
Chapter 3

Chuckling a little and feeling a little excited, I took a whiff of the towel and immediately locked on to his trail.

Now I was back on the hunt.


Turning around, I glance at my reflection in the mirror and see piercing green eyes.

"Shit, even if people don't see my face, how many people in this town have green eyes."

Thinking I would need sunglasses to hide my eyes, they suddenly started getting hot, forcing me to close my eyes in discomfort!

After a few seconds and a couple of rubs, they started to cool down, so I opened my eyes and was amazed at the changes that occurred!

My original Emerald green eyes vanished and were replaced by Bronze-colored eyes with vertical irises.

Looking at my new eyes, they give off a soul-shaking piercing look that only top predator's eyes would give!

When I first saw them, I slightly backed up in surprise and shock, not expecting them! I can still feel goosebumps on the back of my neck!

"Oh wow, that was exciting. These must be the eyes of an [Witcher] according to those memories."

I took a little time to see if these eyes come with any bonuses besides night vision and the intimidation, but they sadly didn't.


The new trail led from the upstairs out the front door.

But before I followed the trail, I had something to do.

I whipped out my phone and opened a text-to-speech app, and started writing.

When I finished, I grabbed the house phone and dialed 911!

"Silverlake Police Department, how may I assist you."

I press play on the text to speech app and hold it near the phone, and in its monotone and computerized voice, it said, "There's been a murder at 517 Ozark lane. "

When it finished, I ended the call and quickly made my way out of the house.

I removed my ski mask but kept my head down and my hood up so nobody could identify me as I moved in the direction of the trail.


[Silverlake Police Department]

Captain Shane Janus was sitting at his desk, going over various reports while glancing at the F.B.I agents from time to time.

"Tsk, when are they leaving? And this god damn paperwork will be the death of me!"

While grumbling in annoyance, an officer knocked on his door.

"Come in. How can I help you, Officer Smith?"

"Good morning Captain Janus. I just got a report of a suspected murder at 517 Ozark lane."

Initially calm while listening, he immediately jumped in alarm and raised his voice!

"OZARK LANE, that is only a few streets from my house! Quickly rather some men to check if the report is true. I'll inform the F.B.I!"

Grabbing his coat, he hastily informed the F.B.I and left to check it out personally.


I followed the trail for hours, street to street, in allies, through backyards, sometimes into a house, but I got nothing new.

In fact, I lost the trail.

He is walking in the same area, so the scent trails are becoming useless. I follow one trail, and then it goes in the same direction as a previous one. Or he would suddenly turn around, making it that much harder following him!

But the worst thing is that it has been nearly 12 hours since he attacked me and murdered that guy, then took a shower.

The trails are getting thinner and thinner making it harder to follow!

'Following by smell won't work anymore! I need to map his trail and go from there.'

Thinking that I immediately made my way home.


Getting home, I went straight to my dads' computer because it's the only one with a printer.

I searched for the map of Silverlake and printed it.

With the map in hand, I went to my room, grabbed a red marker, and started to map out the trail.

Starting from my backyard, then to the murdered guy's house.

From there, I went off memory. I even noted the direction when he decided to turn around.


It took about 20 minutes to map the trail and double-check.

Looking at the map, you can see that he is staying in the same area.

'This guy hasn't been caught by the F.B.I, so he's not stupid. So the only reason to be walking around is to map his surroundings and look for escape routes!'

With that in mind, I looked at the map again was even more convinced!

'The direction he walks most of the time is out of the city towards the woods. The guy is fast, so in the woods, he would have the advantage.'

Wait! The woods!

Just five miles away is Gaint National Park. It is hundreds and hundreds of nothing but mountains and woods.

'Although just a guess it's the most likely. He staying in the most populated area nearest to the woods for a quick escape.'

His scent trails are getting thinner, and he's hiding. So the only way to find him is to either wait for him to come out of hiding and create a new stable scent trail!

Or flush him out of that area into the woods where I will be waiting! The best way to do that is by calling the police. Have them search the area he scouted out.

Both have their Pros and Cons.

If I wait, then he is more than likely to kill somebody else.

If I flush him out using the police, I could get caught trying to kill the guy.

'...I want this done and over with! I want him dead, now! Ill flush him out and kill him before anybody is the wiser!'


While in my room, I heard a car pull up the driveway.

Frowning a little, I think, 'Whos here? It's noon, so it can only be Mom or Dad. It's not Dad. He wouldn't come home early with the murder I reported. So that only leaves Mom.'

My mom is a doctor at the Hospital, and She loves her job. So she works a lot which makes her come and go at random times throughout the day.

'Since Mom is home ill have to sneak out the backdoor.'

Folding the map and putting it in my pocket, I got ready to sneak out.

But as I was getting ready, I felt an invisible ripple gently hit me, stunning me!

The ripple didn't stun me, but what the ripple I felt represented!

[Aquiered New Class Ability: [Magic Sensing]]

[Status Screen: Class Ability: [Magic Sensing]- Sensing magic is a [Witchers] greatest strength against opponents with the ability to cast spells.]

Did my mom just use Magic!?

"Anybody home? I need help with the groceries!"

After yelling I heard my mom make her way up the stairs towards my room.

She definitely used Magic. How else would she know I was here? The school would only inform my parents after school ended. My backpack is here in my room.

There is no other reason to suspect anybody is home in the middle of the day.

Stunned!! There is no other way to describe how I felt right now!

If my mom knows magic, then what about my dad? Or my sisters, do they know anything?

"What the fuck is going on recently!?"


Name: Anthony Janus

Age:16 Health: Healthy

Lvl: 1

Strength: 4 (Peak Human=6)

Dexterity: 5 (Peak Human=6)

Constitution: 6 (Peak Human=6)

Intelligence: 5 (Peak Human=6)

Perception: 7 (Peak Human=6)

Willpower: 6 (Peak Human=6)

[Class Abilities]

•Enhanced Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower.

•Enhanced Resistance to poison & Diseases.

•Enhanced Senses- Vision, Smell, Hearing, Taste, Touch.

•Extended Lifespan

•Accelerated Healing

•Signs- Aard, Igni, Yrden, Quen, Axii, Somne, Heliotrop.

•Cold Blooded- Face every situation with a calm rational mind and a cold heart.

•Magic Sensing- Sensing magic is a [Witchers] greatest strength against opponents with the ability to cast spells.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

LonleyKing9creators' thoughts