
Prologue 01: School Transfer? Situation Explanation?

[3:30 P.M., Kyoto, Japan]

At the end of September, Saturday afternoon after the school bell's final ring. My footsteps lead me through a lush forest, a mere five-minute stroll from the road connecting the High School Section and Middle School Section. Along this well-worn path, I find my way to a secret sanctuary, a haven discovered during my arrival at this school.

This secluded spot, a masterpiece of nature's craftsmanship, teems with diverse flora and fauna. The rhythmic chorus of cicadas and the whispers of the wind create an orchestration that transcends the mundane, providing respite to those burdened by the toils of everyday life. It feels as though a divine presence graces this sacred ground, infusing it with a serenity capable of lifting even the heaviest of hearts.

After the end of my classes, I always retreat to this natural haven, seeking solace and the luxury of a peaceful nap, lasting at least half an hour. After this nap, I return to school for engaging in my club activities, followed by a homeward journey to the school dormitory. There, after having a rejuvenating bath and a simple snacks form a prelude to an evening of scholarly pursuits—study, revision, and the completion of any lingering homework. The routine extends to the mess, where students converge for a communal dinner, concluding with a return to assigned rooms for a night's rest. This rhythm governs the week from Monday to Friday, while Saturday and Sunday usher in a welcome hiatus. On these weekends, students delve into personal pursuits, with club activities and campus-bound adventures shaping their leisure.

This educational haven, nestled in the mountains, embodies the essence of a boarding school—a bastion of prestige primarily attended by the offspring of societal elites. Its allure extends beyond national borders, attracting students from diverse corners of the globe, representing both developed and swiftly evolving nations. The tuition fees stand as a formidable barrier for many, yet this institution distinguishes itself through a noble commitment to accessibility. Meritorious students, marked by exceptional grades, find solace in the offer of scholarships, liberating them from the financial constraints of attendance and, in some cases, even providing a stipend for their academic pursuits.

The hallowed halls of this boarding school stand testament to a commitment to knowledge that transcends economic barriers, fostering a community where the privileged and the gifted walk hand in hand, creating a haven for intellectual exploration and growth.

I stand among the fortunate few, a dreamer who once gazed upon the imposing walls of this prestigious school with longing, only to find my place within its hallowed halls. Encouraged by the unwavering support of my parents and well-wishers, I dared to challenge the entrance exam, emerging victorious with a place among the coveted Top 10 ranks. A tale unlikely for a Half-Indian, Half-Japanese soul like mine to unfold.

Yet, within the tapestry of one's life, woven with threads of joy and triumph, sorrow too finds its place. A somber chapter unfolded mere months after my initiation into this academic sanctuary—a tragedy that cast a shadow over my newfound success. My mother and father died in an accident. It was two months after I joined this school when I got to know this news. They made a monthly plan to travel to India, Nepal and Bhutan to spend time together and visit various tourist attractions. The flight they were traveling got crashed somewhere near Indonesia. The pilot's loss of control led to a crash, leaving me bereft of the two souls who had given me life.

The news, when it reached me, brought a wave of profound sadness. Subsequent efforts to recover the remains of the victims from the debris proved futile, leaving an emptiness that no earthly compensation could fill. Friends and well-wishers, a testament to my parents' impact, gathered to bid farewell at their funeral. My parents, originally orphans themselves, left me not with any relatives but with an inheritance of 10 million Yen and compensations totaling 10 million Yen from the government and the airline. A sum that now resides in my account, a testament to their love and sacrifice.

Uncertain of what to do with this huge sum of amount, given my exempt status from fees due to the scholarship and stipend, I reserve it for a moment when its use aligns with destiny. The days following their departure were shrouded in a deep sense of loss, but with each passing moment, I found strength to move forward. A pledge, not just to survive but to thrive, for the memory of those who would wish me to embrace life's opportunities rather than succumb to its sorrows.

A year has slipped away since their departure, marking my ascension to a second-year High School student. Within this span, many things happen which let me know about many things which I will think about another day.

Now coming back to the present. As I finally reached my cherished sanctuary, a colossal tree stood tall, beckoning me to its comforting shade. Leaning against its sturdy trunk, I prepared to surrender to the tranquility of a midday nap. As I sat on the ground, ready to close my eyes and embrace the serenity, an unexpected disruption shattered the calm—an earthquake violently jolted the earth beneath me, signaling a seismic intensity that could not be ignored.

Reacting swiftly, I bolted toward an open area, seeking refuge from the unpredictable tremors. Perched on the ground, I waited, contemplating the unfortunate timing that disrupted my peaceful interlude. Once the tremors subsided, the desire to return to school and understand the aftermath seized my thoughts. However, a peculiar observation diverted my attention as I looked up at the sky for a moment.

