13 Let's dance!

After an hour later,

"It's....dancing hour….Let's rock everyone...." Said Mayim taking the microphone and screaming in his high pitched voice….

"Seriously Mayim..." said Adara in a low voice…..

"I heard you my dear sister…..you owe me a dance…..I'm curious about my brother-in- law's dancing skills too" said Mayim in a curious tone in the microphone...…..


"Oh god…. he's really high now…..I think he drank so much wine….."said Adara in a whispering voice…..

Heavy music played...

Mayim and his friends were dancing like there is no tomorrow....

After a few minutes...

Adara got irritated and she started walking slowly towards the door while skye was watching her back wondering what was she trying to do....

Suddenly the music dropped to melody and a hand grabbed her hand...

"I told you…..You owe me a dance sister…."

Mayim started to dance with Adara and completely irritated Adara started to curse him...

"Do you think this is a pub or something…..Why did you drink so much you idiot...You know I hate these….."

"I missed you my dear sister.....From now on....I'll miss you more" cutting her words revealing a worried smile while dancing with her.....

When they came near Skye.....The smile changed into a naughty one….

He swirled her towards the direction of Skye...

She stumbled and thrashed in his chest…..

"I'm sorry and I didn't...." She tried to stand but she fell into his embrace again...

Skye was holding her but it likely seemed to be a warm hug to everyone....

she realized that she was standing on her own dress and took the leg from it…..

(I'm too embarrassed...That idiot…..I'm going to kill him…..)

"May I....dance with you….." said Skye breaking the silence…..


"I'll take that as yes" said Skye softly near her ears and took her for dancing

They danced perfectly according to the music like they have practiced before...….

(Am I falling for him? Why didn't I refuse? Oh god…..Confusion!)

"Nice move Mayim", Ruah whispered to herself while watching the whole drama with a wide smile...

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