
When Twø Worlds Collide

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CONTAINS SEXUALLY GRAPHIC SCENES AND LANGUAGE ALSO CONTAINS GAYNESS PRIMARILY THE LESBIAN KIND *** Skylar Wild is a hard headed ice queen who has been expelled from numerous schools. Kylie Montez is a popular goody two shoes who has never even skipped school. They come from completely different worlds and have led two completely different lives but maybe that's what draws them to one another. When Kylie is assigned to show Skylar around Ryan Charles High will their differences tear them apart or bring them together? *** "It's never easy when two worlds collide." She whispered looking down as she thought on what I had said I placed my fingers gently under her chin tilting her head up so our eyes met "I was never looking for easy." *** Written By Morgan Giglio

3 étiquettes
Chapter 11: Skylar’s POV


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I slammed my hand on my phone screen and groaned in annoyance as my eyes adjusted to the light streaming through the curtains. Slowly sitting up I extending my arms into the air, yawning as I dropped my hands to my lap. I reluctantly threw the covers off and walked into the bathroom to get ready for my first day at Ryan Charles High. So basically it's a private school my parents have been trying to convince me to attend for years. I've evaded it for a long ass time but after getting expelled from another school I'm pretty much out of options. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against private schools in the slightest. I'm against the stuck up leeches that tend to attend them. Even though my family is hella rich I find a lot of things more important than status or money which I'm assuming might not be the same for other people at that dreaded place.

I've spent most of my life trying to keep the truth about who my parents are on the down low. I just want to be treated like a normal goddam person, not the queen of fucking England. All that said I still wanna make a good impression on my first day in this shit hole so I'm definitely dressing like a queen either way. I quickly put on my ripped skinny jeans and black crop top before applying a little makeup. I gave myself a quick look over in the mirror before running downstairs to find my parents talking in the kitchen. Damn they must really be excited I'm finally going to this stupid private school because I can't remember the last time they were actually home when I got up for school.

"Hey Sweetheart." My dad greeted me with a smile

"Hello father, I'm surprised you're both home for once." I replied coldly as I grabbed an apple taking a bite and leaning against the gigantic granite countertop

He gave me a grim look before speaking "We wouldn't miss your first day for the world."

I gave him a small smile "Well thank you."

He peeked right up and smiled back "Of course sweetie, also we have a surprise for you."

After taking another bite from my apple I smiled "What is it?"

Without saying a word he threw a set of keys into my hand and a smile filled my face

"What? Really? I thought I wasn't getting my bike back for another month?" I yelled in excitement

He chuckled "Well I know you really don't want to go to this school so we talked it over and decided that if you were willing to give it a try then you deserved the bike back."

"Oh my god, thank you, thank you! I yelled before hugging both of them tightly

My mom laughed "No problem sweetie but no getting expelled this time!"

"I won't! Thank you so much!" I smiled before continuing "Alright I really should get going though, I don't think you guys want me being late on the first day."

"I'd prefer you were never late but baby steps." My mom laughed "I hope you have a great day sweetie!"

"Have a great day sweetie!" My dad added as I grabbed my backpack

"You guys too, love you." I replied with a small smile

"Love you too!" They both chirped as I exited to the garage

In one motion I swiftly removed the cover revealing my blacked out sports bike. It was by far my favorite vehicle and boy am I happy it's mine again. I quickly climbed on and started her up causing the whole garage to roar and come to life. I pulled my helmet on and pushed the garage door opener before turning on my playlist. As the music blared through the speakers I started off for school. I may have also, just possibly, woke up the whole neighborhood, my bad.

While it is my first day I already know the route. It's only a ten minute drive in a car and a seven minute drive on my bike. As the leaves flew past my focus began to center on the sound of Billie Eilish blaring through the speakers. I couldn't believe how nervous I was for today, I mean it's just another school and I've done this plenty of times. On the other hand I have soccer tryouts and it's a pretty damn competitive school so there's that. As I pulled into the parking lot my time to psych myself out was over. The school itself is huge and made completely out of stone. The windows are decorated with beautiful murals of the school name and mascot that seemed to glow in the sunlight. I slowly pulled into a parking spot before turning off my bike. I threw my leg over and then pulled off my helmet, tossing my keys into my pocket. I carried my helmet with me as I headed to the entrance of my new school. I walked through the crowd of teenagers noticing that some were starring at me, so much for blending in I guess. I quickly made my way inside and saw the main office sign directly to the right when I walked in. I quietly walked in receiving a small smile from the lady at the front desk.

