
While Others Are Increasing Their Rank: I'm Creating A Game

In a world where some people possess extraordinary abilities such as controlling air, manipulating water, or having a superhuman physique, how can an ordinary and average person without such talents survive? In 1982, the world entered a new era as some individuals began exhibiting unusual powers. However, this ability only appears in one out of every thousand humans. Governments worldwide agreed to assign ranks to those who possessed these powers to maintain peace. Some individuals, known as S-ranks, possess exceptional abilities and are considered all-powerful by ordinary people. Despite the presence of these extraordinary beings, peace still prevails in society. Cedric Jacquier, a non-manifested individual, had one dream - to create a game and earn money. However, his dream was shattered when his old computer broke down, along with his three-year game project. Cedric was once again left in despair due to his misfortune. Cedric fainted due to malnutrition and health problems. Strangely, a blue window screen appeared before him. Cedric decided to recreate the game he had lost. This led to the creation of a hyper-realistic game that could transport users to another world. The game was called "Atlas" and it quickly gained popularity, with both ordinary people and enthusiasts eager to purchase the game capsule and experience the alternate reality. Despite assistance from the system, Cedric found that creating the game was still a challenging task. He had to develop a compelling storyline, design characters and NPCs to drive the plot forward. Despite facing many challenges, Cedric's determination and use of the Game Creator System enabled him to develop a game that has attracted over 5 billion players worldwide. It is renowned for its incredible graphics and lifelike quality, as well as its captivating plot and storyline. Prologue 1: "Atlas" The game known as "Atlas" and dubbed "with the title "Another World" was renowned for its hyperrealistic graphics. Both individuals with manifested abilities and regular people were able to enjoy the game. "Well hello there folks, welcome to Tonight's show with me your host. Michael Moore, and for our special guest the one and only! The Creator of Atlas with over 3 billion players worldwide! Mr. Cedric Jacquier!" The crowd cheered, many players who experienced the game Atlas were all excited to finally see the mysterious creator. As the red curtains were drawn, many gasped in awe, particularly the female players and audience. Meanwhile, the male audience felt envious. "Ohh hello there Mr. Jacquier, it's nice to finally meet you!" "The pleasure is mine." Cedric and Michael were seated on the sofa, and Michael's excitement was palpable upon seeing Cedric's arrival. He was also one of the select few players in the game. "Talent, wealth, skills, and a man with good looks. Truly you are blessed in many ways, Mr. Jacquier" "Well, I wouldn't call blessed." "Can I ask Mr. Jacquier? Where did you get the idea of creating Atlas?" "Well Michael, It's a long story. Well, I first created Atlas on my computer, it was a 2d game. Then from one problem rose another." "Oh, what kind of problems were there Mr. Jacquier?" "My computer got damaged, erasing the game from its data." "I see, but there are many news that you manifested is that true Mr. Jacquier?" "Nope, I'm not one of the manifested individuals. I'm just a common man, who created a game." "Then can you tell us how you became one of the richest men in the world?" "Well, Michael...In short, when others were busy trying to increase their ranks, I was busy creating the game." .... [A/N: Number of Chapters are random, but I update Monday-Saturday. Sunday is my rest day]

Nikhoollas · Urbain
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74 Chs

Chapter 11: The God Of The Ogres, Orcus!

"S-Spare me... spare me please.."

'It knows how to talk?'

"I'll do anything, please spare my life."

Cedric was confused because he had no idea that an ogre could communicate.

Ogres are depicted as stupid, blood-crazed, combat machines in numerous fantasy genres. He hardly ever reads books or anime with talking ogres.

Cedric was now incredibly curious about the ogre's existence.

'Show me the Ogre's info'

[Name: None

Race: Nature Ogre

Description: An ogre who got separated from his tribe.

Health: 20,000 (-15,000)

Str: 400 (-200)

Age: 200 (-100)

Dex: 300 (-200)

Int: 150

Cha: 50


Sprint - Level 1

Description: The ogre can sprint at the enemy, increasing its agility to 500.

Ogre's Menacing Roar - Level 1

Description: The ogre's terrifying roar can produce a strong shockwave effect.

Ogre's taunt - Level 1

Description: The ogre can taunt the enemies by punching his chest.


Nature's healing: The ogre can heal its wounds thanks to this passive ability, although it takes the ogre a whole day to recover completely.

Note: This ogre's stats have plummeted. He was extremely hungry and had a difficult time surviving in the woods.]

Cedric reading the description of the ogre gulped down hard. The ogre was much stronger than he thought, he was just lucky that the ogre's stats has greatly reduced due to hunger.

Cedric was wondering about the ogre's tribe, he didn't create such a tribe and was never notified by the system. Not only that but what amazed him were the stats the ogre had.

Cedric thought carefully of the matter, what shall he do? Cedric was wondering if he should spare the ogre or kill it instead.

The ogre was bleeding hard from the wound, but it was as if the green blood stopped coming out of his wounds, and Cedric could see green energy enveloping the Ogre's wound.

Cedric also was astounded, the ogre had an amazing trait. It was a trait that could heal its wounds even deadly ones.

"Please spare me..."

The ogre was kind of pitiful in such a state, and Cedric wanted to know more about the Ogre tribe.

[Hidden Mission 2!]

[Description: This ogre is from a small tribe that was formed by members of the same species. When they were first born in the game, they were amazed by the sight of the forest.

After spotting more members of their race, the ogres decided to form their small tribe.

They cherished nature and always kept it peaceful. They seek out other monsters to hunt to survive. The ogres adore the forest and its inhabitants.

They never harm little animals and only consume monsters who are a threat to the tranquility of the forest. But one day, bigger monsters attacked the ogres, forcing them to evacuate their homes.

Because he was the strongest of all the ogres, this one was referred to as the "champion" of his race.