Hmm? There are two suns? One is big and other one is small. Currently, it's an afternoon but now it feels like evening. 

Something is strange.

I decided to return to that place and decided to climb the tree. You can see the ocean clearly from it but what I see make me completely shock. A perplexing scene unfolded as I gazed from my vantage point in the tree. The familiar ocean view had transformed into an endless expanse of grassland, and the once-visible mountain behind the school now embraced a verdant forest, as if the hands of time had woven centuries into its fabric. The sea, once a steadfast companion, had vanished.

Originally, the mountain top behind the school building was directly visible but now there is a mountain with so much greenery that it looked like it was a large forest that was hundreds of years old. Where did the sea go? 

I thought it might be some kind of hallucination. I decided to pinch my cheek in order to confirm whether what I am seeing is real or not.

[Owww…. It hurts!

Okay, so what I am witnessing is real. I think I should climb down and return to school to discuss with others.]

Deciding to descend from the tree, a new discovery awaited— it seems tat someone is approaching from the top of the mountain.

In the midst of this bewildering scenario, I felt compelled to return to the school and share my surreal encounter with others. The journey back unfolded with a blend of trepidation and curiosity, as the mysteries of this altered reality lingered, begging for understanding and exploration.

As the approaching figure drew near, my senses heightened, and I made the decision to remain perched on the tree branch, observing in silence. The rhythm of my heartbeat quickened, and I held my breath, anticipating the revelation of this mysterious presence.

At a distance of 20 meters, the unmistakable sound of heavy footsteps resonated, dispelling any notion that this was a mere human. My eyes confirmed the unexpected truth—a creature, not of our world, was emerging from the shadows. 

To my awe and dread, the being in question revealed itself as an orc, standing over two meters tall. Its greenish-grey skin spoke of formidable strength, resembling a sumo wrestler in stature. The countenance, however, bore an uncanny fusion of porcine and human features, with pig ears, a snout, and fangs in its lower jaw. Far from any semblance of cuteness, it exuded an aura of menace.

Despite its short legs, the orc navigated the path with an unsettling bipedal gait, advancing cautiously towards my hiding place. Alarmed by the lethal spear clutched in its hand, my mind raced to comprehend the unfolding situation. The danger it posed was undeniable, raising questions about the potential harm it could inflict on unsuspecting individuals if left unchecked.

In most of literature, manga, and games; orcs and goblins often vary in strength, depicted at the whims of their creators. The orc before me, however, defied the expected norms, appearing stronger and more formidable than the conventional portrayals. Even with my martial arts expertise, confronting this formidable creature promised to be a challenging and time-consuming endeavor.

The gravity of the situation dawned on me as our eyes met.


He saw me and the orc, fueled by a predatory instinct, charged towards me. A primal shout accompanied the thrust of its deadly spear, aimed directly at my tree-bound sanctuary. Reacting on instinct, I leaped from the tree to the safety of the ground below, narrowly avoiding the perilous strike.

The urgency of the situation echoed in my mind, a relentless mantra—danger, danger, danger. The encounter with this otherworldly intruder marked the beginning of a confrontation that would test not just my martial prowess but my wit and resourcefulness in the face of an unforeseen and perilous challenge.

The orc, undeterred by the temporary setback, retrieved its spear and closed the distance between us. Faced with limited options, I sprinted towards an open space, strategizing frantically on how to overcome this monstrous adversary.

Reaching the open area, I turned to confront the approaching orc. As he closed in, our eyes locked in a silent standoff, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Tension hung in the air, a palpable prelude to the impending clash.

After a tense ten seconds, the orc charged, spear raised menacingly. In a swift maneuver, I crouched low, scooping up soil from the ground and flinging it into the orc's face. Blinded by the unexpected assault, the creature stumbled, disoriented and struggling to comprehend the sudden shift in the battleground.

Seizing the opportunity, I vaulted into the air, delivering a powerful kick to the hand wielding the spear. The orc roared in pain, the weapon falling to the ground. With swift reflexes, I retrieved the discarded spear, readying myself for the decisive strike.

In a fluid motion, I thrust the spear towards the orc's face, targeting a vulnerable point. As the weapon connected with its mark, the creature faltered, succumbing to the force of the blow. Within moments, the once-formidable foe lay defeated, powerless and sprawled on the ground.

As the adrenaline of victory coursed through my veins, an unexpected trumpet melody pierced the air. A neutral voice announced

"[You leveled up!]"

The surreal proclamation echoed, and a blinding white light enveloped my vision. 

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