
When I see you; love

"But why won't you kiss me back, wait don't tell me I didn't meet the standard of the girls you kiss and make out with" "Brianna your hand is bleeding come let's stop it and cover up that wound" there is no way am having this conversation with her. "I don't want to cover wounds, I want you to answer my question?" "Brianna please drop it you are playing with fire"

Dabby_Judith · Romance
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30 Chs


I walked into the room I was told to and found Dax sitting with an ice bag on his head. Beside him was a table filled with used tissues stained with blood.

I knocked on the door to draw his attention, when he looked up I just waved at him and walked in setting my first aid kit on top of the table.

"What are you doing here, I mean how did you find this place?"

"Try asking your questions one at a time maybe I will consider answering you then" I can't believe he just cleaned his wounds and left it exposed like that, what is those wounds got infected.

I took my time in cleaning and dressing his wounds properly before Covering them up. All this while he just kept staring at me like I have grown two heads or tail.

"Are you going to continue looking at me like that?" I asked him while I dressed the last wounds close to his lips.

"I don't know, few hours ago you were so angry at me that you nearly blowed up but now you are here attending to my wounds that's strange"

"Well I might be angry at you for acting like a jerk but there is no way I can leave you with an open wounds and a broken nose"

"How on earth did you even manage to find this room, it was meant to be private" he asked looking at me suspiciously.

"Let's say someone told me I will find you here" looking closely at his face I could see bruises all over his face. This is the first time I am this close to a guy that is not my brother.

I took the ice from him and helped him place it on his face, there was total silent between us. We stared at each other without saying a thing. I guess we each have something running in our minds.

"Brianna please stay away from Jake" he said in a small voice.


"Because he is not a good person, I mean you don't even know this guy"

"I was trying to get to know him until you showed up and ruined it for me" I said and added a little weight on the ice which caused Dax to hiss in pain.

"You really need to do something about your anger issues"

"I wouldn't have to do that if you don't keep pissing me off. By the way what's your deal with Jake anyways"

"He is a bad guy, a very bad one"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I know him, he uses girls and dump them off" he said and I took the ice away from his face and stared at him.

"So you are pot calling Kettle black" I said shaking my head unbelievably.

"I know I do the same but, how do I explain this to you?"

"Save your explanation I don't need it, my work here is done. Stop getting in the way of who I hang out with, and leave me alone" with that being said I grabbed my kit and turned to leave but Dax grabbed my hand stopping me.

"Brianna wait, just don't go anywhere with him alone okay, if you must talk to him make sure there are other people around. I really don't want you getting hurt"

"If only you said the same thing you said to me to those girls you have dumped and hurt their feelings, maybe I would have listened to you but I don't even trust you.

Between you and Jake, I think I trust Jake more than I can do to you" his hand loosened around my wrist and he let go of my hand. Ones again I was able to read him my words got to him.

I turned and left, if anyone told me this morning that I will make a new friend that is not a girl I would have said is not possible but the worst was that Dax had to fight with Jake is what I didn't see coming.

Dax's POV

Why do her words get to me so easily, I have never met anyone like Brianna before. Her words always have a pure truth behind it, I think that's why am kind of affected.

She was right, I don't have any right to tell her to stay away from Jake after all am not a Saint. But I just can't let Jake drag her in on something she had no idea about.

I need to see if I can find someone to keep an eye on his moves, I know he didn't just get transferred to FREEDOM HIGH just to study. He is here because of me, he thinks am the one that raped her sister whereas I wasn't even there when it happened.

I need to make sure Brianna is safe, I don't trust that guy not one bit, I need to let Eric know but how will I explain to him that a random guy I used to know is after hurting his sister to get to me.

Oh God, am doomed.

Gia's POV

"Brianna you have been so out of yourself lately, what's going on, talk to me?"

"Gia am fine"

"No you are not, you haven't even touched your dinner, Brianna am worried"

"Am fine Gia I swear am cool"

"Then eat your food and tell me what happened between you and Dax that started the fight with Jake"

"Fine" she has been way too quiet since we got back from school. She wouldn't even finish the story she was telling me before she went to separate a fighting Dax and Jake.

"You are still not eating your food, should I call your mom because she is the only person that can get you to eat"

"No don't call her, I will eat but I just can't get Dax words off my head"

"What did he say to you, did he confess his dying love for you?"

"What, hell no Gia he just said a few things about Jake"

"What did he say about him?"

"He warned me to stay away from Jake, I don't know what his problem is with him"

"Maybe he is playing the role of Eric since he is not here"

"No, this is not about playing any role"

"If that's not it then it only means two things, one that Jake is a bad person or that Dax has feelings for you" I said when I couldn't come up with any other explanation.

"Dax, has feelings for me, Brianna?" Brianna asked in the weirdest way ever.

"Yes, is there anything wrong with that?" I asked her as she laughed out loud.

"Oh Gia I never knew you can make a joke like this"

"It wasn't a joke, I was being serious" I told her and continued eating.

"There is no way Dax has feelings for me, have you seen the way that dude treat ladies. He just uses his charm, handsomeness and that his enchanting blue eyes to get all those girls Under his spell"

"Hmm, why are you sounding like you were also affected by those things you just listed?"

"You know what end of discussion, I will take care of Dax myself"

Brianna's POV

Before the week was over Jake and I were getting more close. I like the way things flow between us, it was so natural. Well Dax still didn't let me be.

He just kept watching my every move with Jake which was very annoying at first but I decided to learn how to ignore him. When Eric came back, I didn't bother to tell him about Jake immediately.

Since it was the weekend I didn't bother to tell him but I still plan on introducing him to Jake. I better let him have a breathing space.

Dax's POV

I just couldn't make up my mind, this week has been the worst week of my life. Watching my enemy get close to my best friend's sister just to get back at me.

Looking at Eric seating at my coach I just didn't know what to do, I just stared at him for a while before walking up to him.

"You know you are awfully quiet, what's wrong?" He asked when I sat beside him.

"Nothing much, but did your sister tell you about her new friend, the one she made while you were gone?"

"No she didn't, you know Brianna she loves her privacy, so who is she?" He thought the friend is a girl.

"You mean, who is he?"

"Wait, the friend is a he, well not bad is time I start giving her some breathing space. I hate to admit it but Brianna had grown, is high time I let her make her choice of friends but that doesn't mean I won't protect her"

"Oh so you are finally letting her have her own personal space?"

"Yeah I mean you are were among those who wanted me to set her free and being away for a while I figured out I have been too harsh on her"

I wanted to scream, why now? Why does it have to be now? I can't handle Brianna all by myself and she is seriously getting close to that Jake guy.

I don't think I can go on with my life if anything happens to her, the guilt is killing me already.

Brianna, what am I supposed to do with you?