A powerful foe known as a minotaur was one of the numerous hurdles their tribe encountered as they traveled through the forest filled with monsters in search of a safe place to rebuild their homes.

To ensure his tribe's survival, this ogre sacrificed himself, buying time for his tribe to run away.

But thanks to an unexpected event, the ogre managed to flee the fury of the minotaur.

Due to hunger, the ogre had lost its senses and began eating small animals, but it wasn't enough to satisfy his desire, and he became lost while rushing through the forest.]

[Objective 1:

Help the ogre find his tribe.


The affinity of the ogre will reach the maximum]

[Objective 2:

The ogre tribe is significantly more primitive than the Beastmen race and does not worship any deities. Assign and assist the ogre in learning of the god's existence. In various ways, aid the ogre tribe in flourishing.


The Ogre clan will be one of the races you can control.

The ogre tribes' affinity will increase.]

'A mission? So this means I shouldn't kill this ogre... But the mission in saving Dux. I can't even talk, how should I tell this ogre to barf?'

[A new skill has been added to aid the host]

[Telepathy - Level 1]

[Description: Now the host can talk using telepathy.]

[Maximum Heal - Level 1]

[Description: This skill allows the host to heal his creations, it can regrow lost limbs or any body parts of creation.]

'Right on time!'

The ogre's right leg and right hand were gone, and he was in pain all over. Although his wound was gradually healing, he lacked the motivation to confront the wolf in front of him.

He had seen many wolves, and most of them had either been little or frail in his presence. He was aware that the wolf in front of him was unlike any others he had encountered because it was not only larger than the others he had seen but also had incredible strength that had knocked him to the ground.

The ogre wasn't sure if the creature was capable of speaking. As a result, he was already considering his impending demise.

'If I'm dying here, then at the very least my tribe had survived..'

"Ogre, I will spare you.."

The wolf's words could be heard inside the ogre's thoughts as he cast a glance at the wolf in front of him. He was baffled as to why the wolf would spare him given that it possessed incredible strength, which even he respected. He figured that the wolf could kill him with ease, so why would it spare him?

"W-Why?...You could easily kill me right now. So why?"


'Wait what should I say next? I can't just say that, oh it's because you have unlocked a hidden mission given to me by the system that's why I can't kill you. That's not a good explanation! I need to come up with something.....'

"Your god had told me to refrain from killing you..."


"Yes, the one who created you and the other creatures here, your god gave me a mission to spare you..."

'Nailed it!'

"May I ask you, who is this god?"

"It's the god who created everything in this world L-"


[The host generated the ogre tribe using the life button, but they were not included in the list of the host's creations. Therefore, the character Lux cannot be the god of the ogres. The character Lux can only be the god of those the host created himself.]

[Encouraging the host to create another character solely for the Ogre Tribe to worship]


Cedric groaned, he glanced at the ogre who was looking at him.

[Enter Character]

[Name: Orcus]

Cedric took a quick visit to the character creation profile, he created an ogre, with red blazing armor, has red braided hair, holding two massive axes.

"Your god, Orcus.."



[Orcus has established his identity as a god, and from this point forward, the Ogre race will solely worship him.]


[Description: The god of the ogre race.

God Title: None

Affinity with the creations: 50

Believers: 1


This god was recently created, thus not many people are aware of him.]

[The ogre has now known of the existence of the god Orcus]

[The ogre's affinity with Orcus has Increased! +20]

[The ogre can now receive messages from Orcus]

[You can now switch between Lux and Orcus]

'A new feature? So the system added a feature in which I can now see the information of the gods.'

'Lately, the system has been adding new features, deleting some features, and adding new ones.'

'Switch to Orcus'

[My creation are you alright? You are badly injured, as such I will heal your wounds]

"My god Orcus?"

The moment the ogre turned to face the sky, his body experienced a burst of energy. His entire body was emitting a golden light.


The ogre looked down at his right hand, which was progressively growing flesh. He then looked over at his right calf. It also began to grow rapidly. The Ogre could feel a sudden surge of energy building in his body, within only two minutes his right hand and calf had re-grow.

"Orcus, thank you.."

[Affinity with the ogre has increased! +50]

[The ogre has now believed in the existence of the god Orcus]

'Ohoo I'm raking up affinity'

[The host can now name the ogre]


'Input name'

[My child, I will bestow the name Hnung]

[The ogre has now a name!]

[The ogre will now be known as Hnung! All stats have increased by 10!]

"Orcus my god, thank you for bestowing me a name. I will now be knowns as Hnung and will be your warrior."

"My god, have you seen the terror your creations have gone through? Is that why you are talking with me, my benevolent god?"

[Yes, I have seen the terror that has happened to my children. As such I will help you and your journey back home, but for now, I want you to listen to the words of the majestic wolf sent by one of my companions.]

[I will watch over you and the others.]

"T-Thank you so much, my god!"

"Have you finished talking with Orcus?"

"Y-Yes I have majestic wolf!"

'Now that's cheesy calling me a majestic wolf...'

"May I ask who is your god?"

"My god? I serve the goddess Lux, the god of the Beastmen race. The goddess sent me because you have eaten one of her creations and she wants him back."

"I-I have angered your god, I'm very sorry. But I don't remember eating a Beastmen, at that time I was in a frenzy due to my hunger. I'm very sorry, but I don't think this Beastmen is alive, I may have shredded him into pieces.."

"Nope he's alive, his inside your stomach..."

"Oh, I'm glad! I do hope that your goddess does not get angry with me, and what you meant by that is alive inside my stomach, maybe that's why I've been feeling this sort of pain inside of me. Majestic wolf would you cut my stomach?"

"No that's too much... Just barf him out.."


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nikhoollascreators' thoughts