
When Our Eyes Meet: The Villain

A man is reincarnated into his favorite novel thanks to the stabbing of ex. One moment, he was in line and waiting to order some food to celebrate and mourn the final chapter being released, while in the next, he had opened his eyes in another world. Our protagonist soon finds out that he is in the prologue of the story he was just about to finish 'When Our Eyes Meet'. He had reincarnated into his favorite novel. But there was one issue.  "Lord Ivar! Let me carry that for you." "Lord Ivar! I was wondering if I could be your knight." "Ivar, baby. You look so cute in your fancy outfit!" He was reborn was Ivar von Gríd, the villain of the story and secondary antagonist. This came with lots of benefits. Wealth, a powerful family, magical talent, a harem, and magical eyes that only the protagonist could compete with. The only issue: "Damn you, Ivar! I swear on my mother's grave, that I will be the one to kill you." The protagonist has a grudge with him before he could even do anything. And the only way to beat the final boss was for the pair to work together using their unique powers.

ForestOfDarkness · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Deal with the Devil

The pair walked into a large office together. As they entered, Ivar was amazed by the sight. 

The office was luxurious but couldn't compare to one with the one at the von Grid house. Instead, it was filled with items from various foreign locations. 

'Well she is from the eastern countries. She must have surely traveled through plenty of exotic places to get these items,' Ivar thought as he looked at one sculpture that looked to be made out of some rare mineral. 

The owner walked over to the couch and sat down while Ivar sat in the chair opposite of her. 

"Let's get down to business so you can enjoy your night with our beauties," the owner said while looking at a rare clock on the wall. "You think 30 minutes will be enough time."

"Plenty, Wei Jing," Ivar told her with a smile

The owner or Wei Jing as Ivar called her, felt a chill go down her spine. She jumped forward and pressed a needle that she pulled out of nowhere against his neck. She pressed it firmly against the flesh where a single drop of blood fell but not one more. 

"How do you know my name? Did your mother send you?" the woman asked, her eyes changing from brown to gold while exuding some magical energy

"So those are your true eyes. Impressive," Ivar commented as she stopped using her Ring of a Thousand Shades. 

"Answer the question, Lord. Otherwise, I may accidentally have an accident and end up killing you with my needle," Wei Jing told him coldly

Even in such a dangerous position, Ivar was still attracted to her voice.

"My mother didn't send me. As for how I know your real name as well as the fact that most of your wealth comes from being the Guild Master the Thieves Guild... that is my little secret," Ivar taunted with a smile

"Men always end up spilling information here. Part of the training my girls go through," magical energy began to surround the needle. Ivar could feel heat gathering on it and felt a slight burning sensation on his throat. "Talk!"

Ivar eyes stared back at Wei Jing's before her eyes glossed over for a moment. When they became focused once more, the woman backed away and kneeled on the ground before Ivar. 

"Apologies, Lord. I didn't mean to offend..." but Ivar cut her words off

"No need to fret. I understand that I can come on a little strong," Ivar knew that exposing her secrets like that would get an extreme reaction so he was prepared to fight back at a moment's notice. He then pulled out a peace of paper and placed it in between her breasts.

"This is a list of commoner children that have awakened magical eyes or have talent as a knight and will join the academy either this year or next year. I want you to recruit their families to businesses under your guild and start forming a group for me. I want subordinates that are loyal to me."

He knew which children would join and become important thanks to knowing the story. He wanted to recruit as many talented students as he could while they were still unaffiliated. 

"Of course, Lord. I shall prioritize the ones that are joining this year since we only have a few months until the semester begins. The ones for next year will be focused on once the semester begins but we will start recruiting their parents immediately," She replied respectfully, ready to complete his orders. Wei Jing got back up and sat across from Ivar once more. 

"Good," Ivar told her before standing up and caressing the beautiful woman's cheek. "Perform well and you shall be rewarded."

"May I ask for a down payment?" Wei Jing fluttered her eyes toward Ivar. 

The teen nodded and leaned down, bringing his lips to hers. He stuck his tongue past her lips and into the woman's mouth, having a wrestling match with her own. 

The pair stayed together like that for several minutes before separating with ragged breath. Their bodies were covered in sweat and eyes filled with desire for the other. 

"Although I want to reward you much sooner and make you my woman, I guess we will have to show restraint," Ivar backed away, the little blood still going to his brain and not his pants allowed him to regain what little sanity he had. "I'll be heading to the private room."

Wei Jing looked disappointed but nodded. She knew that if she wanted to get her 'reward' she had to perform properly. 

When Ivar left the room to enjoy his 6 beauties, Wei Jing walked over to her desk and rang a small bell. 4 women appeared out of nowhere and kneeled before Wei Jing. 

"We greet the Guild Master!" they said at the same time. These four were North, East, South, and West. They were the heads of the 4 major stores that were under the control of the Thieves Guild in this city, except for 1000 Dreams which was the guild headquarters. 

Wei Jing's face was no longer blushing as she had quickly recovered from her lust, or at least suppressed it. She had to be the Guild Master before them. 

"Any missions against the von Grid family are now forbidden. If anyone tries to perform a mission against them, note them down. Make sure to pass this message on to the other branches in the Europa Empire," Wei Jing told them all. She wouldn't allow her members to offend her lord. 

"Yes, Guild Master," they all agreed, not even bothering to ask why. Their loyalty to Wei Jing was absolute so when they were told to do something or not do it, they obeyed. 

Wei Jing pulled out the paper from her cleavage and held it between her fingers. Golden mana surrounded the paper before 4 identical copies appeared. She threw the pieces of paper at each of the heads, who caught them all. 

"Investigate these children, prioritizing the ones that will attend the academy this year. Their parents should join our stores while their children should be inducted. They are to serve Lord von Grid."

'We are joining the von Grid house?' all the heads thought while looking over the list. The Thieves Guild always remained neutral in the past, never taking any side. If they were going to throw their hats in with the Duchess's family, that meant that Wei Jing must have found out how strong Ivar was. At least that was the story that they had come up with. 

Once they got their instructions, the 4 began to fade away with a variety of effects, one turning in mist, another turning in motes of light, and so on. 

Once the office was empty, Wei Jing pulled out a crystal ball that showed a live feed of what was happening in the Emperor's Suite. She leaned back in her chair and lowered one of her hands between her thighs as she enjoyed the 1 v 6 battle that was taking place in the room.