

"You are in charge of the Tirana mountain this time,Kani",said Ratil, looked like she was happy about the fact that Kanibora's life was going downwards.

"This time "too", to be exact.I don't know what's wrong with everyone. Why am I always assigned to Tirana? It's not like the mountain has some evil spirit hanging around!", Kanibora rolled her eyes.

"Well, it's actually your fault.In fact, the Qi at the mountain is not suitable to us that's why the mountain spirits, demi gods and goddesses can't properly take care of it .But you seem to be adjusting well so you've been getting the authority of the mountain frequently.",Ratil replied.

"Then what's the point of me being a demi-goddess? I might as well as become a mountain spirit and die with the mountain. It won't exist in a thousand years anyway.",Kani frowned.

Ratil closed her book of commissions and looked at her friend,who had the right to be irritated after getting assigned to the same place countless times.

"Ayo- look at the brighter side,will you? Tirana is one of the oldest mountains. It's said that one may find their true love there.",Ratil said while smirking.

Kani sat there dumbfounded, looking at her friend.

"Are you secretly a human?Since when did you start to belive in those rumors created by the nymphs?",Kani asked.

"Not all rumors are created by the nymphs,you know?Some might be true too."She tried to cheer up her friend but clearly that wasn't helping.

Kani put on a straight face and said,"I am positive there won't be a demi god for me to fall in love with in the mountains.I am done with you.I am leaving."

She left the Nirvana and started for earth.There were many realms but she always needed to deal with those humans. But she endured it in order to become a full-goddess and reside in the nirvana.

The mountain was indeed one of the oldest mountains, making the lives that resided there, more in numbers than the other mountains around.

"Let's see.", she casted a spell to get rid of the omen. When she was first assigned there ,the mountain was dying because of the bad omen. A normal god or goddess could have revived it in a moment but for her,it took time as her powers were still flourishing. She used her vision to get a better view of the mountain and saw that there wasn't much trouble going on. Relieved, she thought,"Today is a peaceful day."

But unfortunately, it wasn't. All of a sudden, she sensed that a deer was getting chased by a human on the other side of the mountain. She immediately took the form of a villager and went there. The deer was already shot in the leg by an arrow. It was now resting by a tree and the person who shot the arrow was pointing at it, determined to kill it this time.

"Don't do it.",she said.

The person was startled for a moment.He looked at Kanibora to take a look what interrupted him. Seeing that it was a mere villager, he was indifferent.

"It's none of your business.",he said.

Kanibora moved close and said,"That deer just gave birth. It needs to feed its calves. You can't kill it now."

"Oh,yea? I don't care.", He turned his face.

The person was about to shoot the arrow when Kani touched his head, determined to save the deer, and said," Forget about this and go home."

The person stood up. He put his arrow down. She got a better view of him. A man in his late 20's. Probably a hunter. He turned around and started going away.

"Well, that's a first", she wondered. It was the first time her manipulation ever worked smoothly.

She came to her own form and went to the deer,pulled out the arrow and touched its leg, creating a spell to relieve the pain.After a while, the wound was healed.The deer got up and brushed against her hand before it went away.At that time, she heard someone say something from her back.

"A-ha,I knew something was off about you to talk like that!Turned out you were a ghost!"

She turned around and to her surprise, it was the hunter.He was leaning against a tree , as if he was proud to figure out something important.

It was the moment that one thing she was suspicious of,came true.That her manipulation didn't work.

"For encountering a ghost,you don't look scared at all.",She was unbothered and though she might just say that she is a ghost and leave.

"I have nothing to be scared of a female ghost.",The hunter replied.

''Female ghost!? So you think 'female ghosts' are harmless!?",the logic seemed eerie to her.

In her mind, this little man really had a little knowledge of the world. It made her want to scare him a little bit but she didn't want trouble.

"Well,I think 'beautiful' ghosts like you are harmless.",he said.

"Why were you pretending earlier?",she asked, wondering why anyone would pretend to be under delusions.

"About what?",he asked.He was testing her patience.

"About when I told you to forget about the deer."

"Ah- I was just playing along.It wasn't usual for a random person to show up right at the moment I was about to kill it. And on the top of that, you were acting quite strange."He replied.

She wasn't sure why she was even talking to this strange person.It was time to do other works.

"Well, you did great finding out that I'm a ghost but I got no time to play around. Go back.",she told the hunter.

She was just about to vanish in thin air when the hunter came and grabbed her hand.

"Wait, don't leave.",he said .

She was shocked for a moment and pulled her hands away.

"Are you alright?",she asked the hunter.

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine.", he answered while looking confused.

That felt strange to her. Humans could not touch holy beings as they would like. They could only when the being were willing to let them touch. Otherwise they experienced severe delusions and sometimes would even go crazy.But this person was perfectly fine.

That's when she realized, that her powers weren't working on him.

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