"Good morning, anything I can help you with dear?" She asked sweetly

"Good morning, I'm Skylar Wild, I just transferred here and today's my first day." I replied with a small smile in return

She appeared to be in her mid sixties with chestnut brown hair showing some grays and her bright blue eyes that seemed rather dull.

"Right through that door the principal, Mr. Mac, is expecting you." She said pointing at the door behind her

"Thank you." I replied before walking into the office where a younger man maybe in his 30's with blonde hair and brown eyes was quietly reading over some papers scattered across his desk

He quickly looked up and smiled "You must be Skylar, please take a seat."

I quickly sat in the chair opposite him and smiled "Thank you sir."

His smile grew even wider as he spoke "Now I see you were expelled from your previous schools but I feel as though we aren't going to have any issues. Your past does not dictate your future and I do hope we can work together to make Ryan Charles High your new home away from home. If you ever need anything or have any questions my door is always open."

"I agree sir and thank you." I replied shortly with a small smile

He retrieved a paper from one of his drawers before handing it to me "This is your schedule and there should be someone coming shortly to show you around, I'm excited to be the first to say welcome, and I look forward to seeing what you make of your time here."

I quietly took the paper before saying "Thank you sir, I hope you have a great day."

"You as well!" He smiled politely as I exited his office

As soon as I looked up I noticed a small brown haired beauty was speaking to the lady at the front desk. She wore only a black tee shirt and a pair of ripped skinny jeans but damn did she still look hotter than any girl I'd ever seen before.

"Skylar?" The lady at the desk said breaking me from my thoughts as I realized they were both starring at me

"Fuck... I mean yes, I'm sorry I zoned out for a sec." I stuttered out

Good going sky, I mean really that was just fucking great.

"Please watch your language." She scowled before continuing "Kylie here is going to show you around today."

"Sweet, it's nice to meet you, I'm Skylar." I replied smirking at Kylie

She smiled slightly "You as well, now we should get going first period will be here before we know it."

As she turned I could almost swear I saw her blush but I quickly waved to the nice lady behind the desk before following Kylie out the door.

"So where are you from?" She asked as we made our way down a long hallway

"Here, I just kinda got expelled from my last school for beating the shit out of someone because I guess that's against school rules or some shit." I chuckled

She stopped dead in her tracks, an unreadable expression filling her face and then disappearing as she spoke "This is the cafeteria, also can I see your schedule?"

"Uh, yeah." I mumbled as I handed her the paper

"So your lunch is from 12-12:45, same as mine. You can actually sit with us if you'd like." She said confidently, looking over at me for only a second before returning her gaze to the schedule

"Sure thank you." I replied getting confused by her back and forth behavior

One minute she's standoffish, the next she's inviting me to join her for lunch. I mean what is up with this girl?

"Your first class is with Mr. Ellis so follow me." She stated before heading further down the hall

"So how'd you get stuck showing me around anyway?" I asked as I sped up to catch her

"Volunteering, looks great on college apps." She replied as she fiddled with the collar of her shirt

"Yeah I bet." I replied as we stopped suddenly

"Here we are, I'll be back to help you after class." She said handing the schedule back to me

"Thank you, I'll see you then." I replied with a small smile before entering the room where a bunch of people were already seated

"You must be Skylar! We're so excited for you to join us!" Mr. Ellis greeted me, or at least I think that's what she said his name was

"Thank you." I replied as the bell rang

"Do you mind introducing yourself?" He asked

"Guess not." I grumbled

Boy I hate this part of being new, maybe I really should stop getting expelled.

"Class listen up, this is Skylar our new student and I'd like to give her a chance to introduce herself." He half yelled to get everyone's attention which had now rested on me

Guess that's my cue "Hi everyone my name is Skylar Wild, I'm a senior and I'm shit at math so honestly this should be really interesting."

I got a few chuckled and a glare from Mr Ellis before being directed to take any open seat. I quickly sat next to a cute blonde girl who introduced herself as Amanda. Her parents were stockbrokers that got rich off some fast food chain and boy did she not mind bragging about their money. Little did she know, my parents could not only invest in a fast food chain, they could buy McDonalds as a whole if they wanted. See here's the key difference between us two, she brags about something she didn't earn, I keep my advantages a secret and try to earn shit for myself. I really wish she would realize that the more she brags the more annoying she is to me.

