
When Both Poles Meet

Misha have just transferred to another school not because she was a delinquent, but because her mother works as a runway model and her job comes with a lot of traveling. The young girl never had a problem with adjusting, you may say that it is her expertise. She plays a different personality everytime they transfer and had fun with it. She only shows her true self to her closest friends. Excited to do another role play in real life, she decided to go out for a stroll before her big day tomorrow, until she crossed paths with "HER".

lazypanda15 · LGBT+
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31 Chs


Tatiana's POV

"We're ready to go Miss Tatiana", the butler informed.

"Alright, I'll be there in a sec", I told him as I took a last look of myself in front of the mirror.

"I look.....Good. Better than yesterday", I settled with that and went out of my room. I slept well last night, in fact, I missed the first period because of that. The butler told Uncle that I will be absent today, and he was okay with that. I was not a bad student, so I guess I deserved this. It's like a day off I never had since a long time. I smiled at the driver and confusion imminent on his face. He closed the car's door and went to his seat.

"You seem to be quite happy today Ms. Tatiana" He started.

"Hmmmm. I guess we should never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep" I told him and he smiled through the rear mirror and continued driving.

I want to check on how Misha is doing, so I'm going to the hospital. I am so excited to see her but at the same time, I'm quite nervous.

'Would she be okay with me visiting her after what happened?' That question came to mind as I saw the main entrance of the hospital.

"What time am I going to pick you up Ms. Tatiana?", the driver asked.

"I'll just let you know later Mr. William", I said and waved good bye.

"Here it is, time to make up for what I did", I gathered every courage I have to walk towards the hospital.

I arrived to her room and knocked, but I heard nothing. I knocked again, and still the same. So I decided to check if the door is locked. I twisted the doorknob and the door was opened.

"Hmmm, I guess the hospital doesn't need it to be locked." I thought to myself. I went inside to an empty room.

"Misha?", I called out to her. No response. I guess she's in in the bathroom. I went near the bathroom to check.

"Misha?", I called the second time. I can hear music in the bathroom. Right, she's inside for sure.

I decided to lay down a bed for watchers next to the hospital bed. She's taking way too long, so I took a nap. Better use this time to reserve my energy for later.

*after 30 mins*

I woke up and sat up from my bed. I rubbed my eyes before making my way to the toilet. I'm still quite groggy, so I just opened my eyes halfway and tried my best to reach the bathroom.

I opened the door and started to unbutton my pants and pulled it down.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!!", I heard a scream and saw Misha in her naked glory.

"AAAAAAHHH!!!", I screamed with her as well.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!", we both yelled to each other.

"THIS IS MY BATHROOM", we both yelled again and both of us tried our best to cover  our bodies. But damn I miss those pink buds of hers.

"What do you mean your bathroom? This is  the hospital's bathroom", she grabbed a towel to cover herself more.

"Really??? I am so sorry, I thought I was still in my room. I was still groggy and", I was about to explain more but she held up her hand so I stopped talking.

"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be in class?", she asked.

"Well, I kind of overslept a bit and I wanted to take a day off to rest", I said.

"So you decided to crash in here and bother me?", she said stoically. I nodded.

"Right, now will you please go out and let me get dressed before you do your thing? It's the least you could do", she said with sarcasm in her voice.

I just followed what she told me and waited outside for her to finish. I could really use the bathroom. I tried my best to hold it in, but I just couldn't, so I knocked so she could hurry up.

"Urgh! You are so annoying!", she shouted through the door so I could hear her. Once she went out the bathroom, I immediately bolted inside.

"Haaaahhhh! At last! So satisfying", I said to myself.

"Are you DOING IT by yourself? I heard you moaning", she said and chuckled. This girl has a peculiar humor. I went outside after I finished the deed and have cleaned myself.

"You liked what you heard?", I leaned on the wall and gave her a mischievous look.

"Psssh! You wish. What I like is for you to try and step out that door over there", she said pointing to her room's door.

"Don't be in a rush Ms. Misha, I will get to it once I'm done with my task here", I said as I went and sat lazily on the couch.

"And what would that be?", she said and sat on the table, facing me.

"I want to make your day today", I told her.

"Hmmmm. I don't think you can", she said.

"Try me", I challenged and got nearer to her face.

"Alright, but in one condition, no more kisses. The last time you kissed my neck, I ended up being admitted here", she bargained. I felt guilty again, I couldn't help but look down towards the floor and avoid her gaze.

"Sure. It's a deal", I said and offered my hand and she shook it.


Tatiana's POV

"Are you sure this is okay?", Misha reluctantly walked towards the nurses' station.

"It's fine! Just ask permission and they will allow us to go out of the room", I said while pushing her towards them.

"Uhmmm, Hi!", she said awkwardly and held on to my shirt when I tried to exit the scene. I just gave them a sheepish smile.

"Yes? How may I help you?", one of the nurses asked.

"Uhmmm. I just want to ask if we could go out of our room for awhile, just to stroll around the hospital?", Misha said with an expectantly cute expression. Gosh can resist that. I was confident we can pull this off.

"Hmmmm. We can't let you do that Ms. Misha. You have to stay in your room upto tomorrow when you get discharged", She responded. Misha looked crestfallen upon hearing that.

I saw a nurse come to the station with a child clutching to her uniform. He was a cute little boy with brown hair and golden eyes, which looked to be around 6 years old.

"Hi Ms. Sue, good morning, I just want to ask if I could get an off today, as my husband is currently been called for an emergency situation in their company and I couldn't find anyone to take care of my son", the nurse who just came asked the one who talked to us.

*sigh* "Ms. Maria, we have talked about this before. You should inform us at least 4 hours before your duty so we can arrange things properly", she said to worried nurse, named Ms. Maria.

Ms. Sue glanced at us and looked at me with squinted eyes. She's weird, I had goosebumps.

"Ms. Misha, may I know the name of your companion?", Ms. Sue asked.

"I am Ms. Tatiana, niece of Mr. Knight", I introduced myself to let her know I can be trusted, in which indeed sparked a brilliant idea in her head.

"Alright Ms. Tatiana, I know Mr. Knight all too well, so I know you'll do a great job in baby sitting my colleague's child for 8 hours. In exchange, I can let you play with him outside with Ms. Misha here, but only within the hospital premises. Is that okay with you?", she asked. I was dumbfounded as I don't know how to take care of a child.

"It's a deal Ms. Sue. We will take care of this little cutie.", Misha said and went near the child. The child withdrew a little bit far from Misha and checked the floor at her back.

"Mommy, she has a white shadow", the cute little boy whispered to her Mom and the Nurse nodded to him.

"Thank you Ms. Misha and Tatiana for taking care of my son for me, I will definitely repay you", Ms. Maria said and shook both of our hands and gave the small backpack to her son.

"See you later Johnny, be nice to Ms. Misha and Ms. Tatiana okay?" She said and kissed her forehead.

"Okay mommy, they both have white shadows so I will be fine.", he said and kissed her mom on the cheek before going to us.

'Hmmm, shadows huh?", I thought to myself and chuckled. The three of us went on to start our day. Hopefully, this will all go well as promised.

To be continued.....

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