
When The Player Gets Played

HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF KARMA? IS IT REAL? Rio Richman, cute bad boy and royal heartbreaker doesn't think he'd ever fall into the traps of love. Having been broken once, he sets of to be a Playboy for the rest of his days doing the ' dating and dumping ' cycle not until she comes in. Annalita Hart, beautiful as the sun and Play girl on a low key. Love doesn't exist in her dictionary and when it hits her, she doesn't even realize. Playboy Rio falls for Playgirl Anny who is desperately in love with another ruthless Player, Styles Salvatore and doesn't even realize it. Find out what happens When The Player Gets Played...

ImmaculateJeph · Sports, voyage et activités
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51 Chs

Chapter Thirty-three

His Pov

It's been days and I haven't seen Anny nor spoken to her. She doesn't pick my calls and doesn't reply my texts either. I haven't been in school for a while, I mean what's the use of seeing her everyday when I can't talk to her and hold her for as long as I want. So I've been at home, eating, sleeping and drinking. Its crazy that I have to relive this part of my life all over again.

My friends think that I'm overreacting and this shit doesn't hurt that much but that's cause they haven't been through it. I'm dealing with it for the second time now and I still don't know how to handle it. I might as well just go crazy - courtesy of Annalita.

I heard the door bell ring and I grumbled a ' come in'. I was in the living room with a bottle of vodka and a bowl of fried chips to keep me company. Whoever it is should know where to find me.

" Rio!" I heard my name being called by that voice that I heard often in my head and in my dreams. I stood up and I came face to face with her. Surprise is an understatement to describe how I felt. I was speechless, didn't have anything to say to the girl in front of me.

" God Rio!" she said and ran towards me. She threw her arms around me and as I hugged her back, I could feel my senses slowly returning.

" Rio, what have you done to yourself? Why are you skipping school?" she asked after the hug. I smirked and backed away from her.

" Like you care?" I said, more of a question.

" Answer my questions first" she said ignoring me.

" I've been sick" I lied with a shrug.

" And you couldn't even tell me. Rio are you fine now?"

" I couldn't tell you? Really? Anny, I've called you over a hundred times but you don't pick any of them and now you're saying this" I said ignoring her question. My voice was a little raised.

" And you don't know where I live?" Anny said. I was surprised, what was this girl saying? I chose to ignore her and made to walk out on her but then I stopped on second thought.

" What are you doing here?" I asked." And how did you even get here?I never told you where I lived" I added.

" I stole your address from the school register. My friends were on my neck to come see you" she said and my heart fell. She didn't care! She just came here cause of her friends. And she couldn't even keep it to herself. God!

" Fine, you've seen me. You can leave" I said, my heart breaking. I wanted her to be with me every second of my life but here I was, telling her to leave. Ironical!

" No, Rio. I didn't mean it that way, I just..." she began. I didn't take my eyes off her, just stared at her with my hands stuffed in my pocket.

" I've been so worried about you Rio, I kept waiting to see you in school but you never showed up so I figured out I had to come here. I was scared of how things would turn out and that's where my friends came in" she said and I chuckled dryly.

" That's a lie" I said.

" What would you say that?"

" Because you never cared!"

She stayed silent.

" You never cared" I said again.

" Rio, I care about you. I just had so many things to deal with and..."

" Like planning how to play me?"

" Like your numerous ex-girlfriends asking me to stay away from you"

" They didn't need to tell you to, you know that's what you've always wanted"

" Why can't you just believe me? I didn't come here to argue with you" she said raising her voice.

" But that's what we always do. Argue "I retorted.

" And that's cause of you" she said back.

" Really?" I asked broken.

" Rio..."

" Well...what do you want from me now?" I cut in.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

" You know you don't feel anything for me, I know it too. Heard you're crazy over this guy and you two are dating"

" Who told you that?" she said immediately.

" Does that matter? It's the truth, right?"

" Rio...It's just you..."

" Quit lying to me, Anny. I'm not a fool" I cut in again.

" Quit being over possessive" she said back again.

" You think I'm being over possessive cause I don't want you dating another guy, then fine I am over possessive"

" You started this whole thing. You think I didn't know about Amy and the rest of your side chicks?"

" And are you innocent? Isaac, Jeph, Josh and Andrew, did you think I didn't know?"

" Rio, that was then"

" You're dating someone else even now" I shouted before I could stop myself. She flinched and stared at me for a long time.

" You know what? I came here to settle this but you don't want that so I'll just leave" she said finally and made to leave. I held her back immediately quickly forgetting that I had a right to be angry. I just couldn't afford to lose her twice.

" I'm sorry " I said. She turned to me and hugged me.

" Rio, I'm sorry too." she said after the hug. " I came here cause I was tired of us fighting and fussing over nothing. I've missed you so much " she added. I found myself smiling, something in her eyes made it seem like she wasn't lying.

" I've missed you more" I said too. We moved over to a couch and sat down.

" You've been drinking" Anny asked. I shrugged, picked up the bottle and kept it aside.

" Wants some chips?" I asked. She shook her head.

" You're gonna be in school tomorrow,right?"

" Umm... yeah" I said.

" You said you were sick, did you take any medications?" Anny asked again. I chuckled.

" I was sick of a broken heart and my medication is right in front of me" I said and she smiled. That smile I hadn't seen for days. That smile that filled my heart with joy.

" Don't make me blush, Rio" she said and I chuckled again.

" Do you mind spending the weekend over?" I asked out of the blue.

" Yes, I'd love that"

" Really?" I asked surprised that she said yes.

" Yeah, we really need to spend time together" she said and I smiled.

" I didn't think you'd say yes" I said.

" Well, that's to show you that I missed you" she said and much to my surprise, she stood up from where she was and sat on my laps. Anny! She's always full of surprises. My Anny!

" How about I cook something for you to celebrate our truce" I said and she laughed.

" Woulda loved that but I won't be here for long. Kyra's waiting for me at home, we've got somewhere to go"

" Oh!Okay"

" During the weekend, I'mma remind you of that meal" she said and I laughed. Again she did something that shocked me and made my heart skip excitedly.

She kissed me and it wasn't just a peck. It was a long wet kiss. I responded to the kiss almost immediately like my life depended on it. This is what I've been yearning for for so long. The kiss went on and I slipped my hand around her waist and pulled her close when all of a sudden, her phone ringing interrupted us.

She picked up the phone but didn't pick it

" It's Kyra" she said.

" You better get going then. Wouldn't want her to skin you alive" I said and she laughed. She kissed me again, a short one this time and then stood up to leave.

" Bye babe. I'll see you tomorrow" she said. I found myself smiling. She called me babe, wow!!!

" Bye!" I said. She pecked me again before finally leaving. Well, today turned out right I guess. I just hope this is real this time.