to figure out what was so special about him.

"Fine." She opened her mouth and grabbed hold of the young's neck, away from his wound. A whimper escaped. "What are you waiting for," she mumbled to Rocco, who was watching the pup carefully. He then bent down to crawl under the pup. Em let go of the pup, who fell onto Rocco's shoulders.

"Let's go," he told her. They ran off out of the cave, into an early morning sunrise and disappeared from view. The cave, still showered with blood, closed as if it were never open before.