This is my reboot. Gonna work on the synopsis later. I suck at them lmao.
A young man walked down the cold, dark street, alone and limping as others walk by him, ignoring him.
He was dressed in a torn hoody and his jeans had long since been covered in blood with fresh blood on them.
Those walking by were happy and their eyes seemingly glanced over the young man as he looked at them with envy. Just twenty minutes ago he was getting jumped again for the third time that day by different street gangs who all thought that he was an easy victim. Although he was, he also would fight back.
The man walked up to a small cafe and took a deep breath. He wiped his shoes that he managed to keep, and took his hood off his head. The blood on his head had dried to it so the wound on his scalp reopened.
Ignoring the blood, he pushed the door open and walked up to the counter. A slightly older woman than the man, probably 25 years old, saw him walk in and immediately put her hands on her wide hips. Her long brown hair ran down her head and rested on her breasts. The slight bulge on her stomach, showing that she was pregnant, was her "proudest accomplishment" she would boast.
"Jake Griffs. What are you doing coming back so late on New Year's Eve? And so bloody! Come over here. Let me take a look at you."
Her maternal instincts took over her anger at him and she immediately dragged him over to a chair. A man with dark chocolate skin walked out, and with a smile as wide as can be on his face said, "Jake, my man! How many did you take down?"
The woman, who was looking at the cut on Jake's head, turned her terminator targeting vision onto him, barrels ready to fire as she gave him the hardest resting bitch face ever.
She then proceeded to fire at him for the next 10 minutes about how she was so against fighting and how he is such a bad influence on Jake. She even went on to say how he will be the downfall of their kid.
Jake looked at them and for the first time today, smiled. Their names were Abigail and Cade. They got married to one another two years ago and kinda took him in and watched out for him because he saved them on the streets from a mugging.
Jake wasn't your typical street urchin. No. He wasn't mugged for money. He likes to find gangs that are mugging or causing problems and stop them. He has a reputation that has spread throughout the city that if you see Jake Griffs and you are in a gang, you run away from him as fast as possible. Especially if he shows up already covered in blood.
Jake leaned back and looked at the clock. It showed that there were three minutes to midnight. Jake looked up at the sky out the window of the cafe and thought about his life so far. He was orphaned at a young age and has lived on the streets most of his life. He has seen the absolute worst society has and very little of the good until he met Abigail and Cade. Cade became like an older brother to the 19 year old Jake while Abigail was like both of their mothers.
He chuckled thinking about how she would scold both of them like she was doing now. She eventually left Cade alone to get some gauze and alcohol for his cuts and Cade walked over to him. He sat down next to Jake and they both took a deep breath and let it out. Cade looked off into the night sky and said out loud, "I hope that 2019 is better. For everyone."
With that wish, the clock hit twelve and the world changed for everyone.
An automated voice sounded in Jake and everyone's head.
[ Welcome. I am the SuperHero Assistant God System. Or SHAGS. I was sent and created by a god and my sole purpose I am here is to do as he planned. His message to you all will be played next.... ]