"So are you single?" She asked suddenly

"Yep." I replied after not speaking for three fourths of our conversation, if you'd even call it that

She smirked and whispered in my ear "Me too."

I laughed slightly " You're not my type."

She pouted before replying "Why?"

"I'm not into people who brag about mommy and daddy's money every other time they speak." I shrugged with a scowl

She was silent for the rest of class and I was ecstatic when the bell finally rang. I quickly made my way out of the room to the hall where Kylie was patiently waiting for me.

"Hey Kylie." I greeted her with a smile

She smiled back as she looked up at me "Hey Skylar, are you ready for chemistry?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I laughed

We quickly made our way through the crowded hallways until we arrived in front of a science classroom with lab tables on either side of the room.

"I'm in this class too." She said with a smile as we walked in and right past the teacher to a lab table

We sat side by side and I quietly watched as she retrieved her notebook and pencil. I really can't get over how hot this girl is, I mean her tan skin, athletic body, beautiful green eyes that seemed to shine like emerald stone.

"Skylar... why are you staring at me?" Kylie asked with a confused look on her face

"I, uh, sorry." I stuttered as the bell rang, thank fucking god because I really didn't have an explanation

"Alright class settle down, so we have a new student joining us today, Skylar do you mind introducing yourself to the class?" The teacher who appeared to be in his late 50s asked

After introducing myself once again Kylie and I had a few small conversations when I could distract her from her insistent note taking, I mean damn she really gets in the zone. We parted ways for the next class as I went to Spanish and she went to gym. As promised she met me once again after class with a small smile, to be clear the meeting was promised not the smile but it still was adorable.

"Ready for lunch?" She asked sweetly

"So ready, I'm starved." I replied with a chuckle

We quickly made our way to the cafeteria and got our food before Kylie led me to a circular table where a few other people were sitting.

"Hey guys, this is Skylar, it's her first day here and I'm showing her around so I thought it'd be fun if she joined us." Kylie explained as we sat next to each other

"What's Good Skylar, you're hella fine, my names Jack." Said a tall tan skinned boy with bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair

I laughed a bit "Not your flirting, but unfortunately I'm into tits and ass anyway, but it is nice to meet you."

A blonde girl with hazel eyes laughed "Pardon him, he's a total fuck boy, but my names Anna."

I laughed as Jack started to look pissed and another girl spoke "And I'm Aria."

Her pale skin and natural beauty was complimented by a scattered array of freckles and golden brown eyes. She twirled a strand of her long brown hair around her finger and but her lip as a blush spread across her cheeks under my gaze.

"Last but not least I'm Max, Jack's less creepy and hotter younger brother." A boy with similar yet softer features than Jack added causing my eye contact with Aria to break

"Excited to meet you all." I smiled before whispering to Aria "Especially you."

I could hear Kylie exhale loudly as I spoke and I turned to smirk at her wondering if she had heard what I'd said. Her face now seemed cold and closed off, completely unreadable leading me to the conclusion that I'd be better off not saying anything about it.

"So did you just move here?" Anna asked seeming not to notice what had just occurred

I smiled "Nah I got expelled from my last school around here."

Jack quickly interjected "For what?"

"Pry much?" Aria joked with a half glare sent his way

"It's okay." I chuckled before turning to Jack " I beat the shit out of someone, found out  fighting isn't aloud and here I am."

Max smiled "Damn we got a badass over here."

I chuckled at Max before we all began discussing a number of topics. I quickly found out Jack is the captain of the football team (go figure), Max is the catcher for the school baseball team, Anna is a huge nerd and lined up to be in the top 5 of our grade, and that Aria is an artist and musician. Kylie had barely spoken the entire time we had lunch and I began to worry I did something wrong. I'm not usually one to care but I just can't stand seeing her beautiful face with a frown. As the bell rang Kylie led me quietly out of the cafeteria before heading down a hallway so quickly I had to jog to keep up.

"Kylie why are we running?" I asked as I caught up to her

She slowed and spoke quietly "Sorry, so you have class right up here and I'll be back to help you after."

I smiled " Thank you Kylie but are you okay?"

We reached the door as she replied "Yep see you in a bit."

She quickly disappeared into the crowd leaving me awkwardly standing outside my next class.

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